Voices from Russia

Sunday, 7 October 2018

EP Exarch Served Fully-Vested With Uniates


Let’s keep this simple and short. One of Bart’s exarchs in the Ukraine served fully-vested with Uniates. This disgusting action means that Bart is winking at concelebration with papist schismatics. This is against all canons, usages, customs, and traditions of the Church. This by itself is grounds for breaking communion with the EP. However, Moscow is waiting for Bart to announce his false autocephaly. It’s giving him every chance to reconsider, repent, and desist from this action. However, the signs aren’t good. This may portend a schism as profound as the Schism of 1054. The USA is pushing this. How will this play out in the end? No one knows, least of all, me. I’ll say this though… it’ll be a replay of the obnovlentsy (Renovationists). Bart can proclaim a fictive autocephaly, and his minions can even seize the church buildings. That happened in the time of the obnovlentsy, too. The people and clergy simply worshipped outside the church buildings and had nothing to do with Renovationist nonsense. I confide that much the same will happen here. May God protect the real Orthodox Christians of the Ukraine and protect their real shepherd, Metropolitan Onufry Berezovsky of Kiev. The lights are going out, and the Anglo toddlers are mucking with things that they don’t understand in the least. I fear that no good will come of this at all.


Monday, 28 May 2018

28 May 2018. A Point to Ponder From Bishop Lazar Puhalo


Morality is a condition of the heart, not conformity with the law. To become moral, one must undergo a transformation of the inner person into the realisation of Christ’s moral imperatives. Moralism is to demand obedience to laws which may themselves be arbitrary and ideological, often without comprehension or knowledge of reality. Moralism is often subversive and practised with feigned compassion, but with an underlying absolutism which can’t yield when proved wrong or contrary to reality.

You can’t share the faith politically, but only through living examples of compassion and love, and even a willingness to endure persecution and to suffer with no desire for vengeance or earthly recompense. We need to seek to live the faith, not to coerce others to obey its doctrines.

24 May 2018

Vladika Lazar Puhalo


Sunday, 18 February 2018

18 February 2018. It’s Forgiveness Sunday… Lent Starts Tomorrow

Forgiveness Sunday

Sebastyan Likan



Forgive Me!

God Forgives!

Today is Forgiveness Sunday… all Orthodox Christians ask forgiveness of those about them for their offences of the past year.  For us, Lent begins on Clean Monday… then, we’re on the Lenten road to Easter. Lent isn’t an end in itself… it’s a preparation for the Easter Feast of the Resurrection… the central moment of the Church Year, as we Orthodox Christians see it. This year, Easter is on 8 April, my birthday. It’s a double feast for me! To all my friends, “Forgive Me!” for all that I’ve done and not done… may the Good Lord give you a most profitable Lent, leading to a most glorious and joyous Radiant Easter!


Forgiveness Sunday


It’s no surprise, Orthodox Christians are keen on the Rite of Forgiveness and the service that surrounds it… here’s a little more about this observance. It’s the last Sunday before the start of Lent, so the Rite of Forgiveness occurs during Vespers before the cross and the icons of the Saviour and the Most-Holy Birthgiver. By the way, the rite is very evocative. Firstly, the priest asks for forgiveness. He makes a reverence before the holy things and kisses them; then, he asks forgiveness from the clergy and believers. After that, all present ask forgiveness from one another. On this day, we can bring to those near us our sincere repentance for all our voluntary and involuntary sins so that we can remove the heavy stone of guilt from ourselves. Of course, we heartily forgive everybody else. Because of this, God forgives us and this puts us right with Him. The clergy are in dark vestments to remind us that the Great Lent is beginning… the Holy 40 Days of the Fast. Brothers and sisters, may God help you to carry out this podvig*, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of love to our family, and for the sake of the Holy Image which is hidden in us, but which can shine a light to illuminate the souls of others!

  • Podvig: Should NEVER be “Englished”… one of the most powerful words in the Russian language. There are literally no English equivalents strong enough. Podvig has overtones of “epic”, “heroic”, “bravery”, “self-sacrifice”, “victory”, “effort”, and “triumph”. It’s best to leave it as is, and admit that English lacks the necessary material to give meaning to this word.

Marfa-Mariinskoe House of Mercy

18 February 2018

Youth Department of the Diocese of the City of Moscow


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