Voices from Russia

Thursday, 18 October 2018

18 October 2018. As Seen by Vitaly Podvitsky… Kerch


If you reflect on the subject of a tragedy, when a teenager or anyone else arms themselves with a gun and starts to commit mass murder, one way or another, you can start to discern the reasons if you look hard enough. You can find not only those on the surface that are manifest and plain, but also deeper meanings. Where does this demonic rationalisation come from, when someone living in society methodically prepares to take the lives of others, to cause horrible suffering to all those affected by the consequences of his acts? He acquires a gun, to go to do what he will. He strokes it and checks it out. He counts out his ammo, each of which ends in mutilated flesh and human suffering. He adds nuts nod screws [to his bomb], which will spew out with great speed at the time of the explosion, wanting to see the blast spin all those into fear for their innocent lives. Something in this is possessed and demonic. It feels like the world accumulates in itself evil to the brim, but it just keeps on accumulating… yesterday in Columbine, today in Kerch, tomorrow… who knows what town.

Politicians of all kinds easily threaten whole countries, promising a great deal of bloodshed for whatever reason. Who’s stronger and bolder… just give the command to kill! Movies, games, reading, and other media products have long since gone to hell. However, only when our kids start to die at the hands of scumbag losers do we only just begin to look for reasons. An infernal grudge that crawled out of hell grips the world. It climbed into our screens, monitors, thoughts, conversations, books, and daily life. Someone takes a weapon and goes to carry out their dark plans without thinking and not being able to understand the consequences. Apparently, his soul went crazy; he’s doomed then. Apparently, somebody set them up and led them to the abyss. Moreover, even if the perpetrator remains human, then, someone who’s no longer human probably likely drove him to the edge. We who live on this planet still have a chance to figure out how to change this… as we cry along with the weeping families of Kerch.

17 October 2018

Vitaly Podvitsky Masterskaya Karikatury



Vitaly Podvitsky is the editorial cartoonist for RIA and Sputnik. He usually doesn’t write so much, so it means that this affected him on a deep level. Take a care not to rush to judgement. It may be that a lone gunman was part of the mix, if not the whole story. Equally, foreign special services aren’t above using twisted individuals. Most of my Russian friends think that an American/junta sabotage group wanted to attack the Kerch Bridge, but found it too well defended. They then sought a softer target and befriended a twisted sort. It’s plausible, but I’d want to see some evidence, and if the Russians do find evidence they probably wouldn’t make it public… you don’t reveal to your foe what you know about them.

We probably will never know the full story, for a multitude of reasons. Yet, the author is correct… evil is afoot… much of it in “religious” vesture. Do be wary, not all that seems fair is. That’s especially true in America, where Evangelicalism masquerades as Christianity and has stolen the podium to such an extent that it’s the greatest impetus to evil and unbelief in our society. Have a care… the times aren’t good.


18 October 2018. Our People and Our Planet Before Their Profits


18 October 2018. I Wrote This Four Years Ago… It’s Truer Today Than It Was Then

This is from six years ago… and it still has tread, too. Bain Capital loaded up Toys r’ Us with debt and looted the store before it folded. Trump & Co chortle at this and applaud it. Vote against the Republican Party, for your very life depends on it.



With Trump & Co loudly calling for cuts to Social Security to finance giveaways to the deadbeat Affluent Effluent, what I wrote four years ago has more resonance today than it did then. The Republicans hate you and wish to rape you for the benefit of their rich paymasters. The Democrats hate you as well, and love the rich just as much, but they’ll leave us with more than what the Repugs would. Ordinary people have no option this year. As bad as the Dems are (and they ARE filthy promoters of neoliberal crapitalism), they’re better than the GOP, who’d leave us with nothing.


With all the chest-beating on the part of the American rightwing… let’s utter a home truth. American cosmonauts have to fly Russian spacecraft to the ISS as the reckless Republican filth wasted the USA’s treasure in useless land wars in Asia that didn’t advance the cause of national defence one iota and on gigantic tax cuts to corporations and to lazy wealthy scummers. That’s a fact, jack…

If you vote for the Republican Party, you vote for anti-patriotism (exporting jobs abroad and nominating cowards who refused to do military service), you vote for anti-life programmes (gutting the social safety net that unwed moms need to raise kids instead of having abortions), and you vote for Might Makes Right (bullying smaller countries and handing the country over to the Country Club Affluent Effluent Set). If you vote against them, you just might have Americans flying American spacecraft again. After all, the money for warmongering and coddling the rich has to come from somewhere…


Vote against the Republican scummers… God will bless you for it (and so will His Holiness… he’s a Red, and don’t you forget it!)…


US Cosmonaut Hague “Amazed” by Russian Rescue Team’s Work After Soyuz Failure


On Wednesday, as broadcast by NASA, American cosmonaut Nick Hague told NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine that the teamwork of the rescue crew that helped him and Russian cosmonaut Aleksei Ovchinin to get out of the rescue capsule after their recent emergency return to Earth after a launch vehicle failure impressed him:

They had three pararescue jumpers. As soon as they had found where we were at, they jumped in to get to us as quickly as they could. In a handful of minutes, somebody was tapping on the window next to me, giving me the OK symbol, I answered back with a big smile, and then, they had the hatch open. I was amazed at the quick response of the rescue crew. You know, they practice this all the time, but they haven’t had to put it to use in 35 years. To respond the way they did is a true testament to how seriously they take their responsibilities and their job.

He praised the professionalism of the Russian team engaged in spaceflight preparations and conduct:

I wasn’t surprised by their support and how well they worked. It’s on display every day over there, and it’s a privilege to be part of it. I feel great and my physical condition is awesome.

On Wednesday morning, Hague ran a mile (1.6 kilometres) with his wife. Earlier, Russian State Space Corporation Roscosmos said that Ovchinin and Hague would fly to the ISS in spring 2019, with an exact date specified later.

On 11 October, the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle failed to launch the Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft, with Hague and Ovchinin on board, to the International Space Station (ISS) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Just minutes after liftoff, the crew aborted the mission due to a booster malfunction. The two-man crew escaped in a rescue capsule and returned unharmed. Immediately afterwards, Russia launched an investigation of the incident.

18 October 2018

Sputnik International



Note well that the loudmouth Anglos have to hitch rides on Russian spacecraft to the ISS. The USA lacks the capability to do so because it wasted all its money on wars in foreign parts and sweetheart giveaways to the Affluent Effluent. They don’t put sanctions on this, for if they did, the big bad Anglos couldn’t get into space at all! Do note the lack of propagandistic tone in this… compared to the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, and Fox News, trust me, the Russian media is truly a breath of fresh air. They report the news much better than their American counterparts do. Remember, the US media is under corporate control, which is much worse than state control is. If you don’t write what the oligarchs want, you’re out of a job and you don’t eat. The worm has turned, hasn’t it?


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