Voices from Russia

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Turdchinov Predicts Junta Aggression Will be Over by October… We’ve Heard This Song Before, Kids… It’s the “Same Old Song”… But Where are the Four Tops?

00 the flower of the ukrainian nation. 24.08.14


00 The Fascists Haven't Changed! 24.08.14



Read this… this Khokhol expects us to take him seriously…



On Sunday, Aleksandr Turchinov, the so-called Speaker of the Verkhovnaya Rada under the illegitimatist junta, said that the junta plans to end its “military operation” in Novorossiya by October, citing the need to hold an early parliamentary election. In an interview on Kanal 5, he said, “I hope this [operation] zone will be cleared or reduced to a minimum by October”. On 24 July, Turchinov announced that they’d officially dissolved the coalition formed after the putsch in February. It had 262 People’s Deputies from Timoshenko’s Fatherland Front, Klichko’s UDAR, the Svoboda neofascists, and several other minor groups. UDAR and Svoboda initiated the move to allow new junta strongman P A Poroshenko to dissolve the “dysfunctional” parliament and announce early elections. Turchinov said that the junta might redraw election districts in Novorossiya so that election committees would be in “safer locations” {that is, in the minority of territory held by junta terrorists: editor}. He claimed this could allow for a more transparent vote {no, it makes it easier for oligarch bully boys to steal the election, as they did in the one that “elected” Poroshenko: editor}. However, he added that the Rada might fail to fill some 20 seats as a result.

24 August 2014

Rossiya Segodnya



Today, the opolchenie have large junta forces surrounded (here). No… it won’t be over by October. The junta predicted that it’d be over by the end of July… then, it predicted that it’d end by today… neither deadline saw fruition, kids. The army melts away, there’s no hot water, there’s adulterated bread in the shops, the gas supplies are dwindling with no replacements, the economy’s in the shitter as it’s oriented to the Russian market… if the junta doesn’t withdraw from all of Novorossiya NOW, it may not see October.

The stinking Galician Uniate hillbillies have run rampant for 23 years. It’s time for that to end. The Ukraine is a part of Holy Rus, that’s that, and if the Galicians don’t like it, they can go back under Poland. By the way, the opolchenie captured warehouses full of loot stolen by the so-called “National Guard” from the ordinary folks of Novorossiya… they’re no damned good as soldiers, but they’re apparently very good thieves! Trust me, anyone caught by patriot forces spouting the cornpone Galician dialect will get a bayonet up their ass sideways… if they’re lucky. The Galician Uniates have sown hate and discord for 23 years… it’s coming home to roost. I’m not cheerleading it… I’m describing it. Thanks to Galician Uniate “Consciousness”, the economy is in tatters, the jewel that was the Soviet Ukraine is now a basket-case, and Uniates prance about in Cossack garb (no Cossack would abide Uniates… Poles could live, but Uniates got the drop, every time). The bill for such evil is due.

The so-called “Ukraine” is dead… and the world is better off for it… however, it’ll take a while to expire… the bloodletting isn’t over…


24 August 2014. Video. The People of Donetsk “Celebrated” Ukrainian Independence Day… See How They Did It!

00 Blessing the Patriots in Donetsk 01. 19.04.014




Well, it doesn’t look like the junta’s gonna take Donetsk any time soon (or any time later, either). Poroshenko boasted that he’d be in Donetsk TODAY! Before that, he boasted that he’d be there by the end of July. I’d notice that he can’t beat the good workin’ folk of Donetsk! He’s the usual crapitalist liar… he’s just like all the shits in the American rightwing punditocracy. Why do American working people attend to lying POS scum like Limbaugh, Palin, Hannity, Coulter, Dreher, and O’Reilly? They advocate policies identical to the evil policies of the Ukrainian junta… they want to slash Social Security and all other social programmes so that the country club set can have more parties and hire more wetback servants… Joe Six-Packs listen to that shit (mostly because of implied racist message, “You’re better than the niggers are”). The Ukrainian Uniate fascists push a similar racist agenda (“The Ukraine for Ukrainians only”… a US “Ukrainian Orthodox” priest actually said that to a reporter with no shame), and have a similarly-clueless and ignorant audience.

Well, the real people are winning in the Ukraine. I confide that the real people will win in the USA, too… racist hate and calls to hurt oneself never work in the end. The workin’ folks of Novorossiya are standin’ tall! Note well that the Russian Orthodox Church supports the ordinary folks (HH IS  a socialist) and that the Uniates and “Ukrainian Orthodox” support the racist oligarch oppressors (note well that the Republican Party supports them). It gives you a hint as to where to stand, yourself…

Our Lord Christ hung on the cross because he pissed off the powers-that-be… Novorossiya is on the cross for the same reason. Get your mind right and get with the programme…


DNR Opolchenie on Offensive Towards Sea of Azov… LNR Opolchenie on the Move as Well… Uniate Junta Pigs on the Run

00 Novorossiya. BMP. 16.08.14


On Saturday, Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) opolchenie reported that they were on the offensive, fighting their way to the Sea of Azov in the country’s south. A opolchenie source told us that their forces were pounding junta armed bands near Novoazovsk, a port in the DNR illegally occupied by the junta. If the opolchenie wins, the DNR will gain access to the Sea of Azov, a northern extension of the Black Sea, which would also force junta bands away from the Russian border. Earlier reports said that heavy fighting near the Novoazovsk border crossing prompted Russian border guards to pull away from the border zone over security concerns. Running street battles are also continuing in a town of Ilovaisk, an important railway hub in the DNR region; a local opolchenie commander told us, “Half of the town is de facto controlled by us, and the other half by them [the junta], but we’re driving them out-of-town”. Junta bands are on the outskirts, and they’re shelling the town. On Wednesday, the junta boasted that it captured Ilovaisk, but their “soldiers” couldn’t consolidate a grip on the town and the opolchenie kicked most of them out.

23 August 2014


On Sunday, Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) opolchenie kicked off an offensive against Severodonetsk and Debaltseve. Severodonetsk is in the northwest LNR, the opolchenie withdrew from it in July. Debaltseve is in the eastern DNR, bordering the LNR. In its advance to Debaltseve, the opolchenie wiped out a junta irregular band with a MICV, a howitzer, and three other armoured vehicles. They also seized two junta strongpoints near Beloye, as well as two T-72 tanks.

24 August 2014

Rossiya Segodnya



Kiev screams about its “mobilisation”. Firstly, most men are NOT responding. No one wants to die to secure the positions of Yuliya, her running dog Rabbit, or the apostate Turdchinov (let alone the grasping Shylock Kolomoisky or the Magyar bandit Balogh). Secondly, there are no units to draft the men into… after the putsch, the plotters disbanded the reserve headquarters that existed, as they felt the officers weren’t politically reliable. What the junta did was to raise “territorial defence battalions” under incompetent Galician Uniate fascists (along with Euromaidantsy commissars who have orders to shoot to kill). These units are militarily useless; at best, one can use them to secure LOCs and occupy rear areas, they aren’t suitable for frontal use, but they use them for such duties, suffering disproportionately high casualties in the process. In short, the junta has only a few trained and competent troops left. It’s down to its last reserves. All of Rabbit’s horses and all of Turdchinov’s men couldn’t put Ukraina back together again. The Ukraine is thoroughly dead (where is the Munchkin Coroner when we need him?)…


24 August 2014. Video from Novorossiya… LOOK AT IT! It’s Only a Minute of Your Time…

00 donetsk massacre site. reuters. 01.06.14



Look at your kids sleeping peacefully… look at your home, snug and sound… look at your full store-cupboard and fridge… due to the war of aggression brought by the junta, sponsored by the oligarchs, blessed by the Uniate hierarchy, and approved by the Svoboda fascist filth, the people of Novorossiya don’t have that. They live in fear because the USA wanted to depose V F Yanukovich, as Viktor Fyodorovich wouldn’t sell out his country to be raped by soulless American Corporate banksters (but who have the full support of the US Republican Party, dontcha know!). The baba in the vid asked, “Who wanted this?”… Well, the Washington Times and Fox News wanted this… John McCain, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin wanted this…the Republican Party wanted this (as their “Russian Aggression Protection Act” shows to all, including the slow learners)… the CIA (including its long-time loyal house niggers Potapov and Webster) wanted this. If you’re an Orthodox Christian in the diaspora, and you still support the Republican Party, you’re not only a damned fool, you blindly support the Sworn Enemies of Christ’s Church! That tells you much about those who link to Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, doesn’t it? It tells you much about Justin Amash, Darrell Issa, and Gus Bilirakis… they still support those who support the assault on Holy Rus! TRAITORS!

Stand AGAINST those who support the junta pigs and their evil war… the fate of your immortal soul does depend on it!


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