Voices from Russia

Thursday, 1 March 2018

1 March 2018. They All Had Faces… They All Had Names… No Hero is EVER Forgotten


Mikhail Fomin and Aleksandr Draevsky were Moscow firemen. Today, at a fire in Moscow, they rescued four people but died themselves. The fire at a house on Bulvar Matrosa Zhelenyaka took place at night. Someone called the Fire Brigade. Mikhail and Aleksandr brought everyone in the affected unit out safely, an adult and three children. However, as they exited the building, a fireball burst out, killing both firemen instantly.

May these heroes receive the Kingdom of Heaven.

29 February 2018

Losinka Pravoslavnaya


Sunday, 28 January 2018

Stjepan Stevo Filipović (1916-42): His Spirit Will Never Die



102 years ago, Stjepan Stevo Filipović was born on 27 January 1916. Filipović was a Yugoslav communist, a partisan, and People’s Hero of Yugoslavia, the “Yugoslav Che Guevara”. He was born in Opuzen in Croatia, then part of Austria-Hungary. He was a locksmith by trade. He graduated from primary school, then, his family moved to Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina), where he graduated from the second level at the gymnasium. After that, he studied in Sirmii and Kragujevac (Serbia).

He was an active revolutionary since 1937, actively involved in demonstrations and strikes, for which he went to prison for a year in 1939. In 1940, he joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. Filipović then did party work on the local level in Kragujevac; after the occupation of Yugoslavia by German troops in April 1941, the Party transferred him to Valjevo. There, he helped to set up clandestine radio stations and trained the first partisan groups. His personal courage and bravery in combat made him the commander of the local unit. On 15 August 1941, in an attack on Lajkovac, Filipović, armed only with a gun and grenades, put to flight a German machine-gun detachment squad. In this battle, his unit killed and wounded around 40 German soldiers. He received a commendation from Tito, the commander of the partisan forces. He received such again for his attack on Krupan.

At the end of September 1941, he was commissar of his unit for a short while. When his unit received reinforcements, he became a battalion commander. On 24 February 1942, the Chetniks ambushed Filipović… they wounded him and took him captive. The Chetniks handed him over to the Germans in Sabac, they transported him to Valjevo and tortured him for two months. A court sentenced him to death, with the execution date set for 22 May 1942. The Germans made all the locals come to the execution. In his last moments, Filipović spoke about the partisan movement, reminding them that the Red Army’s victory was inevitable and that the cruelty and bestiality of the fascist invaders would bring a prompt and just punishment to them. A photographer managed to capture the moment when Filipović spoke the words that became the slogan of the antifascist movement in Yugoslavia… “Death to fascism, freedom to the people!” Unable to stop the “communist propaganda”, the executioner decided not to wait for the appointed time, but to execute Filipović immediately. The execution took place 15 minutes earlier than planned.

On 16 February 1949, Filipović won the highest Yugoslav award, People’s Hero of Yugoslavia. On 28 October 1960, they dedicated a monument to Filipović in Valjevo. In the 1980 s, a monument existed in Filipović’s hometown of Opuzen, but in 1991 Croatian nationalists destroyed it. The modern Yugoslav left respects Stjepan Filipović, “our Che Guevara”, for his bravery, honesty, fearlessness, and internationalism.

27 January 2018

Yevgeny Ivanov


Monday, 2 October 2017

2 October 2017. Hero of the Soviet Union N I Kuznetsov on Patriotism


N I Kuznetsov was a partisan officer who operated in the Western Ukraine during the VOV. He killed 11 senior fascist officers and officials. The Banderist terrorists murdered him… they destroyed his memorials after the formation of the notional “Ukrainian” state. I’d say that the last chapter is yet to be written in that book…


Saturday, 16 September 2017

16 September 2017. Remember Our Real Heroes of the Present Day!


M S Tolstykh (codename “Givi”) was one of the heroes of the fight for the Donetsk Airport. The local homeboys whipped the American and Polish special oppers (disguised as “Private Mercenary Company” types)! The Americans got skunked again! Obviously, the Yanks wanted to capture the airport and use it to fly in junta aggressors. It didn’t work… due to the bravery of Givi, Motorola (the late A S Pavlov, also murdered by Uniate nationalists), and their men. In like manner, the Russians defeated the American special oppers at the Roki Tunnel during the South Ossetia campaign (the Yanks were disguised as PMC employees there, too… it’s a common Langley deniability tactic). The Russians chased the American minders of the Georgians from Gori, capturing all their computers and files (a prize intel windfall if there ever was one… the Yanks tried telling the world otherwise, but everybody could figure out the truth). The Russians chased out the Americans from the Crimea… the USA’s Banderist allies just folded and ran… they left the Yanks hanging in the wind. At the airport, it was the same. In short, the USA doesn’t have good luck in dealing with Russia (nor does it get a good measure from its Banderist running-dogs). Shouldn’t it get the hint and stop its provocations?

Galician Uniate nationalists murdered Givi. They’re not good at stand-up fights… but they sure are good at stab-in-the-back assassination and bombs targeting civilians. S A Bandera was one such… the Poles had him in prison for setting off a bomb in a public place (show me whom someone idolises… I’ll show you that person’s character). By the way… most Galician Uniates are workaday sorts who don’t engage in terrorism or outré nationalism. In fact, the highest rates of draft evasion in junta-misruled Banderstan are in Galicia! Most Galician Uniates want the junta and its war to just go away. However, the Uniate nationalists are feral. Don’t forget… they said, “All Jews to the gallows” and “the Ukraine for Ukrainians only”… they meant it then; they mean it now.


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