Voices from Russia

Friday, 11 July 2014

11 July 2014. A Picture IS Worth a Thousand Words… I I Strelkov… Warrior… Christian… Gentleman… What More Do You Want?

00 Strelkov. Novorossiya. icon. 11.07.14


After a news conference in Donetsk, Donetsk People’s Republic opolchenie commander I I Strelkov venerates an icon of the Mother of God. You can support the god-pleasing and rightbeliving patriots in Novorossiya or you can support the false and treacherous Uniates and schismatics on the junta side (but Foggy Bottom, Capitol Hill, the White House, K Street, and Langley drool over them!). That’s what’s on offer… reflect on this… Potapov and Paffso, by supporting the American neocons (such as the Washington Times and John McCain) and by supporting Langley, support the Uniate desecrators of Novorossiya… no lie. Potapov and Paffso REFUSE to condemn their previous activities and associations… indeed, they continue in them and show NO sign of abandoning them for the Truth. I’d say, “Look at who they willingly associate with, and that’ll give you their measure”. Why must my pessimistic and grumpy side always get reinforcement? I’d like to see something good for a change… I’d rejoice to see these two repent of their wickedness and double-dealing (so would many others)… but I’m NOT holding my breath…


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

R A Silantyev Called Orthodox Warrior I I Strelkov a “Hero of our Time”

00 Strelkov and his men. Russia. 24.06.14


R A Silantyev, head of the Human Rights Centre of the Worldwide Russian People’s Council (VRNS), believes that the example of DNR opolchenie commander I I Strelkov is inspirational. At a roundtable in Moscow he said, “I believe that Strelkov is a classic example of a hero of our time. For all generations, both youth and middle-aged, he’s a very animating and inspiring exemplar. Strelkov and his fighters may well become heroes in literature or in films, for their example is important for our youth, as they’ve lacked real heroes in our time”. Speaking about the development of friendly relations with the peoples of the Caucasus, Silantyev said, “What happened in Novorossiya united Russians, Chechens, and Ossetians more than a thousand conferences ever could. When people are in the same trench together and fascists, Banderovtsy, and other liberal* scum shoot at them, the bond of unity that forms between them is stronger than that fostered by many peaceful activities”.


*”Liberal” in Russian political discourse means the same as “conservative” in Anglosphere terms… that is, deregulation, small government, “economic freedom”, and libertarianism. ”Conservative” in Russian terms is nothing like the Anglosphere term, as it posits a strong state and government, strict regulation of the greedy business class, and a generous set of social guarantees. By “liberal scum”, Roman Anatolyevich means something like the right wing of the US Republican Party (John McCain, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, et al).


24 June 2014



Saturday, 14 June 2014

Uncle Iggy’s Army

00 Igor Strelkov 01. 14.06.14


They criticise Donetsk People’s Republic Defence Minister I I Strelkov… and that criticism is quite vehement. Pro-junta Ukrainians curse him, calling him “Putin’s damned KGB-man”, “GRU spook”, “murderer”, and “terrorist”. In Moscow, highbrow critics shake their heads, regretting that a “romantic” and “re-enactor” leads the Donbass opolchenie. Firstly, you should attend to the first and second accusations. They’re outright lies. They lie about Strelkov having been in the KGB or the GRU, not to even mention him being a “murderer” and “terrorist”. Igor never served in the KGB and GRU… he’s a retired counterintelligence officer. Sorry, you cunning and wise Moscow know-alls, Strelkov wasn’t a gaybist*. Apparently, they thought that he was a paunchy cussing red-faced “empty suit” in a general’s uniform with fancy braid. Somehow, they don’t realise that years of stern service and participation in at least four recent armed conflicts are behind the polite “romantic/re-enactor” façade. However, one should really pay attention to that!

*gaybist: KGB man, from “GB” (State Security, in Russian)


00 slavyansk 01. 14.06.14


As a result, we see an amazing situation… Colonel Strelkov and several companies of volunteers opposed the whole Ukrainian Army for over a month. Not even the “exploits” of foreign military advisers and foreign mercenaries from private military companies could inspire [the government forces]. This podvig is equal to the defence of the Brest Fortress, but nobody cares! There are hundreds of films about the Brest Fortress, with more to come. Pitiful snotty fools… the audience weeps over those ancient events, about which they plainly know nothing. Today, there are different history books in the schools, and some of them don’t have a single word about the heroic defenders of the fortress. History repeats itself. In the USSR, the curriculum edited out the major victories of the tsarist army, today, they gloss over the podvig of the Soviet people, saying instead that it was due to the Russian soldier.

We haven’t yet started to speak of Slavyansk. We haven’t forgotten how those gents Pozner and Svanidze shed crocodile tears about the Soviet casualties in Afghanistan, not noticing obvious victories, outstanding exemplars of military science and military operations. We haven’t forgotten how, literally, the redhead who read the news on Ekho Moskvy was in almost orgasmic delight reporting the success of the “gallant Mujahedeen” in the North Caucasus. This “Kahal*” claimed that the Russian soldiers were their own worst enemies! “Well, guys, you don’t fight, you only guzzle vodka!” They did it so sincerely and convincingly. So much so that many still believe it, so, they follow rules imposed from abroad. Some journalists did stories about “Russian mercenaries” in Syria; even in far-off Syria, these “mercenaries” managed to “guzzle vodka”. Due to their preconceptions, these journalists didn’t believe that the “mercenaries” waged a successful campaign in Syria; instead, they believed the notorious thugs and bandits that the international community politely refers to somehow as “the opposition”. That is, according to world media… even some Russians… rude drunken mercenaries from Russia fight the freedom-loving democratic opposition.

*Kahal: literally, a Jewish council in 17/18th century Poland and in the Russian Empire until 1893; figuratively, a disorderly meeting, a fractious collection of people… the second meaning is what applies here.


00 slavyansk 02. 14.06.14


It turned out that these “drunken mercenaries” protected Slavyansk brilliantly, but the “advanced” part of the world, and even some in the Russian media, are uncomfortable with it and somehow ashamed to talk about it. There’s no shortage of stories about these people! For these folks, Uncle Iggy’s Army embarrasses the global political system. In their view, it’s an awkward and strange armed formation, which lives according to the military ethos of the USSR in the VOV. It severely punishes its own looters, but it provides medical aid to wounded enemies and when it disarms hostile soldiers, it releases them “in peace” and says, “Go, and sin no more!”

Our beautiful redhead at Ekho Moskvy and the “masters of Russian journalism” are stubbornly silent about the failures of the Ukrainian military, about the downed planes and helicopters, about the burnt armoured vehicles, and about those junta soldiers who voluntarily rally to the opolchenie. They suffer physically; they can’t believe that some “Orthodox Chekist*” can “beat up” army units trained by “valiant” instructors from Western PMCs. Oh, the PMC staff, as they say, fussed and fumed. Now, don’t accuse me of “super-patriotism”. I’m hip to things, I know better than most that the Donbass opolchenie doesn’t always do the right thing. They have trouble with their old “Grandmas”, let alone the enemy army. They have losses; they know that all of them could die there. Indeed, there may be traitors amongst them.

*Chekist: Security officer, from “Cheka”, the first Soviet security organ… figuratively, a term of contempt


00 slavyansk 03. 14.06.14


The always level-headed Colonel Strelkov and his faithful comrades see light at the end of the tunnel of their “Mission Impossible”. They’re nothing like the stupid “soldiers of fortune” with their tattered Playboy magazines in their backpacks, who greedily flash the icon of the “Almighty Dollar”. They don’t pose with rubber dolls with bottles in hand; they don’t throw dollars at hot hookers in bars. Calmly, without hysterical hatred, they face their enemies, putting their trust in God; therefore, they unblinkingly look into the eyes of death. Uncle Iggy’s Army draws inspiration from such warriors as Generalissimo A V Suvorov and Admiral St Fyodor Ushakov, who weren’t like A E Serdyukov at all. They imitate the legendary defenders of the Osovets Fortress… what you didn’t learn in school nor see in movies like The 9th Company or the TV series Spetsnaz.

Uncle Iggy’s Army steadfastly and efficiently carries out its mission. Even if the world media and history textbooks ignore this “Siege of Azov” of our day, we’re sure that common folk will appreciate and long remember their podvig. The people implicitly recognise the truth; they won’t forget their heroes, they’ll do their best to support them. They’d do this without support from the “leading elements”, contrary to the machinations of those who want a World Government, which plans to destroy all that’s holy and glorious. They want to destroy everything that’s precious to Colonel Strelkov and to everyone fighting in “Uncle Iggy’s Loyal Army”.

13 June 2014

TsIA Novorossiya


Thursday, 12 June 2014

Junta Forces Use Incendiaries Against Civilians… DNR to Join TS EvrAsES… Unknown Parties Try to Assassinate DNR Leader, Fail Miserably

00 slavyansk 01. 12.06.14


On Thursday, a source at the local opolchenie HQ told RIA-Novosti that it looked like the junta used incendiaries against Semyonovka near Slavyansk on Wednesday night. An eyewitness said, “Late on Wednesday, Semyonovka came under attack, it apparently involved fire bombs. They exploded right above the village and split into smouldering fragments”. Fires flared up all over Semyonovka. It’s a major suburb of Slavyansk and it sits on one of the major roads into the city, which means that its unfortunate site turned it into a battleground for junta troops. Shelling around Slavyansk continues, although the incident in Semyonovka is the first time that junta forces used incendiaries against civilians.


On Wednesday, ITAR-TASS reported that a Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) opolchenie source said that junta forces resumed their mortar shelling of Slavyansk. Earlier, junta forces shelled the village of Semyonovka. At that time, a few groups of Russian journalists were working there; none of them was hurt.


Opolchenie sources told RIA-Novosti that patriot forces clashed with junta bands near Luganskaya, to the north of Lugansk. They also said that they managed to stop 40 armoured vehicles. At present, combat continues near Makarovo, but there are no reports of casualties yet.


On Thursday, Interfax reported that Andrei Purgin, Deputy Chairman of the DNR Government, Minister said at a news conference, “The DNR intends to join the TS EvrAsES in 2015. It’s a top priority task for the republic government. We also have a programme of initial actions, including creating a union state with Russia and establishing contract relations with Ukraine and other countries. We understand that this is rather optimistic. Accession would require signing a whole set of documents and a lot of work. We already have a draft version of the governmental programme on accession to the TS EvrAsES and transition into a multicurrency zone. The Multicurrency zone means that during a transitional period both the Russian rouble and Ukrainian grivna will be in circulation. Unfortunately, we can’t abolish the grivna immediately, but that’s the temporary situation. In the end, the DNR Republic will switch completely to payments in roubles. We hope that’d happen by the end of 2014″.

“For 23 years the Ukraine and Russia moved in absolutely different directions. We have different systems… bank system, tax system, and financial system. We have a draft programme describing an economic system for the DNR, as a part of a larger federation. The DNR also plans to switch to Moscow time in the near future. We plan to nationalise all Ukrainian property on our territory by the end of 2015, and open our border with Russia by August 2014. We’d nationalise factories and plants belonging to Ukrainian oligarchs which refused to recognise the republic. We’d nationalise Mariupol’s commercial port and would introduce a privileged procedure for work with the republic’s and Russian companies”.


On Thursday, the Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) posted its “Initial Action Programme” on its official website. “Our goal is to build a democratic, law-governed, and socialist state, in which we protect citizens from discrimination due to nationality, language, or social class, where they can implement fully all their rights and opportunities. We want to create a union state with Russia, foreseeing a single political, economic, and cultural space, and a common security system, with treaty relations with the Ukraine and other states. We want to meet a living standard equal to that of Russia and the EU. We plan to introduce control over our border with Russia and checkpoints at the border. The LNR government will prepare for elections to the LNR Supreme Soviet, tentatively scheduled for 14 September. The LNR would permit its citizens to have Russian citizenship and would aid all people who’d want Russian passports”.

“As to the economy, the target is to ensure oil supplies from Russia at domestic Russian prices, leading to a 50 percent decrease in fuel prices in the republic, and to conclude an agreement on Russian gas supplies with the price of $268.5 per 1,000 cubic metres. The LNR would introduce an open border with Russia, including cancelling customs control. We plan to provide local graduates with the opportunities of guaranteed enrolment in Russian universities, including state-funded places. LNR residents would have free access to Russian media outlets, including TV and radio. The LNR would have a free trade zone with Russia, switch to simultaneous circulation of the gryvnia and roubles, and join the TS EvrAsES. More long-term goals, by late 2016, include a living standard comparable to that of Russia and the EU, switching to Russian arms and equipment standards for the armed forces, border service, security, and law enforcement authorities; and creating single legal and political space with Russia in the framework of a new union”.

12 June 2014


On Thursday, ITAR-TASS reported that unidentified people bombed the car of Denis Pushilin, the leader of the DNR. He said, “They blew up my car. There were three persons in the car; two of them are in critical condition. I haven’t used this car for two days”. The incident occurred 100 metres from the DNR admin building.


This has Langley’s fingerprints all over it. The treatment that Langley gets in the media disturbs CIA Director John Brennan… well, what does he expect after decades of lies, violence, and killings? No one trusts the CIA or any of its associated agencies (such as Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe)… nor any of the soulless mercenaries who work in them. They tried to blow up their puppet’s enemy, but failed miserably (just as they did with Castro).



According to ITAR-TASS, TsIA Novorossiya reported that Vladimir Pavlenko is the new People’s Mayor of Slavyansk. A statement said, “Pursuant to an order from Igor Strelkov, commander of the Slavyansk opolchenie, we appointed a new mayor, Vladimir Pavlenko, the head of the Municipal Labour and Social Protection Department. We fired former Mayor Vyacheslav Ponomaryov and took him into custody on suspicion of improperly spending public money”. The new People’s Mayor met with representatives of the OSCE mission in the Ukraine and confirmed a “desire to negotiate on the necessity to stop the armed conflict in the region”.

13 June 2014

Voice of Russia World Service








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