Voices from Russia

Saturday, 12 May 2018

12 May 2018. Snowden on Haspel… Spot On and Needs No Addition


Why haven’t more Democrats spoken out against torturer Gina Haspel to run the CIA? It’s because they’re on shaky political and moral ground. Their president… Obama… gave impunity to the brutality of the Bush-era torture.

Ajamu Baraka

Gina Haspel ENJOYS torture. She likes giving pain to others. That says a great deal, not only about her and the US Congress (and about Trump, who named her) but also about our country. It’s fallen… and it REFUSES to get up. After all, we hung Germans and Japanese for doing less than what Haspel and her fellow “interrogators” did. Here’s the most disgusting part… most of Haspel’s supporters call themselves “Christians”… if anything is blasphemous and an offence in the nostrils of the Almighty, that is…

Do note how bland and inoffensive she looks. That’s how evil gets a foothold amongst us… it doesn’t look ugly or scarifying… it looks like Slobberin’ Ronnie Reagan and Gina Haspel… “They wouldn’t do a thing like that… they’re not ugly at all”. Our moral compass is on the fritz and we’re sailing into Chaos (as the ancient Greeks defined it). God do help us…


Monday, 12 March 2018

12 March 2018. A Point to Ponder on Russiagate and Its Purveyors


Was Russiagate produced by the primary leaders of the US intelligence community? If so, it’s the most perilous political scandal in modern American history and the most detrimental to American democracy.

Stephen Cohen


Note well that the generation of American “liberals” who protested the Vietnam War are now slobbering over every “disclosure” that comes out of the intel apparat. They eat it all up… they demand that all the rest of us follow suit or be damned as traitors. This leads to interesting questions:

  • Was their opposition to the Vietnam War sincere or was it cowardice?
  • Why are they all following slavishly the most amoral and opportunistic politician in the USA today (Hillary Clinton)?
  • Why do they swallow CIA lies without any scepticism?
  • If interference in foreign elections is culpable, where is their outrage at the far more numerous American examples of it?
  • If election hacking is evil, where is their wrath for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the answers.


Monday, 2 October 2017

2 October 2017. Igumen Sergei Rybko Doesn’t Think that Communists are “Murderers”… The ROCOR Has Gone Batshit Crazy




The images are of a recent birthday celebration for Comrade Zyuganov. Note well that he’s well-disposed to the Church… he’s a believer. More believers are commies than are Western ass-kissers like Shevkunov and Alfeyev. Igumen Sergei, and those like him, such as Metropolitan Yuvenaly Poyarkov, are true-blue patriots who oppose America’s designs on Russia. Shevkunov and Alfeyev are dirty traitors who suck up to America and Americans (they pander to American konvertsy). Neither Shevkunov nor Alfeyev are ruling bishops… HH doesn’t trust them. BTW… the only office that Shevkunov holds is a liaison for cultural affairs, not an important office at all. The recent ROCOR statement would label Igumen Sergei a “murderer”… Igumen Sergei is one of the best-known and best-loved priests in Moscow! Oh, I forgot… he plays drums at rock festivals (he’s a former drummer in a band)… he’s not against modern society, as some in the ROOCR are. He also doesn’t believe in six-day creationism (neither does HH, BTW).

Have a care with a batshit crazy website called Russian Faith… it’s written by goofball ignorant konvertsy. For instance, they posted about the famous weapons designer M T Kalashnikov… they didn’t tell you that Mikhail Timofeyevich was both a believer and a lifelong communist! They don’t tell you about the really important people in the MP such as Yuvenaly Poyarkov, Varsonufy Sudakov, or Mark Golovkov. They talk to a neoliberal-loving set and want to give you the impression that all the MP agrees with them. Nothing is further from the truth.

I can back up my claims with images. The Church doesn’t kiss the ass of “conservatism”. Thank God for that. The Church doesn’t label communists (or the Left in general) as “murderers”. Those who do so are potential schismatics… it’s that serious. Be wary… nasty forces are afoot. They may try to force a schism between the MP and the ROCOR. After all, their first loyalty is to Langley and the US Republican Party… not Christ’s Church and the Rodina. The times aren’t good… we have to face them as well as we can. May God help us.


Sunday, 1 October 2017

1 October 2017. These are the People that the ROCOR Labelled “Murderers”… I Find that Offensive and Mendacious



Recently, the ROCOR issued an official statement (posted on their official website, with the signature of Metropolitan Ilarion Kapral) calling communists “murderers”. This caused much uproar in Russia amongst believers, as well as it should. In the Donbass, in the Peoples Republics today, one sees a vibrant and inspiring coming-together of socialism and Orthodoxy. The Orthodox patriots embrace socialism and find it GOOD. Note well that the ROCOR statement would label these people “murderers”, for they honour the Soviet legacy. People such as Victor Potapov were paid employees of the CIA; they worked to enable its hateful agenda against the Rodina. The ROCOR hasn’t lived down its filthy collaboration with the CIA (they’ve never asked forgiveness for having aided the godless American postwar global project)… they received its blood-money… Fr Alexander Lebedeff admitted that in public. Yes… the ROCOR had more than one “Chekist in a riassa” (clergy who worked for the Western special services) and more than one Sergianist (clergy who sold out Christ’s Church to pander to one political faction or another). It has no warrant whatsoever to label communists (and by implication all leftists) as “murderers”. It helped the CIA (as did elements of the OCA, too… A D Schmemann worked for Langley, too)… which has a long history of murder, mayhem, and viciousness. If the communists are “murderers”, so is the ROCOR… for it took the money of killers and helped to enable the killers’ agenda. The blood of innocents is on their hands, too…

Have a care… we live in perilous times. Some want to ally the Church with godless American neo-imperialism. Shall they succeed? God willing, no…


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