Voices from Russia

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

22 May 2018. Jesus Didn’t Demand Co-Pays! Single-Payer NOW


Have you noticed that so-called “pro-lifers” often oppose single-payer and support Republicans who savage poor people? I’m not the only one to call that hypocritical and evil…


Saturday, 10 February 2018

US Life Expectancy Rates Drop for the Second Year in a Row: Alcohol, Drugs, and Suicide Noted

The Republicans are the main architects of the falling life expectancy… but Clintonista Democrats are just as bad. Neoliberalism IS bad for your health… in BOTH its “conservative” and “liberal” iterations.


Life expectancy in the Land of the Free dropped for the second year in a row. A new report published in the British Medical Journal revealed that drug addiction, alcohol abuse, and suicide rates contributed to the dramatic drop. The report pointed up that the drop was most significant among middle-aged white Americans and those living in rural communities. Steven Woolf, a co-author of the report released Wednesday, said:

We’re seeing an alarming increase in deaths from substance abuse and despair.

The report stated that the US life expectancy average was 78.6 years in 2016, a 0.1-year drop from 2015. It didn’t yet calculate the US life expectancy for 2017. Woolf noted:

It may not sound like much, but the alarming story isn’t the amount of the decrease but that the increase ended.

The USA had the highest life expectancy in the world in 1960. However, American life expectancy is currently 1.5 years lower than the 35 nations included in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, which includes Canada, Germany, Mexico, Australia, the Netherlands, and the UK. The report also reveals that Americans are less healthy than those in other developed nations due to adolescent pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Americans also engage in risky behaviour, including high-calorie intake, drug abuse, and gun ownership. In addition, many Americans live in cities where walking or biking is less common. The lack of universal health care in the USA also contributed to poorer American health. The report stated:

The consequences of these choices are dire… not only more deaths and illness, but also escalating health care costs, a sicker workforce, and a less competitive economy. Future generations may pay the greatest price.

According to Woolf, the deadly US opioid crisis contributed to the drop in life expectancy, but it isn’t the primary cause:

It’s a larger issue, involving addiction to opioids but also fatal overdoses from other drugs.

The rate of fatal drug overdoses surged 137 percent in 2000-14. In addition, deaths from alcohol abuse and suicide dramatically increased. In 1999-14, the suicide rate rose 24 percent. White middle-aged Americans, people with limited education, women, and those in rural areas experienced the largest increase in suicide rates. Woolf explained:

The problem is concentrated in rural largely-white counties that often struggled for many years with stagnant wages, unemployment, poverty, and the loss of major industries that fuelled local economies. The root causes argue for policy solutions, especially those directed at strengthening the middle-class, but these aren’t sufficiently prioritised by elected officials.

11 February 2018

Sputnik International


Wednesday, 4 October 2017

4 October 2017. This Says It All About Republican Priorities…

This was true in 2012… it’s true today, too. Yes… I voted for Obama… he was bad, but Romney was evil, and that’s that. Note well that many of the loudmouth konvertsy voted for a fanatical Mormon… they called themselves PURE, to boot. No religion is better than such a religion, I say (at least, secularists don’t slander the Lord Christ as Mormons and Evangelicals do).


All of us… Republicans, Democrats, and Independents… can agree that the government has a vested interest in protecting the rights of children and that should include unborn children after 20 weeks.

Robert W Goodlatte

US Representative (R-VA)

Yet, Republicans in Congress just missed a deadline to reauthorise the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which helped states provide insurance coverage to 9 million children in low-income families. The Senate had put forth a bipartisan, 5-year bill to renew the programme, but didn’t schedule a vote in time, instead prioritising legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. The House never even proposed a bill to reauthorise CHIP, which expired at the end of September.

3 October 2017

Denise Mohr



The Republicans are lying sacks o’ shit. They don’t give a hoot in hell about poor LIVING kids… their rich paymasters might have to pay more taxes! EEK! Oh, the humanity! We can’t have insurance for poor kids… if they won’t work hard enough, they shouldn’t eat! JAYZUS SAID SO (remember, Evangelicals aren’t Christian; Jayzus is the idol that the Evangelicals substitute for the Lord Christ). Watch the konvertsy have paroxysms of joy over this. If you needed proof that they’re not Orthodox and don’t have a scrap of real Christianity in their bones, this is that. Living kids have priority over self-serving anti-abortion gestures. Our Lord Christ would’ve said likewise. Let God see and judge… this is evil of the highest order. Taking away kid’s healthcare to make grandstanding gestures… it’s depraved… just pure fiendishness. Satan laughs at our foolishness and knavery… he calls for a celebratory drink…


Monday, 10 July 2017

10 July 2017. A Point to Ponder from Bishop Lazar

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The following encapsulates the evil programme of American neoliberalism (both Republican and Corporate Democrat). Note well that Orthodox konvertsy dance in glee about Trump’s Golden Calf (and call themselves “pro-lifers” to boot)…

To boast of being “pro-life” while acceding to the removal of health care from millions of people, many of whom, children in particular, will die from lack of adequate health care, is surely one of the most gross and egregious hypocrisies of our epoch.

It says it all about the neoliberals (and Orthodox konvertsy), doesn’t it?


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