Voices from Russia

Thursday, 18 October 2018

18 October 2018. I Wrote This Four Years Ago… It’s Truer Today Than It Was Then

This is from six years ago… and it still has tread, too. Bain Capital loaded up Toys r’ Us with debt and looted the store before it folded. Trump & Co chortle at this and applaud it. Vote against the Republican Party, for your very life depends on it.



With Trump & Co loudly calling for cuts to Social Security to finance giveaways to the deadbeat Affluent Effluent, what I wrote four years ago has more resonance today than it did then. The Republicans hate you and wish to rape you for the benefit of their rich paymasters. The Democrats hate you as well, and love the rich just as much, but they’ll leave us with more than what the Repugs would. Ordinary people have no option this year. As bad as the Dems are (and they ARE filthy promoters of neoliberal crapitalism), they’re better than the GOP, who’d leave us with nothing.


With all the chest-beating on the part of the American rightwing… let’s utter a home truth. American cosmonauts have to fly Russian spacecraft to the ISS as the reckless Republican filth wasted the USA’s treasure in useless land wars in Asia that didn’t advance the cause of national defence one iota and on gigantic tax cuts to corporations and to lazy wealthy scummers. That’s a fact, jack…

If you vote for the Republican Party, you vote for anti-patriotism (exporting jobs abroad and nominating cowards who refused to do military service), you vote for anti-life programmes (gutting the social safety net that unwed moms need to raise kids instead of having abortions), and you vote for Might Makes Right (bullying smaller countries and handing the country over to the Country Club Affluent Effluent Set). If you vote against them, you just might have Americans flying American spacecraft again. After all, the money for warmongering and coddling the rich has to come from somewhere…


Vote against the Republican scummers… God will bless you for it (and so will His Holiness… he’s a Red, and don’t you forget it!)…


Ryan “Retires”, Tillotson Resigns, Haley Walks Away, Mattis May Jump Ship… What Do They Know?


Many of the figures in the Trump Administration are walking away from power. This isn’t how politicians normally act. You have to drag them away from power. However, Repugs seem to be abandoning the SS Trump as quickly as they can, before the election débâcle happens. The Affluent Effluent are richer and more powerful than ever. Yet, none of this “trickled down” to the rest of America. Two jobs or working more than 40 hours is the norm to meet the bills. The Republicans spit on us and intend to do us more harm. They’re so arrogant and power-drunk that they chortled that they were going to cut Social Security. That’s a political “third rail”… if you do so, you risk enraging senior cits, who’re a reliable voting bloc, and they DO vote against all those who’d cut their retirement. The stupidity of Trump and his advisors is beyond words.

Do note the desperation of Repugs in the Southern states trying to cut blacks and Latinos from the voting rolls. They forgot something… most of the seniors motivated to vote against them are white, not minorities. I’ve never seen the like in my life (and I hope never to see the like again)… the Republican Party is spitting on the ordinary retired folk who voted for them for years. Their stupidity is monumental and mind-boggling. Donald Trump may go down in the history books as the man who made the Republican Party into a minority party of the Southeast and of Evangelicals… neither group is large enough to guarantee control of Congress or the White House.

What shall it end as? I think that a crippled Trump will hobble on until 2020… even the Repugs don’t want the religious fanatic Pence in the White House. Anything else will be up for grabs…


Tuesday, 9 January 2018

9 January 2018. You Can’t Make Up Shit Like This… Joe Arpaio to Run For Senate in AZ… GOP Definitely Going Crackers

Is the GOP turning into a bizarro clone of Hillsboro Baptist? To allow Joe Arpaio to run in the primary… damn, that makes Hillsboro Baptist look sane by comparison…


Read this. First, we had some people touting Oprah for president… now, we have Trump the Chump himself endorsing Joe Arpaio. Well… the people in Arizona deep-sixed Joe before the Feds went after him. What does this tell you about the Repugs’ chances of holding their control of the Senate? They could very well lose it if they nominate candidates of this calibre. Before they destroy, the gods first make them mad


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