Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

29 October 2014. A Point to Ponder… Authenticity is Where You Find It… As is Phoniness, Too

03a Labour Day


I worked eight years of my life, day and night, with working men. I found myself sharing their table… I know very well what I’m talking about when I speak of working-class people, and I love them.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Authenticity and phoniness are where you find them… one doesn’t need a “guide” to separate the sheep from the goats. Many of us have instincts that guide us without conscious thought. For instance, the above quote shows that Saint-Exupéry loved and respected working-class people, even though he came from the aristocracy. A friend once said to me, “Many saints were peasants, many saints were aristos, but very few were merchants and middle-class”. The so-called “middle class” is often “success-oriented”, which means that they miss out the meaning of most real things. Compare Saint-Exupéry to charlatans such as Sarah Palin, Rod Dreher, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter. Saint-Exupéry’s genuineness draws you to him; he’s an exemplar of “class”… the phoniness of the second lot repels most normal people; they’re paragons of “crass”. Sinful greed DOES seep out of their pores and they don’t care to hide it, either.

God gave you healthy instincts… use them. Don’t vote Republican on 4 November.


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