Voices from Russia

Saturday, 19 January 2013

19 January 2013. The “One Thing Needful” in Secular Terms

01 afghan girl wounded

Here’s the “gift” of the American oligarchs and their rightwing lickspittles to the world… we truly can’t tolerate much more of this, can we?


All committed leftists have to unite to support the coming Eurasian Union. No… it isn’t perfect. No… it won’t be completely socialistic. However, it’s the best thing going to stop Corporate America in its tracks. That’s the first and most pressing priority for all real leftists. Just as the world united to stop Hitler, the world must unite to stop the American greedsters. It’s happening… China and Russia have stopped American aggression in Iran and Syria, and Cuba survives, free of Yankee dollar imperialism.

In Russia, a good part of the Soviet legacy still exists. After all, the Russian Army reveres the Red Flag of Victory, doesn’t it? VVP DID restore the Sov anthem and he’s never badmouthed the Great Victory or the achievements of the USSR in science and culture. He’s a transitional figure, albeit a powerful one. A new Eurasian state is a-borning… it’ll be the USSR in all but name. That’s worth encouraging. Remember what Ilyich said about the NEP, “We’re taking one step back to take two steps forward”. It’s the same now. Winning imaginary “victories” will get us nowhere. We need to operate in the real world… we should comport ourselves accordingly.

A Note to Orthodox Believers:

If you stand for the Eurasian Union and against American aggression, you stand with HH, Fr Vsevolod Chaplin, Metropolitan Varsonofy Sudakov, Metropolitan Yuvenaly Poyarkov, and many, many more. If you support the American greedsters, you support such mercenary turncoats in the Church as James Paffhausen, Victor Potapov, Rod Dreher, and Alexander Webster (they’ve all sold out to the American rightwing apparat in one way or another in opposition to the Rodina)… they support the oligarchs and their objectively-evil programme. It’s your choice… I’ve chosen, and I don’t think that my choice is opaque to anyone. Choose well…


Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Putin Sez Re-Educating Youth Is Answer to Russia’s Moral Crisis

00 Vladimir Putin. 06.12. judo dojo. kids


On Wednesday, in his state-of-the-nation address in Moscow, President Vladimir Putin said that Russian society lacks the “spiritual braces” to hold it together, and that we should look to education and “traditional values” to change that situation, saying, “It pains me to speak of this… but Russian society today lacks spiritual braces… kindness, sympathy, compassion towards one another, support, and mutual assistance; it lacks those qualities that always made us stronger throughout our long history”.

Putin went on to say that whilst government interference in people’s convictions and views smacks of “totalitarianism” and is “absolutely unacceptable”, the state should focus on strengthening society’s “spiritual-moral foundation” through education and youth policy. He instructed the government to prepare a supplementary educational programme focusing on “vospitanie”… a Russian cultural concept that refers to preparing young people for adulthood, usually through moral upbringing and conferring rules of etiquette, values, and traditions. Putin pointed up that schools are losing out, in terms of impact on young people, to the internet and electronic media, and that we should restore the “unconditional value” of the schools by updating their curricula and by offering a wide range of electives, accessible to all children, regardless of family income.

He also stressed the importance of teaching history and Russian language and emphasised the need to strengthen national identity, in part through connecting “historical epochs into a single whole”. In that vein, Putin proposed creating a memorial to the heroes of World War I and restoring famous tsarist-era military units, including the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky regiments, founded by Pyotr Veliki. Whilst Putin didn’t explicitly refer to religion during the live broadcast on state television, the camera panned to a group of clerics as he spoke of support for “traditional values”. Without elaborating, Putin said, “We must wholly support institutions that are the bearers of traditional values and have historically proven their ability to transmit them from generation to generation”. He also praised grassroots charity activism, which is on the rise in Russia, and promised a separate meeting with volunteers in the unspecified near future.

12 December 2012



Editor’s Note:

There are four towering figures in the history of the Russian stateIvan Grozny, Pyotr Veliki, Vladimir Lenin, and Vladimir Putin. Ivan founded the modern Russian state as we know it. Pyotr set out Russia as a member of the Great Powers. Lenin launched Russia on a course of being at the forefront of the modern world. VVP… even though he’s still in power, he has earned his place in history as the Great Preserver. Gorbachyov was the Great Destroyer… he ripped apart the Soviet state, making the present world of American-fomented permanent warfare possible.

VVP is taking the good from all epochs of Russian history… including the Soviet Union. No future history or ideology in Russia will be able to deny the great achievements and glories of the Soviet state. Indeed, to try to destroy the Soviet legacy is insane… much good came from it, and the present radical rightwing deviation in world history is ending. The grasping oligarchs want MORE… and they don’t care if they crush the rest of us under to do so. It’s most advanced in the USA… since 1981, the country’s been on a radical libertarian course that led directly to the 2007 Great Meltdown.

VVP, on the other hand, is weaving together a New Russian/Eurasian synthesis that’ll replace the present oligarch system in due course. Whatever his personal fate, he has his place in history. He saved Russia from cultural subservience to the USA and the West, and that’s a good thing in itself. Any man who’s remained at the helm of a major power for twelve years is no lightweight, no matter what you might think of him.

The New Synthesis is becoming clearer… a Russia that is:

  • Socialist
  • Religious
  • National-minded

We are on the verge of a New Soviet Union… but it won’t be called that. However, it WILL oppose the greed of Godless America. Yes… America’s godless… it doesn’t follow the Christianity of the Ages, all too many follow a made-up phony pseudo-religion of a tribal deity called Jayzuss who anoints America as the leading country of the world and who hands out “prosperity blessings” (I kid you not, the Evangelicals truly believe such mind-numbing treacly rot).

Reflect on this, some Orthodox here want to ally us with god-denying Evangelicals… that means that America is a hotbed of Sergianism… sucking up to the powers-that-be for personal advancement. I could name them, but I think that you know them. A Russian monk in exile once said, “What started in Russia will finish in America”. That is, godlessness will reach its apogee in the USA… after seeing the antics of Franklin Graham, Grover Norquist, Willard Romney, George W Bush, and the Tea Party, one can see that the good monk was correct. Remember, most Russian communists are believing Orthodox Christians… most American crapitalists are unbelievers (notice their actions, not their words). Do ponder that.


Saturday, 17 November 2012

17 November 2012. Sergei Yolkin’s World. Score One for Darwin

Score One for Darwin

Sergei Yolkin



A rightwing nutter in the RF Gosduma introduced a bill to outlaw Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. It’s going nowhere fast; Putin’s not behind it, neither is HH. It’s like a crackbrained proposal to label Lenin’s works “extremist”… some rightwing ROCOR loons got Metropolitan Hilarion Kapral to sign on to it. He should just quietly back out of it… that’d fix the Vlasovtsy good for such BS, wouldn’t it?

Of course, if socially-close individuals “yawn together”, and the chimp “yawns together” with Darwin, that means that the chimp is related to Darwin, thus, proving the Theory of the Evolution of Species… QED. Another multilayered Yolkin jest…


According to research published in the journal PLoS ONE, “infectious” yawning in chimpanzees and bonobos, like in humans, can depend on how socially close two individuals are to each other.

16 November 2012

Sergei Yolkin



Tuesday, 13 November 2012

13 November 2012. Hilarion Kapral Starts Idiotic Action Against V I Lenin… He’s Capitulated to the Vlasovtsy… God Help Us

How the Calf and the Colt Got the Apples

Nikolai Radlov


From Stories in Pictures


This is the “extremism” of the Soviet period… isn’t Hilarion Kapral a bit out of line? There was much good in the USSR… mixed in with evil… that’s true of all ideologies. You don’t see him labelling the US Republican Party “extremists”… which is why the American people rejected them this year (the Republicans wanted to smash the elderly and snatch healthcare away from people to benefit the rich… nice, ain’t it?)! Get your mind right, Vladyki. Don’t let the advocates of “rugged individualism” (that’s a cover for greed and covetousness) blind you to the NEED for Christian COMMUNAL action (as the above little story so well illustrates). Don’t be suckered into supporting the oligarchs and their ecclesiastical lickspittles like the Blunder.


Read this. This is crackbrained from stem to stern. V I Lenin was many things… but this present action isn’t only quixotic, it’s doomed to utter failure (thank God). Lenin is NOT going to be found an “extremist”…  not now, not ever. This is DUMB… especially, as Russia is starting to move back towards Soviet models. However, its proof to all that Hilarion Kapral has allowed the Vlasovtsy to have undue influence. They were traitors to the rodina in the VOV… they’re traitors to the Orthosphere now (most are supporters of Far Right ideologies that have NO congruence with Christianity). He has an obligation to attack the Godless Right, if he’s going to attack the Left. After all, HH holds many leftist viewpoints, doesn’t he? This is sad… one would think that Vladyki Hilarion would show more good sense than this. God willing, this will go nowhere and Hilarion will learn from it.


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