Voices from Russia

Saturday, 4 October 2014

4 October 2014. Sergei Korsun. Geopolitics 101… Or, the More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same!

00 Sergei Korsun. Geopolitics 101. 2008


This cartoon dates from 2008… it could’ve been drawn yesterday! However, Russia is stronger now, and the alliance with China grows tighter by the day (the USA can’t keep its big mouth shut about Hong Kong… the Chinese ARE going to win, the Americans can do nothing of it). The West has lost, but it hasn’t realised it yet… especially, the neocon perverts. Their clients in the Ukraine fucked up royally… do note that the neocons don’t protest the atrocities and war crimes in Novorossiya one little bit… just as they overlooked Croat war crimes… just as they overlooked Bosnian war crimes… just as they overlooked Kosovar war crimes… just as they overlooked Islamist war crimes in Syria… just as they overlooked war crimes in Libya. I see a pattern here. The neocons have blood dripping from their hands and they cackle maniacally.

The neocons are evil to the bone and those who support them drink deeply of that evil. That’s the long and the short of it all…


Wednesday, 24 September 2014

24 September 2014. Sergei Korsun. I Got This Bitch on the Cheap!

00 Sergei Korsun. I got this bitch cheap. 2014


In Russian colloquial usage, сука (suka: bitch) has a somewhat different meaning than it does in American slang usage. Like the Commonwealth usage of “cunt”, it applies to men, too! That is, it doesn’t just apply to noisome females… a suka in Russian is more like the English “son of a bitch” or “scumbag” (making it a synonym/cognate of the Commonwealth “cunt”). For instance, after the VOV, there were the Suka Wars (Bitch Wars) in the labour camps, where the vori (“thieves in law”) squared off against the suki (criminals who’d served in the forces during the VOV). It was so bad that the camps had to segregate the suki from the vori. If you call a man a suka, you insult him mightily… them be fightin’ words, chum.

It’s clear what the cartoonist’s intent is… in his eyes, the Ukraine is only a scumbag hireling of the USA, one which the Americans themselves hold in contempt. “I got this bitch on the cheap!” Even the Americans don’t believe that the Ukraine can do Russia lasting (or even momentary) harm. The Americans don’t care if the Ukraine lives or dies… it’s momentarily useful, and that’s that. It’s a scathing comment on the Anglo American mentality… I tend to agree, and I’m NOT alone…


Tuesday, 23 September 2014

23 September 2014. Sergei Korsun. Those Who Sow the Wind… Will Reap the Whirlwind!

00 Sergei Korsun. Those who reap the wind will reap the whirlwind. 2014


I’ve heard of “the shit hitting the fan”… but this requires no words… truly…


Friday, 15 August 2014

15 August 2014. Politics Through a Cartoonist’s Eyes… Sergei Korsun on the Ukrainian Crisis

00 Sergei Korsun. China and India. 14.08.14

China and India give Russia a “high five” for coldcocking the Galician Uniate fascists… the USA rages, but can do nothing


00 Sergei Korsun. Crimea Comes Home. 14.08.14

Crimea comes home to Russia, pissing off the pro-American junta in Kiev and their fascist bully boys


00 Sergei Korsun. Salo as the Bait. 14.08.14

The junta uses promises of prosperity to fool ordinary people in the Ukraine… that’s salo (smoked pork fatback) under the UPA helmet… an archetypical and stereotypical Ukrainian food


00 Sergei Korsun. The USA's Ganbit. 14.08.14

The USA is behind the present Civil War… Radio Liberty, NPR, and Fox News are the biggest culprits… if you listen to ANY of them, you’re a goddamned fool and I say such to your face


Again… I needn’t add anything… the pictures DO tell a story…


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