Voices from Russia

Sunday, 22 July 2018

22 July 2018. Things That Don’t Go Bump in the Night


There are two descriptors going the routes that are pure bullshit. One is “Cultural Marxist”; the other is “Antifa”. Neither one corresponds to reality; people shouldn’t use either.

Let’s take the first one. I’m a leftist, a Christian Marxist to be precise. I can attest that Cultural Marxism is a total and utter fabrication, an imaginary construct of the Ruling Establishment. Virtually all of those labelled Cultural Marxists are in academe, not in real life at all. Most real Marxists want nothing to do with the cultural anarchy proposed by these sorts. Mind you, I believe that we should leave people alone and not legally persecute them for their choices. However, that isn’t the same as approving societal anarchy and labelling it “good”. The so-called Cultural Marxists are mostly university-bound Ivory Tower domeheads with no influence on real-world Marxists such as Comrades Zyuganov and Xi (or on real-world leftists in general). People will do what they’ll do and we shouldn’t give them legal penalties to punish them for their choices unless they actually hurt others or use force to coerce others into their practises. I’ll assert that most “non-traditional sexual minorities” (to use Patriarch Kirill’s careful and non-judgemental phraseology) don’t hurt anyone else nor do they coerce others to follow them. We should leave them be and let them live their lives in peace. If they show proper decorum, and respect other’s contrary choices, what’s there to complain about? That goes for all parties on all sides of the question, of course.

Antifa supposedly describes the Anti-fascist Left. As a real-life anti-fascist leftist, I can attest that it doesn’t go bump in the night, either. It’s a straw-man, an imaginary will o’ the wisp. It conceals the fact that a good deal of the Radical Right is, indeed, organised and disciplined. It posits a notional left that’s equally organised and disciplined (I wish that were so, but it isn’t, sadly enough). I can assure you that most leftists never heard of Antifa until it appeared in the media about a year ago. I certainly didn’t. None of my acquaintances and associates did either. There was no such organisation, nor was there any such real-life group calling itself thus until the label first appeared in the media. It’s utter bullshit from top to bottom; it’s complete moonshine from stem to stern. I wish that we leftists were as organised as some of the Radical Right is. I truly do, it’d mean that we might be able to fight the oligarchs and their Upper Middle minions and attack-dogs more effectively. However, an organised and disciplined movement called “Antifa” doesn’t exist, nor is there any indication that it’d arise anytime soon (or anytime later, for that matter).

Don’t let the Establishment and the Right label us. Explain things to those who might listen, pay no heed to the invincibly ignorant, and oppose the actual Radical Right (the smallest group of the three I just mentioned). Just because someone reposts Radical Right material doesn’t mean that they’re Radical Righties themselves. Have a care and show some charity and discernment. Don’t turn real and potential friends into implacable and hardened enemies… that’s the real intent of the Ruling Establishment assholes who invented the trashy “Cultural Marxist” and “Antifa” concepts in the first place (it’s divide et impera at its finest). Keep it focused and sweet.


Saturday, 24 February 2018

24 February 2018. What Is To Be Done?


I see many posts in socialist groups like this:

There are 50,000 people in this group… what if just 10,000 of us organised… imagine that!

Or other variations of the same sentiment. The only problem is that we don’t know if those people are actually workers, we don’t know what their motivation or mode of survival is… how could that make a productive union?

I’m not so much encouraged by the prospect of 10,000 of us banding together with ill-formed internet goals than I’m encouraged by the prospect of what’d happen if those 10,000 radicalised their workplaces, educating and boosting the morale of workers actively engaged in the struggle of wage slavery, people whose lives would improve should a socialist revolution take place. That’s what’s required for a workers’ revolution, workers in a workers’ environment, living in constant antithesis to the hierarchy of our parasitic economy.

Go to work. Be the most intelligent, helpful, productive, firm, courageous, stable, and dedicated worker you can be. Move up through high performance and always assert your importance to the workplace, demonstrate workers’ confidence, confidence in your contribution. Do this not for the surplus value of the boss but to embolden your fellow worker. They’d remember that the kindest, greatest, and hardest worker that they ever met was a Marxist Socialist and they’d know you have their back with the whole of the potency you brought to the workplace. Embolden your fellow worker and they’d rise up, they just need to see.

24 February 2018

Wolfgang Schneider    


Saturday, 17 February 2018

17 February 2018. A Marxist Deliberation…


All too often, the Left in the West simply forgot that it actually has to convince people. It conflates any attempt to do so with the Liberal idea of the “free market of ideas” and believes that you can morally shame people into better politics. It doesn’t work. Demonstrably. You have to demonstrate that your politics can meet the material interests and change the horizons of possibility for people. You HAVE to engage people.

15 February 2018

Marxist Memes


I was a college student; now, I’m a union construction worker. I can say the average worker has a better head for discussing the world than the average academic. You can’t swindle or shame the working-class into following your ideas; you have to earn leadership. Mao wrote about the mass line because a proletarian method of leadership is necessary to organise our class. Instead, we have a Left that abandoned the trade-unions and holed itself up in academia, non-profits, and declassed radicals, so we get these petty-bourgeois methods of misleadership.

16 February 2018

Tadafar Sourov


Saturday, 28 October 2017

28 October 2017. What Modern Russia Thinks of the Great October… As Seen in Piter


In the square opposite the Winter Palace in St Petersburg, workers are installing a replica of an armoured car used in the 1917 October Revolution. It has the motto Vrag Kapital! That means “Enemy of Capital”. That doesn’t sound too friendly to neoliberalism and free enterprise, does it? Methinks that the touted death of socialism may turn out to be wishful thinking. A spectre DOES haunt Mar-a-Lago and Tarrytown…

The Great October still lives! That does have implications for the USA and its soulless evil capitalistic programme…


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