Voices from Russia

Friday, 22 August 2008

Russia’s Lebedeva Lands 1 Centimetre Short Of Gold in Beijing

Filed under: China,Olympics,Russian,sport — 01varvara @ 00.00

Tatiana Lebedeva (1976- ), world championship track-and-fielder, Olympic medallist

Russia’s Tatiana Lebedeva leapt to silver in the women’s long jump at the Olympics in Beijing on Friday. Lebedeva, the 2004 Olympic long jump champion and triple jump bronze medalist, managed a jump of 7.03 metres, a mere one centimetre behind gold medal winner Maurren Higa Maggi of Brazil (7.04 meters). The 32-year-old Russian also picked up a silver medal in the triple jump on Sunday. The bronze went to Blessing Okagbare of Nigeria with a jump of 6.91 metres. With two days of Olympic competition left Russia is lying in 4th place on the medal table with 16 gold, 17 silver, and 22 bronze medals, while China is in the lead boasting 46 gold, 15 silver, and 24 bronze medals.

22 August 2008



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