Voices from Russia

Monday, 4 October 2010

One Nation Working Together… One Nation Voting Together… Equals Democracy, NOT the Tea Party!

Filed under: politics,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00

Editor’s Foreword:

I noticed that the “One Nation Working Together” rally in DC got less press coverage than the Palin-Beck Dixie Fry, even though it attracted a larger (and more mixed) audience. Can you say “Ministry of Truth” (or, in Newspeak, Minitru)? I believe that if the majority of people turn out for the election, we can defeat the Tea Party… they shall win in some smaller and more nativist venues, of course. However, we’ll be able to hold ’em… if we don’t, we’ll have suffering like this country hasn’t seen since the Great Depression of the ’30s. After all, the Tea Party is “of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich”… any questions?

Here’s some more of those reworked posters that have touched a positive chord with so many of you… get psyched, get registered, get others to do the same… the Tea Party boobs are gonna vote, so, we gotta too!

We CAN beat ’em in November… but only if you get out there and VOTE!




Ordinary guys from all over America are fighting the wars to enrich the oligarchs… the oligarch’s sons are safe… there’s no draft, after all, and, “Only the little people die for their country”.


After all, cannon fodder can’t be illiterate these days…


Only the ordinary Joes go to the front… the affluent effluent have a career path to nurture, after all.


Yes… there’s wasted money… but it’s not as important as the wasted lives…











Don’t complain you bastards… suck up the “givebacks” or we’ll send your jobs to Mexico and Indonesia…


That’s right… pay up so the rich won’t have to!




Don’t forget the secret CIA torture facilities in the Baltics, the Ukraine, and Romania… if the GOP approved of torturing foreigners, they approve of torturing Americans. Do vote accordingly…


They love their kids as much as we love ours… the US bombs civilians without any pity or mercy… they’re only wog “terrorists” after all. What have we become? How low have we sunk?



Don’t vote for the union-busting Tea Party… they want to turn the clock back to 1933… no Social Security, no Medicare, no OSHA, no nothing for the working people… remember, the rich have country club dues to pay…


This is what the Tea Party stands for… everything for the rich… nothing for you. You CAN vote against them… DO SO.


Register… then, get out there and vote! This is an important election… do your part and the Tea Party will be nothing but a bad memory by December… your most powerful weapon is your vote! It’s more powerful than any terrorist’s bomb or gun!


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