Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

28 December 2011. “Western Rite” Enthusiasts Thin-Skinned


We’re the ones the others aren’t allowed to play with

Kim Larsen


I got an unsolicited nastygram from a one of those “Western Rite” fanatics. Quite frankly, no one takes them quite seriously (and very few, if any, like them), and this communication was typical. Ergo, I checked things out. The vestment maker didn’t get his asking price at all… several sources reported to me that he was quite LOUD in his complaints to anyone who’d listen to him. Then, when someone criticised his pet project, he turned peevish. As I told a friend, “That’s what happens when fanatics are jazzed by their cultmasters. They’ll savage themselves rather than admit that their worshipped cult or cult leader is wrong”. As I told another, “Occidentalis is a minor list serving an outré and oddbod bunch. No one need get fretful over it. I’ve been called worse by better”. The vestment maker DID get stiffed by the original customer, per my information, and he didn’t get his original asking price, per his own admission. Such sycophancy shows the power of the First Families. The “Western Rite” is Hilarion Kapral’s hobby-horse… so, the First Families tolerate it… for now (don’t forget… the ROCOR First Families all loudly supported Vitaly’s nutbag fantasies… until it became inconvenient). On top of that, sober reflection tells one that Jerome Shaw, being a former Episcopalian, really shouldn’t be prancing about in pseudo-Anglican vestments.

The world hasn’t stopped being crank in the last 24… pass me the jug and take a hit, too. The sooner that these vagantes are gone from amongst us, the better off we all shall be…


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