Voices from Russia

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Statement of the Voronezh KPRF Obkom: Stop the Nazi Pogroms in the Ukraine!

00 Riots in Kiev 02. 06.02.14


Events in the Ukraine become more alarming and dramatic. In some areas, well-organised radicals seize power from local authorities. Supporters of the legitimate government and law enforcement officials are victims of psychological and physical terrorism. The supposedly “peaceful” and “democratic” countries refuse to see the Orange/Brown orientation of the Euromaidan activists in Kiev. So-called “freedom fighters” or simple human rights advocates don’t set the tone there… it’s set by openly fascist and anti-Russian bandits. Amongst the bloody events in the Ukraine, one saw attacks on the KPU headquarters, and harassment of party activists and ordinary party members. In Kiev, vandals trashed the offices of the KPU Central Committee. They looted property and seized documents. They desecrated our banners and smashed other party symbols. The attackers drew their symbol on the walls of the building… the Nazi swastika. In classical Nazi tradition, they had a bonfire in the courtyard of books by Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin. Previously, fascists attacked KPU premises in Simferopol, Sumy, and Chernigov, marking them with Nazi symbols. In a number of cities, Banderovtsy destroyed monuments to Lenin; they desecrated memorials to our victorious Soviet soldiers. What’s happening isn’t just reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s… it’s a tragic repetition of the history of Bandera’s ultra-nationalist criminal gang.

Not by chance, the first targets of these rabid thugs were Communists and symbols of the Soviet era.  Leftist patriots, supporters of justice and friendship amongst peoples, have always been a major threat to any of the bourgeois dictatorships. Spinning off into lawlessness and looting, these Ukrainian heirs of the hateful ideology of Nazism grasp for power. Today, their goal is the KPU, but it’s clear that the impunity these brutalised gangsters enjoy will give them a taste for more violence… it’s clear that in future they won’t hesitate to smash anyone that their “Führer” declares enemies. We must stop the frenzy of these nationalist outlaws immediately! Procrastination may result in massive casualties. Russia’s spineless position played a tragic role in this. Swept away by the allure of the Olympic Games, it didn’t find it necessary to help to the fraternal Ukrainian people, to all Russians living in the Near Abroad. Today, the Russian government and leadership must take a more consistent and tough stance to the “Ukrainian question” or similar events to those happening in the Ukraine will inevitably happen in our country! We should condemn the actions of rightwing nationalist groups at the international level. We must demand an impartial investigation into the activities of their “leaders!”

Communists in Voronezh Oblast appeal to all left-patriotic political and public organisations, all sensible forces of the Voronezh Oblast, and concerned citizens of Russia and other Soviet Republics once unified in the USSR. We need to combine our strength to help our fraternal people; we demand the immediate cessation of political killings and violence. Otherwise, we can have a repeat of the “Euromaidan” in our country! A repeat of the treacherous “ Belavezha Accords coup” could be fatal to the integrity and sovereignty of Russia, so we must prevent it!

The people of Ukraine have the right to build their lives without outside influence, without political and social terror!

Hands off the fraternal Ukrainian people!

Hands off the KPU!

No to fascism! 

26 February 2014


KPRF official website



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Banderovtsy Tortured Lvov KPU Cadre Rostislav Vasilko in Kiev: “They Drove Needles under My Fingernails, Beat Me with Clubs”

00 Rostislav Vasilko. KPU. Communist. 26.02.14

“They all had faces… they all had names”…”Nothing is forgotten…no one is forgotten”


Communist blogger ColonelCassad posted this message from a KPU cadre from Lvov, “Comrades, I’m Rostislav Stepanovich Vasilko, First Secretary of the KPU Gorkom in Lvov; the Banderovtsy beat me up badly in Kiev. They stalk my mom; they put out death threats against my children. They threatened to kill my common-law wife and me. Help me to find political asylum in another country. On 22 February, from 11.00 to 23.00, Euromaidan ruffians tortured me in Mariinsky Park; they drove needles under my fingernails and beat me with clubs and fists. They punctured my right lung; they broke three ribs, my nasal septum, and a facial cyst. They cracked my skull and I have a second-degree concussion. I got bruises all over me. Tomorrow, the doctors will do a spinal tap. I’m in the deep doo-doo! The Banderovtsy cleaned me out! They took my documents, my money, and my cross on a gold chain”. At the end of the post, ColonelCassad challenged his readers to verify his report.

Darya Mitina, one of the leaders of the Left Front, posted, “One of my friends, a communist from Lvov, is now in hospital with a cracked skull, ruptured kidneys, torn nails, punctured right lung, broken ribs, his nose broken in three places. For hours, they beat him in one of the most beautiful parks in Kiev; then, they made sure to threaten his common-law wife, telling her that the same fate awaited her. It’s impossible to get him out of there now, as he’s just out of surgery and he’s still on the mend; besides which, ‘guards’ from the new junta secured the hospital… they patrol all the floors, they dump together Euromaidan activists, anti-Maidan patriots, and ordinary citizens, all in one common batch {that means that the Banderovtsy in hospital would rat out anyone trying to rescue anti-Maidan patriots: editor}. How do we get him out of there? Where do we take him and how do we get him there? It’s a devilish pickle”.

Further on, in the commboxes, she noted that she discussed it with KPRF RF Gosduma deputies… the main question is how to help others who find themselves in the same situation. Mitina observed, “[The Banderovtsy] are already doing it, there’s a whole list of others… unfortunately, he’s not alone in this situation. Specifically, about Rostislav…we have a problem with getting him out of there to safety, the main difficulty is getting him out of the hospital as he’s not on his feet, and there’s a triple cordon of thugs outside the hospital”.

Mark it down that the KPU is going through a very hard time. Earlier this week, media reports appeared about pogroms against KPU Obkoms in the Ukraine. Former KPU Rada People’s Deputies told nakanune.ru that they had to go underground to save themselves. At the same time, Ukrainskaya Pravda has an article on Vasilko’s beating. According to “whistle-blowers”, the modest politician from Lvov was the one who exposed the “peaceful Maidan protestors” for what they really were.

26 February 2014


KPRF official website


Editor’s Note:

If you support the USA and its stooge junta in Kiev, you support evil. The above post proves that. That means that both American political parties support evil (but the Republicans are the more culpable as they support ravening unfettered crapitalism as well as grasping for global hegemony). This means that the Uniates support evil… however, the people are repeating lies fed them by their pro-Vatican clergy, so be careful and be focused. That means that you can’t support the American Ukrainian policy, in any way, shape, or form. For people, it’s a tough call, one best made case-by-case… I don’t advise open rebellion against the American government, as Gitmo and “extraordinary rendition” prove that they’re nasty, pitiless, without scruple, and lawless. Those in the forces can cite that their conscience forbids them to take part in actions against their co-religionists. However, NEVER EVER use language that even implies in the slightest way open rebellion against the American authorities. PRISM showed us what they think of us… it’s not pretty, is it? Take a care; you’re dealing with power-hungry control freaks and self-important self-inflated “important people”. They can’t imprison you for expressing your POV… they CAN imprison you for “advocating the overthrow of the government”… BE CAREFUL… the McCarthy era proved how nasty the American government can be.

For us Orthodox, it’s time to make Potapov take a public stance (he really should renounce his ties to Langley openly). We can’t allow a priest of the Church to be associated with such an evil and theomachistic government agency. He should denounce his earlier service to the American government (that includes his ties with rightwing K Street sorts and the Moonie Washington Times, too)… that isn’t illegal; it’s protected Free Speech (castigating the government and advocating rebellion are two very different things).

We’ve deteriorated badly since 1991… we’re drunk on cheap spiritual vodka. Remember… a hangover ALWAYS follows a toot…


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Thursday, 20 February 2014

The Ukrainian Crisis: The EU Isn’t a Happy Paradise

00 Svoboda anti-Russian poster. 21.12.13

THIS is the sort of hate spread by the oppos… any questions?


German journalist Andrea Seibel wrote in Die Welt, “The Ukraine’s division is fatal for it”. She added that the nationalist Western Ukraine seeks self-determination within the EU, whilst the Eastern Ukraine wants to share paths with Russia. Of course, for Seibel, Russia symbolises everything that isn’t free. So far, the attitude of most European and American media outlets is equally one-sided… the West is good and the East is bad. Yes, indeed, the Ukraine has deep divisions; this fact is visible from the different reactions found in various Ukrainian regions to the tragic events in Kiev. In the Western city of Lvov, so-called activists attacked a military base and blew up a munitions depot. In the eastern cities of Kharkov and Donetsk, the local population thwarted attempts to attack local government offices, as they don’t want nationalist Western Ukrainians ruling over them.

The question is, “Who’s teaching Ukrainians unity?” During the last ten years, the EU has seen divisions such as those not seen since the time of the religious wars in the 16th and 17th centuries. The animosity between Europe’s formerly Protestant North and its formerly Catholic South is visible; it sometimes reaches beyond the limits of decency. In our times, this animosity centres over different countries’ attitude to budget policies and the problems of public debt. Germany, Holland, Finland, and other countries with balanced budgets and good credit ratings happen to be Northern and Protestant; they often indulge in what people now euphemistically call “anti-Mediterranean rhetoric”. For example, Stephan Richter, the editor of The Globalist, said that the first Protestant, Martin Luther, would’ve never agreed to include Italy and Spain in a monetary union. Herr Richter explained his stance by these countries’ Catholic past and their, I quote, “fiscal sins”.

Therefore, even the EU isn’t a happy paradise with no divisions. Nevertheless, Russia and the Ukraine don’t try to play on these divisions. On the contrary, the Ukrainian and Russian élites made efforts for many years to integrate themselves into this European entity. The whole conflict in the Ukraine started with the pretext that Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich was unwilling to go along that road fast enough. Yet, let’s not forget…  Yanukovich didn’t cancel his country’s association agreement with the EU. He just postponed it for financial reasons. Still, this was enough for the EU to declare a propaganda war against him, declaring him Russia’s stooge and a representative of the presumably “unfree” Eastern Ukraine. “Divide and Rule”… this ancient Imperial Roman tactic seems to be in vogue now more than ever. However, Russia and Ukraine abuse this norm much more rarely than some other political entities… on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

20 February 2014

Dmitri Babich

Voice of Russia World Service


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MVDU Halted Train from Lvov Containing Contraband Firearms… Crimea Mulls Secession from the Ukraine

00 Trip-wire pipe bomb. 20.02.14


According to the MVDU, cops stopped a train from Lvov in Kiev. They seized six homemade bombs, firearms, live ammunition, sticks, and shotguns from passengers. The authorities opened a criminal case on the matter. Meanwhile, a member of the Party of Regions, Oleg Tsaryov, just back from a rally of party supporters, told LifeNews that the rebels in downtown Kiev have not only submachineguns and sniper rifles, but also grenade launchers and a machine-gun. According to the latest reports, 28 people have already died in riots in the centre of Kiev. Dozens of others are in hospital, including MVDU personnel.

20 February 2014


On Thursday, Vladimir Konstantinov, the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea (VS ARK), didn’t rule out that the Crimea wouldn’t secede from the conflict-ridden Ukraine if the political crisis spirals further out of control. He said, “It might happen if the country splits. Anyway, the entire situation is heading towards it”.

20 February 2014

Voice of Russia World Service



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