Voices from Russia

Saturday, 23 June 2018

23 June 2018. This is Why I Oppose “Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs” Outside of a Purely Religious Venue


This post isn’t something I generally do, but last night I experienced something no woman should ever have to go through, especially under these circumstances or any other circumstances. I hadn’t planned on telling anyone outside our immediate family, but two months ago we were surprised to find that I was pregnant. After a previous miscarriage, the doctor was monitoring me weekly. Unfortunately, on Tuesday, we found out the baby’s development had stopped and I ultimately would have a miscarriage. My doctor gave me two options… D and C or a prescription medication. I opted for a prescription. Last night, I went to pick up my medication at my local Walgreens only to be denied the prescription I need. I stood at the mercy of this pharmacist explaining my situation in front of my 7-year-old and five customers standing behind only to be denied because of his ethical beliefs. I get it we all have our beliefs. However, what he failed to understand is this isn’t the situation I had hoped for; this isn’t something I wanted. This is something I have zero control over. He has no idea what it’s like to want nothing more than to carry a child to full term and be unable to do so. If you have gone through a miscarriage, you know the pain and emotional roller-coaster it can be. I left Walgreens in tears, ashamed and feeling humiliated by a man who knows nothing of my struggles but feels it’s his right to deny medication prescribed to me by my doctor. I’m unsure where Walgreens draws the lines with their pharmacists, but does this mean he denies women the right to birth control and the morning after pill? What’s the stance with fertility drugs? I share this story because I wish no other women to have to go through something like this at a time when you’re vulnerable and already suffering. I’m left in disbelief on how this can happen. How is this okay? I can’t be the only one who has gone through this.

22 June 2018

Nicole Mone


In Peoria AZ? Visit this moron and give him a dose of your “ethical beliefs” about his self-righteous control-freak fascist ass… torturing another woman for Republican Jesus in this mighty “land of the free”.    Walgreens: you no longer have my business… apparently, it’s time to research drug-store chain medical harassment of women policies.  

23 June 2018

Rebecca Hosford




This posturing motherfucker loves humiliating people in public:

Brian Hreniuc, PharmD


9040 W Peoria Ave

Peoria AZ 85345-6406

“Sincerely held religious beliefs” only goes so far. I’m a believer; no one can accuse me of hating religion. I’m a Russian Orthodox Christian; I try my best to live a moral and upright life. However, I can’t force my beliefs on others. Not only is this immoral in the secular ethical sense, Our Lord Christ would condemn such a stance, for He never once used coercion or humiliation.

Let me give an example. If a religious body wishes to ban “gay marriages”, well, you might not like it, but that’s within not only their natural right as human beings, it’s their right under the US Constitution. That’s a “sincerely held religious belief”. If you want to roll on the floor or handle snakes, it’s the same thing. However, if you rent out your parish hall to all comers as a banqueting space, well, that’s not “religious”… it’s secular, so, all normal legal standards apply. That is, you can oppose homosexuality from the pulpit… that’s a function of your religion. On the other hand, you can’t deny a gay couple the right to rent your hall for a reception if you rent it to others outside of your parish. The one is a protected religious belief; the other is a normal secular financial transaction, making your hall a venue for celebrations of those outside your group. I find the distinction clear. If you don’t want gays to use your space, you’d have to ban the use of your parish hall as a paid banqueting or meeting venue. I actually would like to see parishes get out of the banqueting/meeting space business. Let’s go back to letting groups such as the Boy/Girl Scouts and the Little League use our space free. That’s being good neighbours. It also protects the parish’s rights under the law.

In this case, the pharmacist was shabby and beyond the pale. If he didn’t want to dispense such drugs, he should’ve never chosen that profession. He didn’t prescribe the drugs nor is he going to use them. He’s only a dispenser. All legitimate ethicists would say that his moral responsibility in this is nil. Dispensing drugs is his job. Full stop. If he doesn’t want to do that, he should find another job. I find this episode disgusting and without any warrant. It totally floors me that such a person expects his employer to defend his action.

WALGREENS DELENDA EST… if they back this poseur. Give ‘em a reasonable chance, but if they support this POS… Kaufft nicht bei Walgreens.


Tuesday, 22 May 2018

22 May 2018. Jesus Didn’t Demand Co-Pays! Single-Payer NOW


Have you noticed that so-called “pro-lifers” often oppose single-payer and support Republicans who savage poor people? I’m not the only one to call that hypocritical and evil…


Wednesday, 4 October 2017

4 October 2017. This Says It All About Republican Priorities…

This was true in 2012… it’s true today, too. Yes… I voted for Obama… he was bad, but Romney was evil, and that’s that. Note well that many of the loudmouth konvertsy voted for a fanatical Mormon… they called themselves PURE, to boot. No religion is better than such a religion, I say (at least, secularists don’t slander the Lord Christ as Mormons and Evangelicals do).


All of us… Republicans, Democrats, and Independents… can agree that the government has a vested interest in protecting the rights of children and that should include unborn children after 20 weeks.

Robert W Goodlatte

US Representative (R-VA)

Yet, Republicans in Congress just missed a deadline to reauthorise the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which helped states provide insurance coverage to 9 million children in low-income families. The Senate had put forth a bipartisan, 5-year bill to renew the programme, but didn’t schedule a vote in time, instead prioritising legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. The House never even proposed a bill to reauthorise CHIP, which expired at the end of September.

3 October 2017

Denise Mohr



The Republicans are lying sacks o’ shit. They don’t give a hoot in hell about poor LIVING kids… their rich paymasters might have to pay more taxes! EEK! Oh, the humanity! We can’t have insurance for poor kids… if they won’t work hard enough, they shouldn’t eat! JAYZUS SAID SO (remember, Evangelicals aren’t Christian; Jayzus is the idol that the Evangelicals substitute for the Lord Christ). Watch the konvertsy have paroxysms of joy over this. If you needed proof that they’re not Orthodox and don’t have a scrap of real Christianity in their bones, this is that. Living kids have priority over self-serving anti-abortion gestures. Our Lord Christ would’ve said likewise. Let God see and judge… this is evil of the highest order. Taking away kid’s healthcare to make grandstanding gestures… it’s depraved… just pure fiendishness. Satan laughs at our foolishness and knavery… he calls for a celebratory drink…


Saturday, 18 February 2017

18 February 2017. Patriarch Pavle on Choices…



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