Voices from Russia

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

22 May 2012. Notre Dame Panders to Loony Rightwing Catholic Fringe by Filing Suit Against Obama Healthcare Plan

Don’t be fooled by the “bait n’ switch” in this one… they’re making noise in the hope that you’ll ignore the sexual abuse crisis amongst some of their clergy…


Read this. Observe this howler:

In its suit, the school says that the healthcare reform’s contraception mandate violates its religious freedom, and would require it to go against Catholic principles by offering contraception and sterilization to students and faculty in its insurance plan. The university serves 11,500 students of different religious faiths, and is traditionally led by a Catholic priest as president.


Earth to Notre Dame! Your religious freedom wasn’t abridged in the least. If you wish to teach that artificial contraception‘s evil… well, go ahead, no one’s stopping you. However, the state CAN step in and demand that you offer coverage for artificial contraception, as you have staff members, faculty, employees, and students who aren’t Catholic. Repeat… you have people on your campus covered by your healthcare plan who aren’t Catholic. You can’t use the coercive power of the state to force Catholics to follow Catholic “teachings”, let alone to use it to ram such tenets down the throats of non-Catholics. That’s not only evil, its blasphemous, offensive, and improper. The Lord Christ wouldn’t have used such methods, so, we shouldn’t, either.

You hear a lot of rightwingOrthodox” echoing the rubbish spouted by rightwing Catholics. Firstly, our moral theology and that of the papists’, although similar, isn’t identical. We do NOT teach that artificial contraception’s evil, only a few unrepresentative oddbods like Patrick Reardon teach such arrant nonsense. Secondly, the idea that the Catholics and we have an “alliance” is a specious error spread abroad by Hilarion Alfeyev (he’s not the “Blunder” for nothing). The konvertsy are all in awe of him… which shows how shallow and superficial they are. The Blunder has “gee-shucks” good looks, he’s photogenic, and his fruity Oxbridge accent fools the lot of ‘em.

In short, we don’t have common cause with the RCs on this one… no matter how much Potapov and Paffhausen will caterwaul otherwise. In any case, the RCs are trying to divert attention from their sexual abuse scandals… as are some of our people… could I mention a case in Canada? Or, is that mean-spirited?

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Albany NY

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