Voices from Russia

Monday, 12 February 2018

Sophie Scholl Was Beheaded at 21 for Standing Up to the Nazis: She Distributed Anti-Nazi Pamphlets at the University of München


Like most German children in the 1930s, Sophie Scholl and her five siblings joined Nazi youth groups. However, Sophie and her brother Hans grew outraged that educated Germans went along with racist Nazi policies. In 1942, the two siblings, along with their friend Christoph Probst, amongst others, started a secret society known as the White Rose Circle. The group painted anti-Nazi slogans on the campus of the University of München and distributed pamphlets detailing the genocide of Jewish people. A White Rose pamphlet read:

Since the conquest of Poland, 300,000 Jews have been murdered, a crime against humanity.

They implored readers not to be complicit:

Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil falls from our eyes and the most horrible crimes reach the light of day?

Scholl’s father, an avowed anti-Nazi arrested for criticising Hitler to a colleague, raised his children to stand up for what they believed in their hearts:

What I want for you is to live in uprightness and freedom of spirit, no matter how difficult that proves to be.

His words were prophetic. In October 1943, a Nazi court sentenced Sophie and Hans Scholl, along with Christoph Probst, to death by guillotine. Before her execution at the age of 21, Sophie said:

Such a fine sunny day and I have to go. However, what does my death matter if thousands of people are awakened through us and stirred to action?”

6 February 2018



Saturday, 16 September 2017

16 September 2017. Remember Our Real Heroes of the Present Day!


M S Tolstykh (codename “Givi”) was one of the heroes of the fight for the Donetsk Airport. The local homeboys whipped the American and Polish special oppers (disguised as “Private Mercenary Company” types)! The Americans got skunked again! Obviously, the Yanks wanted to capture the airport and use it to fly in junta aggressors. It didn’t work… due to the bravery of Givi, Motorola (the late A S Pavlov, also murdered by Uniate nationalists), and their men. In like manner, the Russians defeated the American special oppers at the Roki Tunnel during the South Ossetia campaign (the Yanks were disguised as PMC employees there, too… it’s a common Langley deniability tactic). The Russians chased the American minders of the Georgians from Gori, capturing all their computers and files (a prize intel windfall if there ever was one… the Yanks tried telling the world otherwise, but everybody could figure out the truth). The Russians chased out the Americans from the Crimea… the USA’s Banderist allies just folded and ran… they left the Yanks hanging in the wind. At the airport, it was the same. In short, the USA doesn’t have good luck in dealing with Russia (nor does it get a good measure from its Banderist running-dogs). Shouldn’t it get the hint and stop its provocations?

Galician Uniate nationalists murdered Givi. They’re not good at stand-up fights… but they sure are good at stab-in-the-back assassination and bombs targeting civilians. S A Bandera was one such… the Poles had him in prison for setting off a bomb in a public place (show me whom someone idolises… I’ll show you that person’s character). By the way… most Galician Uniates are workaday sorts who don’t engage in terrorism or outré nationalism. In fact, the highest rates of draft evasion in junta-misruled Banderstan are in Galicia! Most Galician Uniates want the junta and its war to just go away. However, the Uniate nationalists are feral. Don’t forget… they said, “All Jews to the gallows” and “the Ukraine for Ukrainians only”… they meant it then; they mean it now.


16 September 2017. Remember Our Real Heroes of Past Times!


Z A Kosmodemyanskaya and her heroism need no amplification from me. Do note that the Americans and their local lackeys do their best to blacken her memory and lie about her podvig. It seems that they don’t like self-sacrificial courage… especially, when “inferiors” show it in resistance to the West. I’d say that the Amerikantsy would get a sharp history lesson if they attempted what the Teutonic Knights, Poles, Swedes, French, and Germans did. They’d find out that “all those who march on Russia with sword in hand, will die by that sword”.

Russia will NOT bow before the foe and lick their ass. You forget that at your peril…


16 September 2017. This is What Russia Remembers Every 9 May


America forgets that Russia has a long and proud history… much longer than their short history. The Chinese have an even longer history. Both nations have historical memories of harsh sacrifices and monumental national pain… much greater than anything borne by the Amerikantsy brats. The USA had best pull in its threats… it’s threatening two of the most resilient and tough nations on earth.

Russia and China REMEMBER… America FORGETS… I seem to see a difference there.


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