Voices from Russia

Friday, 1 June 2018

1 June 2018. Today is World Children’s Day… A Wry View From Vitaly Podvitsky


The International Day for Protection of Children is observed in many countries as Children’s Day on 1 June since 1950. It was established by the Women’s International Democratic Federation at its congress in Moscow on 4 November 1949. In other words, it’s a positive Soviet legacy.


Sunday, 4 February 2018

Science Says People Who Curse A Lot Are Healthy

Filed under: health care/social issues,social life and customs — 01varvara @ 00.00


I grew up with two older sisters who are much older than I am. When I was 6-years-old, my eldest sister was already 16-years-old, which means, there was always some foul language going on around the house. I quickly picked up some not-so-good words when I was super young, so much so that my mom frequently put soap in my mouth (unsure as to what her point was, I still say fuck like it’s going out of style). While many people believe swearing and using cuss-words is inappropriate and in bad taste, it turns out that there are some benefits in having a potty mouth. According to science and some studies, there’s a bunch of reasons that swearing is good for you. Researchers decided that those who swear regularly are more happy, healthy, intelligent, and (of course) honest. One study indicates that during an argument (in any setting), using profanity can lead to higher effectiveness and persuasion. If you’re trying to be seen as passionate and firm in a stance, using swear words can help your agenda.

By swearing, we not only communicate the meaning of a sentence but also our emotional response to the meaning… our emotional reaction to something. It also allows us to express anger, disgust, or pain, or indicate to someone that they need to back off, without having to resort to physical violence.

Along with this, studies show that those who curse have higher levels of integrity and, in turn, can be much more honest people. According to research, those who use profanity tend to lie less, as tested on a lie detector exam. In terms of your mood, researchers also say that letting out a few bad words every now and again can actually release endorphins, like exercising, and can overall improve your mood. There’s nothing like letting out a few F-bombs when you’re having a bad day, right?

If you’re looking how to test your intelligence, knowing bad words can also lead to the indication that you have a better vocabulary than those who don’t know as many bad words. As well, cursing can be a sign of having a higher IQ. In addition, swearing improves your pain tolerance, which is why we all love to scream profanity when we’re injured. Researchers say that cursing can have the same effect on those in pain as a shot of morphine can have… which is wild. Therefore, the next time someone tells you to “watch your mouth” or “language”, be sure to inform them that you’re only looking to better your own life and soul. Also, take pride in the fact that you’re probably happier than they are.

28 January 2018



Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Experts Say FIFA World Cup Will Bolster Russian Beer Market


Data provided by Morgan Stanley showed that the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia this summer would boost beer consumption. It estimated football fans’ impact on beer consumption at 2 percent. As a result, it expects that Russia’s beer market would grow during 2018, for the first time in a decade. The Russian Brewers’ Union confirmed that beer sales in Russia, which declined steadily over the past few years, could indeed grow in 2018. Kirill Bolmatov, Corporate Relations Director at Heineken Russia said:

To begin with, there’s no bad news. The excise duty didn’t rise in 2018, nor were there any new restrictions. Non-alcoholic beer made a substantial contribution, which is the most promising segment now.

According to the Russian Brewers’ Union, despite a decrease in beer consumption, sales of non-alcoholic beer grew by 5.6 percent from January to September 2017. Oraz Durdyev, Legal and Corporate Affairs Director at SUN InBev, a subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch InBev, pointed up:

Football can be of help as well. As a rule, during World Cups, beer consumption in a host country grows by about 5 percent. Largely, this is due to the established consumption culture in Western countries, because beer is always associated with football.

Pavel Filippov, PR manager at Efes Rus said:

In addition to that, the event will be in the summer, which is the peak season for brewers.

11 January 2018



Tuesday, 2 May 2017

A TRULY Conservative Take On International Workers Day

May Day in the Ukraine before the American-fomented Maidan coup d’état… may such days return… and soon!


The greatest achievement of socialism was in resisting morose, nihilistic, and sick western “culture”. Like all political systems formed on an ideological and not a pragmatic basis, Communism had flaws. For example, Liberalism shares many of the same flaws as Communism, in spite of the fact that it sets itself against Communism. Both share an unhealthy fanaticism that’s difficult to oppose successfully. However, on this International Workers Day, I’d like to celebrate the most important achievement of socialism and communism. This achievement happened as much by accident as by design.

Communist and socialist countries were and are generally opposed to the import of American hegemonic pop “culture”. American and broader Western culture in the 20th century became increasingly anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-male, ahistorical, and anti-traditional. Interestingly, in spite of the futurism and atheism implicit in Communism, Communist societies ended up opposing many of the same things that conservatives despise in Western “culture”. For most people living in former communist states, the legacy of former political systems doesn’t manifest itself in people fondly recalling chapters of Das Kapital nor is it about nostalgia over speeches made by Erich Honecker. People tend to look to this era and remember the music of The Aleksandrov Choir, films like Офицеры (Officers), and sweet cartoons like Ну, погоди! (Nu, Pogodi!: Just You Wait!).

Throughout the communist era, particularly in Warsaw Pact countries and in Yugoslavia, there was a general cultural consistency where film, music, and television content was wholesome, historically informed, patriotic, and comforting. Such societies were generous in funding classical orchestras. Performances of both traditional folk, modern, and classical music remained popular and recordings were widely and inexpensively available. Contrast this with the West that at the same time began to increasingly devalue classical music. Likewise, in the West, films became increasingly obscene. By the 1990s, the decade that communism ended in Europe and much of Eurasia, Western pop music, film, and television glorified violence, had a hatred of Christianity, and disseminated sectarianism, whoring, anarchism, and general sickness.

Whilst many think that Liberalism is less left-wing than Communism is, in terms of total cultural output, Communist states produced a culture that was monumentally more conservative than that of the Liberal West. President Putin’s popularity in Russia demonstrated that one could maintain a normal culture and a happy citizenry through maintaining a moderate conservative government. This is exactly what Russia became in the Putin era. Russia still has much work to do to purge itself from garish Western influences, but Russia is broadly heading in the right direction in this respect. In the 1920s and 1930s, many Christians fled the USSR due to religious persecution. However, what has become of the West where many fled to? It now exorcises Christian symbols from the public sphere and both the mainstream and counterculture excoriate Christian values.

Christianity has returned to Russia and the communitarian values of Communism rebounded after the anarchic 1990s.Other post-communist states haven’t been so lucky. A deluge of Western propaganda disguised as “culture” totally swamped many countries in Europe. Indeed, many adopted vulgar American “culture” as a way to enhance their anti-Russian credentials, as such states wrongly equated the Germanic philosophy of Communism with the long history of Russia, which for most of its existence was a conservative Orthodox country, as it’s once again today. For decades, Communism helped these countries resist the Western “cultural” onslaught. In most countries, nothing has replaced this rampart. Russia is an exception that proves the rule. Russia’s rich history and restored superpower status made this exceptional circumstance possible. On this International Workers Day, I long for a time when much of the world that has now gone “West” used to have protection from the social rot of Western Europe and America. In these countries, something much worse has replaced traditional Leninist-Marxism… Cultural Marxism. Many have regrets about this development, but many more remain oblivious. After all, the result of Cultural Marxism is neurosis and oblivion. After all, that’s the point… to conquer and numb simultaneously.

1 May 2017

Adam Garrie

The Duran



American “conservatism” is Liberalism in ten-league boots. It’s Liberal to the core, with no conservatism in it at all. One need only look at phonies like Sean Hannity and Rod Dreher to realise this. I’m a leftie, and I’m more socially conservative than many “conservatives”. The most successful societies merge a communitarian social stance with a love of the traditions of the people and a love of their creativity. The moneygrubbing American “conservatives” have none of that in their makeup; ergo, they’re not conservative at all… they’re nothing but apologists for the One Percent and their Affluent Effluent lackeys. Money is their god… what did Christ say about those who try to serve two masters? It does comment on their “religiosity”, doesn’t it?


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