Voices from Russia

Sunday, 6 April 2014

KPRF Candidate Wins Mayoral Election in Novosibirsk

00 Anatoly Lokot. Novosibirsk. Russia. 06.04.14


Early returns from the Novosibirsk Mayoral election tallied almost 100 percent of the votes cast. KPRF candidate Anatoly Lokot won the election. Gorizbirkom processed the data, with 99.5 percent of polling stations reporting in. Lokot gathered 43.76 percent of the vote. His main competitor was Vladimir Znatkov of United Russia, who got 39.56 percent of the ballots cast. None of the other nine candidates seriously competed with the leaders. Third place went to Vladimir Anisimov from “Cities of Russia” (3.25 percent). One of the taildraggers was rocker Sergei “Pauk” (“Spider”) Troitsky . Interfax reported that he took the second-to-last position with 1.07 percent of the vote. Gorizbirkom will announce the final voting results Monday at a meeting set for 12.00 MSK (15.00 local time. 18.00 AEST. 09.00 BST. 04.00 EDT. 01.00 PDT). However, the figures are unlikely to change much. The special mayoral election for 6 April was to finish the term of former Mayor Vladimir Gorodetsky, who left office to become Vice-Governor of Novosibirsk Oblast. Voting had a fairly low turnout… 31.3 percent, but there were no disturbances to report.


Novosibirsk is the largest city in Siberia. In short, this isn’t a minor win. Bet on “red”…


7 April 2014



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Monday, 2 September 2013

2 September 2013. This is Russia, Too… Lab in Akademgorodok… High Tech Buzzing and Alive

00 Akademgorodok. Novosibirsk. 02.09.13


We saw a blacksmith in the last post. Well, Russia buzzes with technology, too. This is a lab in Akademgorodok (Science Town), near Novosibirsk in Siberia. the above image shows tangled webs of colourful wires, mazes of complex structures, joints, machines, and tools at a lab at the RAN Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. Russia looks to the future as well as preserving its past.



Saturday, 23 February 2013

Suspected Thief in Siberia Shoots at Cop, Hits Self

00d Russian donut shop in Murino

Perspirin’ minds wanna know… did the coppers get to finish their coffee and doughnuts before chasing the plug-uglies?


Sometimes it’s best to just stick them up… a suspected thief in western Siberia may have drawn such a lesson after hitting himself with a bullet he intended for a policeman in the process of arresting him. On Saturday, Novosibirsk Oblast cops said that the unnamed man was part of an alleged criminal duo that ran a scam of renting private apartments and, then, robbing them. The criminals picked the dwellings clean of furniture and any other valuables, including, in one case, a bathtub. However, according to an undated police report, eventually, the cops nicked one of them and he led the police to his partner’s apartment in Novosibirsk. Even so, the other suspect didn’t give up; he hid in a narrow compartment that he’d fashioned behind a linen cupboard… nevertheless, the cops found him. Then, the perp began firing an air revolver at police, but his two shots missed, and the second bullet ricocheted and hit the attacker in the head. At this point, he threw down the weapon and allowed the cops to arrest him. The police report states that the shooter is in hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, and a police investigation that could lead to formal charges is pending.

22 February 2012



Friday, 14 December 2012

Elephants Stranded in Siberia Saved by Vodka

00 cartoon elephant. 14.12.12


What do you do if you’re stuck with two elephants on a Siberian highway, your elephant-transporting truck is burning, and the pachyderms are freezing in -40 degrees weather {-40 degrees Fahrenheit… the only place where the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales coincide: editor}? The correct answer is that you make them jog and give them vodka. A local official said that the problems started when the two Indian elephants, owed by a travelling Polish circus, were enroute from Novokuznetsk to Omsk in Novosibirsk Oblast late Thursday. The hay in the truck caught fire from the diesel generator heating the cargo section, where the elephants were. The truck had to be stopped and the elephants promptly released. They escaped the fire unharmed, but were left stranded on a Siberian highway in winter.

The handler made the animals jog so that they didn’t freeze. Meanwhile, the local authorities were alerted, and the animals moved into a heated garage nearby. As an added precaution, the elephants were served two cases of vodka mixed with warm water. The official told RIA-Novosti, “They roared like it was the jungle… they must’ve been happy”. A spokeswoman for the Omsk city circus said that the animals only suffered minor frostbite to their legs and tips of their ears, nothing that’d disrupt their performance schedule. Their handler was admitted to hospital, also with frostbite.

14 December 2012




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