Voices from Russia

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

22 May 2018. Jesus Didn’t Demand Co-Pays! Single-Payer NOW


Have you noticed that so-called “pro-lifers” often oppose single-payer and support Republicans who savage poor people? I’m not the only one to call that hypocritical and evil…


Thursday, 1 February 2018

1 February 2018. A Point to Ponder from Vladyki Lazar


Many Evangelicals (and those of our people who ape them) have collapsed morality to “guns, gays, and abortion”… note well that those aren’t topics that Our Lord Christ dwelt overly much on. True Christians have more concern for the prisoner in his chains or the poverty-stricken in their debts than they do for the fatcat businessman in his Cadillac, the polished mega-preacher in his private jet, or the hypocritical anti-abortionist who winks at drone-bomb killings and impoverishment of the poor.

Ye did it unto me… have these so-called Christians forgotten that? Love IS the answer… but how many are asking the proper questions these days?


Tuesday, 10 October 2017

10 October 2017. “Charlie” Chaplin on M T Kalashnikov and on “Christian Pacifism”


We dedicate a monument to Lieutenant-General M T Kalashnikov (a true Christian) tomorrow. Although he had some moral misgivings about his work’s purpose, the Church dispelled these doubts. Our weapons are blessed, not by chance does the Lord Himself bless those who bear them… as the Church says in its ritual, “for the security of and to intercede for Christ’s truth”. Once again, I’d especially point up to supporters of “Christian pacifism” that true Christianity has nothing to do with such a notion, and, in fact, opposes it.

18 September 2017

Archpriest V A Chaplin


Wednesday, 4 October 2017

4 October 2017. This Says It All About Republican Priorities…

This was true in 2012… it’s true today, too. Yes… I voted for Obama… he was bad, but Romney was evil, and that’s that. Note well that many of the loudmouth konvertsy voted for a fanatical Mormon… they called themselves PURE, to boot. No religion is better than such a religion, I say (at least, secularists don’t slander the Lord Christ as Mormons and Evangelicals do).


All of us… Republicans, Democrats, and Independents… can agree that the government has a vested interest in protecting the rights of children and that should include unborn children after 20 weeks.

Robert W Goodlatte

US Representative (R-VA)

Yet, Republicans in Congress just missed a deadline to reauthorise the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which helped states provide insurance coverage to 9 million children in low-income families. The Senate had put forth a bipartisan, 5-year bill to renew the programme, but didn’t schedule a vote in time, instead prioritising legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. The House never even proposed a bill to reauthorise CHIP, which expired at the end of September.

3 October 2017

Denise Mohr



The Republicans are lying sacks o’ shit. They don’t give a hoot in hell about poor LIVING kids… their rich paymasters might have to pay more taxes! EEK! Oh, the humanity! We can’t have insurance for poor kids… if they won’t work hard enough, they shouldn’t eat! JAYZUS SAID SO (remember, Evangelicals aren’t Christian; Jayzus is the idol that the Evangelicals substitute for the Lord Christ). Watch the konvertsy have paroxysms of joy over this. If you needed proof that they’re not Orthodox and don’t have a scrap of real Christianity in their bones, this is that. Living kids have priority over self-serving anti-abortion gestures. Our Lord Christ would’ve said likewise. Let God see and judge… this is evil of the highest order. Taking away kid’s healthcare to make grandstanding gestures… it’s depraved… just pure fiendishness. Satan laughs at our foolishness and knavery… he calls for a celebratory drink…


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