Voices from Russia

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

4 September 2012. WOO-HOO! Vladyki Nicholas Pissaris of the GOAA to Give Invocation at Democratic National Convention in Charlotte Today… There IS a God in Heaven!

Metropolitan Nicholas Pissaris of Detroit (1953- ) (GOAA)… a real stand-up guy… he’s fighting the greedsters and warmongers.


Look at this, it’s the schedule for the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte NC later today:

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Americans Coming Together

Time shown as local (Charlotte NC, EDT)

17.00-18.00 (Local)

Call to Order

The Honourable Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Chair of the Democratic National Committee
Member of the US House of Representatives (FL District 20)


His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas Pissaris
Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Detroit

Presentation of the Colours

Disabled American Veterans, Stanly County Chapter 12 Honour Guard

Pledge of Allegiance

3rd Grade Class, W.R. O’Dell Elementary School
Concord NC

National Anthem

Amber Riley
Singer/songwriter and Glee actress


Stephen J Kerrigan
Chief Executive Officer of the Democratic National Convention Committee



Get a load of that! That means that all the rightwing rubbish spewed forth by Freddie M-G, Rod Dreher, Terrence Mattingly, Patrick Reardon, Jonas Paffhausen, Matthias Moriak, and Michael Dahulich stands exposed as pure BS. Vladyki Nicholas puts them on the run simply by showing up and praying to Almighty God. The Democrats aren’t perfect, but they have fewer “sins” on their plate than the Republicans do. In particular, they don’t want the nasty, heartless, greedy world ruled by filthy lucre and naked force that the New GOP favours. All of the people I named at the head of this paragraph are comfortable with the warmongering, greed, and cupidity of the current Republican Party. I am NOT… neither is Vladyki Nicholas, who obviously got a blessing from Archbishop Dimitrios Trakatellis to do this. God bless the GOAA… they’re not bowing down in front of the idols of Moloch and Ayn Rand as the konvertsy are. The Greeks are right in this… kudos for standing tall, guys!

It’s going to happen between 17.00 and 18.00 EDT (14-15.00 PDT 22-23.00 MSK 19-20.00 UTC 04-05.00 5 September EADT). Catch it on TV. There is a God in heaven…

By the way, there’s no news of this posted on oca.org… an Orthodox bishop giving the invocation at one of the major political party’s conventions is MAJOR news. Methinks that there are rightwing scummers (especially, amongst the konvertsy) who don’t like this news… well, it’s for real, and they can all go and “get rooted” as they say in Oz

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Albany NY

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