Voices from Russia

Monday, 6 May 2013

6 May 2013. A Picture of the Nefarious DPRK… Watch Out for the Kid with the Balloon!

00 DPRK. Korea. Pyongyang Metro. 06.05.13


This is a family on the Pyongyang Metro… the image was taken by Russian tourists. It sure doesn’t look like the shit peddled by Washington, Langley, the Washington Times, and Fox News… what’s the kid gonna do? Hide a bomb in the balloon? Let’s keep it simple… the leadership of the DPRK noticed that the Americans leave people with “the bomb” alone. Ergo, they built some bombs. Look, the DPRK doesn’t have the industrial or financial oomph to build more than a few weapons. However, that’s all that they need. The Americans don’t want a nuke coming down on one of their bases in Japan or the ROK… and there’s no practical defence against modern MRBMs.

America is doing its best to demonise the DPRK. It’s not getting ready to go to war… however, can we say the same of Washington? After all, the corporate oligarchy’s failing, and wars in foreign parts are a classic dodge of clueless ruling classes. It’s a dangerous time… on the banks of the Potomac, not the Korean peninsula. Jim de Mint, one of the most feral of the American Right, recently resigned his Senate seat, commenting that the GOP couldn’t count on “angry white men” for much longer. That means that the Right’s in the deep kimchi… that’s dangerous. They won’t shuffle off quietly into the dark night. They’re the rouges, not the DPRK… God do help us.


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