Voices from Russia

Friday, 12 July 2013

12 July 2013. Hilarion Kapral Tightens the Leash on the “Western Rite”… Gives Jerome Shaw le Sabot



Read this. One of the Cabinet told me:

This was very interesting. Glad to see the correct decision was made on the Western Rite.

Hmm… Jerome Shaw was a favourite of the Blunder‘s… does this mean that the Blunder is in the doghouse (again)? Nevertheless, Hilarion Kapral “manned up” and “did the right thing”. One of my clerical contacts thinks that the Centre is souring on the konvertsy, especially as they support the West in the Snowden affair. Also note that Dahulich, the most papist-leaning of the OCA bishops, was in Moscow, and no mention was made of it on patriarchia.ru. He didn’t even get a consolation prize like a photo op with the Blunder or the chance to serve with one of the REAL shakers (like Yuvenaly Poyarkov or Varsonofy Sudakov).

This is GOOD news. Perhaps, this will lead to some sanity… for a change. Truly, it’s time for all three “Russian Orthodox” bodies in the USA and Canada to get their shit together and UNITE. Then, we could have some BORING normalcy. I, for one, would applaud that…


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