Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Gallup Poll Results Reveal Estonia as the Most Atheistic Country in the World

Filed under: EU,intellectual,religious,Russian,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00


According to the results of a recent poll conducted by the Gallup organisation, as reported in the Estonian media on Wednesday, Estonia has the largest percentage in the world of secularist citizens, as only 14 percent of Estonians responded positively to the question, “Does religion occupy an important place in your life”. Estonia was followed by Sweden (17 percent), Denmark (18 percent), Norway (20 percent), Czech Republic and Azerbaijan (21 percent), Hong Kong (22 percent), Japan and France (25 percent), and Mongolia and Belarus (27 percent). Among EU countries, the most religious were Italy, Portugal, Poland, Romania, and Greece. The most religious country in the world is Egypt (100 percent), followed by Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (99 percent). In Indonesia, the Congo, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Morocco and the UAE, religious believers account for 98 percent of the population. The USA was in the middle of the list (65 percent). The study was conducted in 143 countries around the world.

11 February 2009

Nikolai Adashkevich



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