Voices from Russia

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Lavrov: “USA Actually Set Up Alternative Government Bodies in Large Parts of Syria”


On Friday, Minister of Foreign Affairs S V Lavrov said at a UN press conference:

We’ve received contradictory signals in this connection… a couple of days ago, the Americans announced the establishment of border security forces in Syria, and today they said that they were misunderstood as they had no plans to form such forces. However, it’s a fact that the USA actually set up alternative government bodies in large parts of Syria, which is contrary to the obligations in relation to Syria’s territorial integrity they reaffirmed commitment to, particularly at Security Council’s meetings. We’re concerned about that.

US Plans 

On 14 January, US Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve’s Director of Public Affairs Colonel Thomas Veale told us that the USA was training Syrian border security service personnel, which they expect to reach a total strength of around 30,000. Ibrahim Kalin, the Turkish President’s spokesman, said that Washington’s decision to train Kurdish troops to guard the Syrian-Turkish border was unacceptable. Later, The Pentagon said that you couldn’t describe the forces as an army, whilst US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said:

The entire situation was misportrayed, misdescribed. We aren’t creating a border security force at all.

19 January 2018




The Yanks slammed their dick in the door, yet again. They got caught trying to pull a fast one… and a fast one involving Kurds at that. If there was anything that could drive the Turks into embracing Russia, well, this was that. Washington continues to goad the Turks… it keeps sticking a pin in their ass and giving dumbass replies when caught in the act. The Anglos are showing their juvenile arrogance and hubris. Trust me, the Turks will NOT allow any sort of armed Kurdish force on their borders. Foggy Bottom had best admit that Syria is a lost cause and get out of Dodge… if it doesn’t and continues to back the Kurds, well, they WILL lose Turkey as an ally. After all, Turkey doesn’t fear Russia… but it does fear American backing of the Kurds. Stay tuned on this one… it’s far from over, kids…



Lavrov SLAMS Anti-Semitism: “The Most Horrible Crime Against Humanity”

“The Last Jew in Vinnitsa”


Minister of Foreign Affairs S V Lavrov’s speech at the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Holocaust: Annihilation, Liberation and Rescue” didn’t waste words. Lavrov took part in the opening ceremony of a new exhibition about the Holocaust, the great mass-execution drive of over six million Jews and others deemed by Nazi Germany to be “unfit” for life. The speech was extremely succinct, so much so that we post the full translation. We want to provide a further service though, so in the text of the speech, you will see hyperlinked places that offer further explanation of some of the vague charges Mr Lavrov has given. It’s a classic feature of Russian diplomacy to lay the charge out very clearly, while not naming the perpetrator of the charge. This is statesmanship, and properly applied, it should interest the listener or the reader to conduct their own research to find out what the whole story is. The Duran wants to call to attention again the very important fact that Russia brooks no hostility towards the Jewish people, their religion, or their way of life.

Recently an opinion piece by Russia Insider editor Charles Bausman attempted to explain Western media hostility towards Russia as being a “Jewish-based” phenomenon. Of course, this view is highly charged, controversial, and the rebuttal pieces by The Duran’s Dmitri Babich and Alexander Mercouris show that this point of view is far less true than Mr Bausman holds. Given the text of the speech here, it’s apparent that the Russian Federation stands committed to upholding the dignity of humanity everywhere, and of every ethnicity and creed. At The Duran, we consider free speech and expression to be sacred. However, more than that, we consider honest and objective assessment to be the journalistic Holy Grail, and we strive to achieve this. Nevertheless, we believe that we seek to find and report the truth, and most of all, to do it in such a way that allows our readers to think about topics for themselves. What we DO have on our side is the simple fact that the truth always reveals itself to one who seeks it, and our efforts to analyze and describe the amazingly complex field of geopolitics hopefully are tools to reveal the truth, in hopes that we might act in the knowledge of the truth.

Here is the speech in full:

It’s a great honour for me to address the UN headquarters at the opening of the historical and documentary exhibition “The Holocaust: Destruction, Liberation, Salvation”. This exhibition occurs on the eve of the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust, celebrated annually on 27 January. First of all, I’d like to thank the Scientific Educational Centre “Holocaust”, its co-chairman Ilya Altman, and the Russian Jewish Congress for organising this exposition, which contains unique archival documentary evidence of the terrible tragedy of the Holocaust, such as photographs of prisoners of Nazi death camps and their liberators, (which included) the soldiers of the Red Army.

The Holocaust is one of the most horrible crimes against humanity, the manifestation of merciless cruelty and contempt for the value of life. The mass extermination by the Nazis, of Jews, as well as many victims from other ethnic groups, was the result of the implementation of a misanthropic policy of racial superiority. Our sacred duty is not only to honour the memory of the millions of innocent victims but also to do our utmost to avoid the recurrence of such tragedies in future. One can’t but be disturbed by the fact that recently we have seen a creeping resurgence of Nazism. In a number of countries, including those classifying themselves as “paragons of democracy”, we see a systemic course for revision of the historical outcome of the Second World War, including the glorification of the activities of the Hitlerite activities (Nazism) of local collaborationists.

It is especially immoral that a number of the EU member countries are waging a war on monuments, where they destroy and defile monuments to Soviet soldiers who helped save the world from the horrors of the “brown plague” and who gave their lives in their contribution to ensuring long years of peace and stability on the European continent. Such actions are sacrilegious from the general human point of view. They challenge the postwar architecture of security, based on the UN Charter, the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and other unshakable international legal documents. All of us need to counteract these extremely dangerous trends.

In Russia, we pay special attention to this problem. Every year, we submit to the UN General Assembly a draft special resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism, and other practises that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism and intolerance. The number of states that co-sponsored it has steadily grown from year to year. Once again, we adopted such a resolution a month ago, on 19 December 2017, at a plenary session of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. An overwhelming majority of member nations approved the document, but a number of countries didn’t support it, trying to justify their position by referring to the need to respect freedom of speech [the vote was 133 in favour, 49 abstentions, and 2 against… the Ukraine and the USA].

I believe that today’s exhibition wants to send an unambiguous signal that such attempts to reinterpret Nazism are unacceptable. In the coming months, this exhibition will appear in a number of other countries. I’m convinced that that’d help solidify historical truth; it’d once again remind us of the valorous feats of those who defeated Nazism, saving Jews and other peoples from complete destruction.

In conclusion, I’d like to wish good health and all wellbeing to our dear veterans, including those who saved the Jews, who liberated Auschwitz, and to all those who helped to save us by defeating Nazism in Europe. Of course, I’m very glad to see my good friend Arthur Schneier, who’s one of the pillars of New York political life, who carries out a very important work to prevent the glorification of those people who committed heinous crimes. Thank you all and best wishes to you!

19 January 2018

Russia Feed


Sunday, 3 December 2017

3 December 2017. The Clintonistas are Going Apeshit Crazy… Some of Your “Friends” May Turn On You… Some May Go Along With the Hillarybots


At present, the Clintonistas are going apeshit crazy over Russia. As all know, the Hillarybots march in unison lockstep… they make a Stalinist Party Congress look like a pre-US Civil War Congress session (where they spat in spittoons, chawed tobacky, carried derringers n’ daggers, drank corn likker straight from the jar, and beat each other with canes). Some of your FB Friends may have to stay in the good graces of these soulless pigs. Don’t allow Clintonista drivel on your wall (you can delete comments without unfriending someone). I don’t allow Trumpkin bullshit on my wall… I don’t allow Clintonista dribbling on my wall, either.

As for Russia… it’ll survive the Clintonistas and their lies, as it survived the Teutonic Knights, the Poles and their  Unia, the Swedes, Napoleon and all of Europe, and the fascists. The Clintonistas are lightweights in comparison. Take a hint from Baba… Russia WILL be free… no arrogant mud-ignorant Clintonista shit will ever dictate to a Russian (she lied to S V Lavrov and V I Churkin on Libya and on Syria… Russia knows her sleazy scum-ticket fuckwit tricks, so it knows not to trust her at all).

You can bet on Hillary or you can bet on Baba… I don’t think it’s rocket science…


Saturday, 12 August 2017

12 August 2017. Russia’s Wish for a PEACEFUL Future


Compare the above to the filth that spews from the mouths of the Repug/Dem duopoly in the USA. Feel the difference. I need say no more…


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