Voices from Russia

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Patriarch Kirill Urged Russians to Learn from the Spiritual Experience of the Shaolin Monks

00 Shaolin Temple. Martial arts. 05.09.13


The patriarchal press service announced that Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev of Moscow and all the Russias discussed with Buddhist Abbot Shi Yongxin, Rector of the Shaolin Monastery, issues of inter-religious cooperation. A delegation of Chinese monks arrived in Moscow to participate in the Spasskaya Tower International Military Music Festival. His Holiness observed, “Great martial arts originated within the brotherhood of your monastery, a most wonderful illustration of the concept that human strength depends on the strength of the spirit”. Patriarch Kirill pointed up that the most-well-armed and the richest side doesn’t necessarily win a war, rather, those who’re capable of a podvig win them, that is, those who’re spiritually strong. He lamented that modern civilisation has “as one of its idols, the idea of comfort”, saying that comfort enervates a person, it makes one weaker. Vladyki Kirill believed, rather, spiritual growth occurs in those who’re able to bridle their appetites, expressing his deep conviction that “the 21st Century, which looks for ever more comfort, should focus on spiritual education, that is, we should accompany material progress with an internal and spiritual progress of humanity”. In turn, Abbot Shi Yongxin spoke on the way of life of the Shaolin Temple.

5 September 2013



Editor’s Note:

Read this:

The most-well-armed and the richest side doesn’t necessarily win a war, rather, those who’re capable of a podvig win them, that is, those who’re spiritually strong.

And this:

Modern civilisation has “as one of its idols, the idea of comfort”, saying that comfort enervates a person, it makes one weaker. Vladyki Kirill believed, rather, spiritual growth occurs in those who’re able to bridle their appetites, expressing his deep conviction that “the 21st Century, which looks for ever more comfort, should focus on spiritual education, that is, we should accompany material progress with an internal and spiritual progress of humanity”.

With these, HH rebuked the USA and its hubristical drive for hegemony. Elements in the American ruling class hold the rest of the world (and, indeed, most of the American population) in contempt. I think that they’re in for a rude awakening…



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