Voices from Russia

Thursday, 29 August 2013

29 August 2013. Helen Thomas… One Feisty Lady… Вечная её память

00 Helen Thomas. 29.08.1


Click here, here, and here for news reports on Ms Thomas’ death.

There are “Political Zionists” who portray Ms Thomas as an “Anti-Semite”… nothing could be further from the truth. These people try to throttle any public utterance not to their liking… and do their best to hurt those who make such statements. Why, they use the same tactics that they castigate… but it’s OK when they use them! I abhor Anti-Semitism. I abhor hatred of any sort. I also abhor self-appointed blue-nosed Nosy Parkers who feel that they have a right to “police” our conduct and speech. Therefore, I condemn the hypocrites who attacked Helen Thomas. Shame on them! She uttered no Anti-Semitic slur. She DID utter anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli sentiments, but those AREN’T Anti-Semitic. This is what Ms Thomas said:

Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land. It’s not German; it’s not Poland.

When asked where Israeli Jews should go, she replied:

They could go home to Poland or Germany or America and everywhere else. Why push people out of there who’ve lived there for centuries?

She also mentioned that she was of “Arab background”. Although she did make a public abasement, that didn’t please the PC crowd (God, I hate them… they make the Left look like fools, buffoons, and hectoring nannies). Later on, she said:

I paid a price, but it’s worth it to speak the truth. Congress, the White HouseHollywood, and Wall Street are owned by Zionists. No question, in my opinion. … I just think that people should be enlightened as to who is in charge of the opinion in this country.

Let’s not be coy, Helen Thomas was NOT a supporter of Neo-Nazi freaks. Far from it, she was a moderate leftist all her life. She supported “diversity”… hell, I’d say that she didn’t have a bigoted bone in her body. She didn’t like what the Israelis are doing to her “tribe”… she was sticking up for her own. What’s wrong with that? Absolutely nothing, I’d say! However, the grovelling that many public figures made to the Israel Lobby was disgusting. It made it appear that the Israel Lobby WAS in control of the USA (it is NOT… emphatically, not)… which created fertile soil for REAL Anti-Semitism. In short, the Zionists ended by promoting what they claim to oppose… the growth of anti-Jewish hatred and lies in our society.

Helen Thomas was a grand and gutsy lady. Full stop. Anyone who says otherwise has to deal with me. She spoke her mind; free of hatred, free of bigotry, free of malice. That’s a wonderful legacy to leave behind.

Вечная её рамять!


Sunday, 26 May 2013

26 May 2013. Things are Getting Curiouser and Curiouser Department… The JP Story Just WON’T Die



I’m getting confirmation that the story about El Gordo going to the Antiochians isn’t only making the rounds, it’s circulating in clerical circles (since Saturday, I’m told). Mind you, it doesn’t mean that it’s true, but it does mean that this story has “legs”… as I stated previously, believe NOTHING until there’s an official confirmation. However, priests are passing this intel on… it means that the whole OCA is interested in this particular little soap opera. Is Philip Saliba taking “stupid pills?” Or, is this just cockamamie bullshit of the highest degree? We’ll all have to wait and see… none of us KNOWS anything. If nothing else, it means that JP won’t be serving at St T‘s tomorrow (on the other hand, don’t be surprised if Herman shows up… he won’t serve, but he may be vested). If he does, it’ll surprise not only me, but just about everyone else in the OCA. Things are NEVER boring covering this beat…



Saturday, 25 May 2013

25 May 2013. Curious Rumour Floating Out There About JP

01 JP Fathausen... Paffhausen

They ask me, “Is it true?” I know as much as you do… NOTHING… be patient and wait…


There’s a curious rumour floating out there. I’ve heard (from several sources) that “JP has gone to the Antiochians“. There’s no detail other than that, a couple of the Cabinet members have asked me what I’ve heard on it. That’s ALL that’s “out there”, so, we’ll all just have to wait n’ see. If this is so (iffy, at best, I’d say), it’d be the first major blunder on the part of Philip Saliba. No doubt, JP will cause more upset until he “goes (not so) gently into that dark night”. The chances of him founding a vagante konvertsy candy store are good, I’d wager… they never were “one of us” in soul to begin with. God do watch over and protect us…



Sunday, 5 May 2013

Statement by President Obama on the Occasion of Orthodox Easter

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo. Easter 2012 01


This weekend, Michelle and I extend our best wishes to members of the Orthodox Christian community here in America and around the world as they observe Holy Friday and the Feast of the Resurrection. For millions of Orthodox Christians, this is a joyful time, but it’s also a reminder of the sacrifice Christ made so that we might have eternal life. His decision to choose love in the face of hate, to hope in the face of despair, is an example we should always strive to follow. However, it’s especially important to remember this year, as members of the Orthodox community have been confronted with persecution and violence, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. For centuries, the region and the world has been enriched by the contributions of Orthodox communities in countries like Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. As a nation, we reaffirm our commitment to protecting universal human rights including the freedom of religion. Moreover, in this season of hope and restoration, we celebrate the transformational power of sacrificial love.

00 Barack Obama4 May 2013

Barack Obama

President of the USA



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