Voices from Russia

Monday, 13 July 2015

13 July 2015. A Look Over the Fence… The Heart Sutra

00 Yuri Biryukov. Silence and meditation. Sikkim, India. The Heart Sutra. 12.07.15


Ani Choying Drolma sings the Heart Sūtra


Ani Choying Drolma sings the Great Compassion Mantra


Buddhism is one of the Big Three Traditional Religions in Russia (the other two are Orthodox Christianity and Islam). Judaism and the Evangelical Church (Lutherans, NOT non-Christian American Radical Sectarians) are minor traditional religions, with real Russian Protestants (not American Sectarian wannabes) being acceptable too. Buddhists make up about 1 percent of the Russian population (1.5 million), with about a third of these actively practising to some extent or other. Buddhist friends tell me that the Heart Sūtra is the most popular sūtra amongst believers, more popular than Om mani padme om (“The jewel is in the lotus”) is. I know next-to-nothing about Buddhist theology, so, I can’t comment on that. However, this is part of Russia, too. It’s all ours or none of it’s ours… simple as that…


Sunday, 8 January 2012

8 January 2011. Video. Let’s Celebrate the Svyatki (Holy Days) Between Christmas and Epiphany! The Volynsky Folk choir from the Ukraine

Happy revellers in Byelorussia… the Svyatki live… ENJOY THEM! Pass the jug and SMILE! Make mine Bushmills, if you please…





This last spiritual song’s in honour of St Varvara, my patron saint… I couldn’t resist, could I?


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