Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

20 June 2012. THIS is What I Honour… NOT Bankers… NOT “Investors”… NOT the Affluent Effluent… Courage… NOT Cupidity




I’ve been dealing with some seriously disordered rightwingers lately. Truly, they believe that “money makes the world go around” and that “one must be hard in this world”, that those of us on the Left are people without honour, character, courage, or even worth (that’s why we should only receive the least amount that they can pay us, in their lights). I’ve come to the conclusion that ONE VOV vet is worth all the Libertarians, Free Marketers, Anti-Unionists, Rugged Individualists, and Money-Grubbers out there. On the one hand, you have real heroes who fought to put down one of the most evil systems that ever existed. On the other, you have people who defend their above-median incomes on the grounds that “they earned it” and the “race goes to the swiftest”. I seem to notice a difference. You can honour selflessness or you can worship Self. You can’t do both. If you agree with or vote for Willard Romney, you bow down before the Twin Gods of the Unbridled Self and Almighty Mammon.

I do not. You DO have a choice.


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