Voices from Russia

Saturday, 28 April 2018

28 April 2018. A Serb Speaks Out on “Silent America”


This post isn’t about my American friends, but for their silent countrymen.

Why do I have nothing but resentment for Americans? You destroyed my country. You… yes, you, not your government. You paid for those bombs and for the depleted uranium that gives us cancer 25 years after. You paid for it with your tax money. With your votes, you legitimised the crimes done by your warlords. Every single one of you is guilty by association, by embracing the American way of life. Stolen resources from other countries sustain that lifestyle. Your rape and pillage around the world allow you to consume 30-50 percent of all global resources, even though you account for only 3 percent of the world’s population. You’re despicable, obese, “exceptional” ignoramuses… disgusting scum.

28 April 2018

Neno Jovanović 



Americans delude themselves into thinking that the world envies them. It doesn’t. Before 1992, many people did admire them… American propaganda was very effective. Besides that, the ruling class allowed a modicum of prosperity to the working-class, a situation vastly eroded since the Clintons’ sorry misrule (NAFTA was the first salvo of the fatcats against common people, followed by more attacks on the economic standing of ordinary folk). In fact, world events since 1992 point up the feral, kleptocratic, and hubristical nature of the American ruling class. All too often, the American people remained silent. Silence IS complicity…

The very basis of the USA is indeed “exceptional”… exceptionally evil. Look at Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and Zuckerberg… if you need an illustration of evil incarnate and what America truly worships, they do very well. Evil doesn’t wear red tights and carry a pitchfork… it looks and sounds distressingly ordinary. Have a care…


Wednesday, 4 October 2017

4 October 2017. This Says It All About Republican Priorities…

This was true in 2012… it’s true today, too. Yes… I voted for Obama… he was bad, but Romney was evil, and that’s that. Note well that many of the loudmouth konvertsy voted for a fanatical Mormon… they called themselves PURE, to boot. No religion is better than such a religion, I say (at least, secularists don’t slander the Lord Christ as Mormons and Evangelicals do).


All of us… Republicans, Democrats, and Independents… can agree that the government has a vested interest in protecting the rights of children and that should include unborn children after 20 weeks.

Robert W Goodlatte

US Representative (R-VA)

Yet, Republicans in Congress just missed a deadline to reauthorise the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which helped states provide insurance coverage to 9 million children in low-income families. The Senate had put forth a bipartisan, 5-year bill to renew the programme, but didn’t schedule a vote in time, instead prioritising legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. The House never even proposed a bill to reauthorise CHIP, which expired at the end of September.

3 October 2017

Denise Mohr



The Republicans are lying sacks o’ shit. They don’t give a hoot in hell about poor LIVING kids… their rich paymasters might have to pay more taxes! EEK! Oh, the humanity! We can’t have insurance for poor kids… if they won’t work hard enough, they shouldn’t eat! JAYZUS SAID SO (remember, Evangelicals aren’t Christian; Jayzus is the idol that the Evangelicals substitute for the Lord Christ). Watch the konvertsy have paroxysms of joy over this. If you needed proof that they’re not Orthodox and don’t have a scrap of real Christianity in their bones, this is that. Living kids have priority over self-serving anti-abortion gestures. Our Lord Christ would’ve said likewise. Let God see and judge… this is evil of the highest order. Taking away kid’s healthcare to make grandstanding gestures… it’s depraved… just pure fiendishness. Satan laughs at our foolishness and knavery… he calls for a celebratory drink…


Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński: Death of an Anti-Russian Terrorist


Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński is dead at the age of 89. The former US National Security Advisor put the feuds of his homeland above the interests of his adopted USA. Richard Nixon had more foreign policy achievements that just about any modern American President. However, Nixon’s scandal-plagued White House generally overshadowed these achievements. Amongst his most important achievements was engaging in détente with the USSR. Nixon’s de-escalation of tensions with Moscow ultimately led to the signing of the Helsinki Accords in 1975, wherein America and its allies and non-aligned states of Europe agreed to respect the borders and sovereignty of existing states, including that of the USSR and her allies. The Helsinki Accords affirmed renouncing violence as a means of settling disputes and forced signatories to respect the right of self-determination among peoples. This was a rare moment; the USA admitted that it couldn’t win the Cold War and that engagement and peaceful dialogue were preferable to threats against the Soviet superpower.

In 1976, Jimmy Carter became the President of the United States after Nixon’s former Vice-President Gerald Ford failed to win over an America hungry for change on the domestic front. While many remember Jimmy Carter as a man of peace, his Presidency was anything but peaceful. The reason for this was the power behind the throne, Carter’s National Security Advisor, Brzeziński. The Polish-born Brzeziński put the historic blood-feud of his mother country ahead of American interests. He openly opposed Nixon and Ford’s policy of détente and orchestrated the use of American power to arm and fund all those who sought to undermine the USSR.

This became most apparent when he decided to use the USA’s resources to fund, arm, and train the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Among the fighters Brzeziński’s policy helped to arm was Osama bin Laden, the founder of the Salafist terrorist group al-Qaeda. The USA later blamed that group for orchestrating and executing the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA. Brzeziński was happy to ally with blood-soaked jihadists to topple the secular modern government of Afghanistan, for the simple reason that it was a Soviet ally. Brzeziński’s jihadists took over the country in the 1990s; they famously executed and then mutilated the corpse of Afghanistan’s pro-Soviet President Dr Mohammad Najibullah in 1996. Many blame the Brzeziński-authored policies in Afghanistan for unleashing the plague of jihadist terrorism throughout the wider world.

Brzeziński’s formal time in the White House was only for Jimmy Carter’s single term, but many of his policies lived on long after his formal period in power. Throughout the rest of his life, Brzeziński continued to vocally advocate policies designed to cripple Russia, including NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe. He was a strong supporter of the 2014 coup against the legitimate Ukrainian government and more recently said that the Russian Federation would break up. Furthermore, he said that the USA must help those wanting to break it up, irrespective of who they are. He continued to advocate sanctions against Russia until his dying day, in spite of the fact that the sanctions ended up hurting his native Poland more than the Russian Federation he sought to destroy.

Brzeziński was a deeply violent and hateful man. He was also dishonest; he told the last Shah of Iran that the USA would give him full backing, knowing well that there was division in the White House on the issue. He was a man who brought ancient hatreds, hatreds which long pre-dated the USA’s existence, into the heart of American policy making. At the age of 89, Brzeziński is dead. Even if he lived another hundred years, he’d never see his dream, the death of Russia. Russia remains alive and well, and in this sense, perhaps, he died knowing that his entire reason for being was a failure.

26 May 2017

Adam Garrie

The Duran


Saturday, 27 May 2017

27 May 2017. BREAKING NEWS Zbig is Dead… The Neocon King is Dead… Long Live Queen Hillary!


I won’t dance on Zbig’s grave. That’s unseemly and no decent person does that. Here’s something that I saw that describes him and his legacy well:

This was a very wicked man whose influence, unfortunately, will continue to wreak havoc in the world through the neoconservative and neoliberal élites who embrace his ideology. Most of the general population have no idea how much death and destruction has been, is now, and will continue based on his worldview. He was a genius of geopolitical strategy who emphasised the need for the US hegemony throughout the world. This drive for hegemony is the primary reason for the warmongering by US political and corporate élites in order to ultimately control all the world’s resources for their benefit.

He brought his sick Russophobic racism and rabid anti-Orthodox mindset into the mainstream and made it respectable. That alone is evil. However, one of our duties as Christians is to pray for the dead in the hope that they receive God’s blessedness. We’re Christians; that’s indeed what we do. If anyone needed the “onion” (per Dostoyevsky), this guy does. Pray for him and don’t celebrate. Queen Hillary will replace him as the Neocon War God. That’s worth celebrating as she’s incompetent and stupid (two things that Zbig was not). Her Upper Middle acolytes will swoon over her… let them… she’s nothing but a strutting Mussolini who makes Trump look like an amateur. Compare Madame Shillary’s showy vacuity to the cool statesmanship of Putin and Xi and you’ll know what I’m talking about.


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