Voices from Russia

Sunday, 11 May 2014

You Needed Proof that it’s EuroSodom? Bearded Drag Queen Wins Eurovision Song Contest

00 The REAL Choice Facing the Ukraine. 30.04.14.jpg

You can have the Eurasian Union… you can have the European Union… which ES is which (European Union, Eurasian Union, and EuroSodom all have the initials “ES” in Russian)? 


Well, if you live long enough, you do see it all. However, that doesn’t mean that one approves of it all… merely, that one sees it all. Read this. I knew that there were definitely odd lots out there, and that all sort of flakiness is afoot, but this is too much. I don’t like in-your-face “gender-benders”… they’re oddbod and beyond the pale. It’s one thing to see a doctor to put things to rights and live a quiet life afterwards, it’s quite another to pull odd stunts like this. It does make V V Putin look good, doesn’t it? He wouldn’t stand for such shit publicly in Russia. If oddbods wanted to do such in private, it wouldn’t bother me, it wouldn’t bother VVP… it wouldn’t be on display to offend the public or to shock kids. However, such stuff in the public eye is degenerate, and none dare call it otherwise. All the troglodytes will come crawling out of their holes now… one reason for only allowing this kind of thing in private clubs (which is the status quo in Moscow, by the way) is that it excites the Neanderthals amongst us, and they’re as much a pain-in-the-ass as the flakes are (perhaps, even worse). Normal people want Conchita Wurst to go away… so do I (being of the normal persuasion myself)… normal people want the nutters to put a sock in it, too. Remember, you can go wrong in denouncing wrong. Be focused, be careful, and never forget the Law of Charity… we’re Christians, that’s what we do.


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