Voices from Russia

Sunday, 21 August 2011

21 August 2011. Dickie Wood was NOT Ill Per the Original oca.org Post… I Advise All Comers to Beware the Lawyers Involved in This Affair…

The Sinking of HMS Victory on 4 October 1744

Peter Monamy

after 1745

The OCA is going down… confusion reigns… who shall bell the cat, though? 


As of 20.15 EDT Sunday 21 August 2011, there was no word on either oca.org or ocanews.org confirming or denying the story on pravmir.ru concerning Dickie Wood’s restoration to active ministry. It’s instructive to revisit the original 28 July oca.org post on the matter. This is what was up on 20.15 EDT today on oca.org:

Dean of St Catherine’s on Leave of Absence

Archimandrite Zacchaeus Wood, Dean of St. Catherine the Great Martyr-in-the-Fields Church in Moscow and representative of the Orthodox Church in America to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia has been placed on a leave of absence and recalled to the United States by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah. He is prohibited from exercising any liturgical or sacramental ministry. Priest John Kechkin, who is attached to St. Catherine Church, will provide pastoral services for the time being.  Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky, Director of External Affairs of the Orthodox Church in America, will assume duties as the representative of the OCA to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

28 July 2011



There it is… there was NO mention of illness. I’ll be utterly frank with all of you. A while ago, Nina Dimas attempted to pass some of Dickie’s propaganda off to me (I did NOT give her my e-mail; she got it through either a complaisant or unwitting third party). I’ve retained the original e-mail, of course. SOMEONE wants to whitewash this; ergo, I’ve saved a copy of the above oca.org post. Nina Dimas is part of the Syosset/SVS coterie… so, I’m warning all of you. Please, be careful! Keep all copies of all e-mails! I’d warn the Winnipeg magistrate in the Storheim case, in particular, that some of the people involved in this affair are rather nasty and unscrupulous. I’d caution the Canadian authorities to be especially wary of the OCA’s lawyers… they’re not particularly nice people (they can’t prosecute me for saying that… I would refer the Winnipeg magistrate to the Koumentakos and Iliff cases (“We admit no wrongdoing”)). I’ll add that, as of 20.15 EDT Sunday 21 August 2011, Dickie wasn’t on the clergy listing on oca.org, not under “W”, not under “stavropegial institutions, not under “Archdiocese of Washington” (but Ray Velencia is still listed under “Archdiocese of Washington”… what gives?).

We must stand against the lies. We must stand against them NOW. There must be NO MORE Kristi Koumentakos-style muggings of ordinary Orthodox laity. There must be NO MORE cover-ups à la Eric Iliff. Ray Velencia suffered no disciplinary action for his contumacious actions against Kristi Koumentakos (the OCA allowed him to skedaddle off to the GOAA under murky circumstances). John Erickson suffered no ill-effects for his cover-up of l’Affaire Iliff (note well that one of the konvertsy smarkaczy, Oliver Herbel, just slobbers over Erickson… birds of a feather…).

A friend of mine wrote me:

This gets stranger and crazier… what a bunch of ignorant pigs. The OCA converts just prattle on and on about how brave JP is, and how he’s being persecuted.

That’s how cult members behave. I’ll be blunt… we made a colossal error bringing in the HOOMies and receiving loopy “High Church” Anglicans. I don’t know who’s worse. An informant (some of my best sources aren’t “Russian”; hell, some aren’t even Orthodox) wrote me:

By the same token, [Paffhausen] shouldn’t have accepted an honorary degree from an Anglo-Catholic seminary. After all, everyone knows that the number of homosexuals in the orbit of Anglo-Catholic clergy has historically been exorbitant! That’s why the Church of Ireland was the first to rise up against the gay movement in the Anglican Communion. All Ireland’s solidly Low Church; my family was always Low Church. What people say is, “The High Church is hidden popery”, and “We need no bells and smells”.

There’s a lot of good information from non-Orthodox sources out there! Note well that JP and Chad Hatfield schmooze with the most homosexual-ridden faction in Anglicanism. In addition, there’s been noise from konvertsy ignoranuses in Stokoe’s comboxes about the OCA dropping relations with the TEC… it hasn’t… to wit:


Nashotah House is an institution of the TEC… Fathausen received a degree from this heretic conventicle… Hatfield spoke at its convocation…. that means that relations with the TEC weren’t broken. All too many konvertsy show a cult-like disregard of the truth… I’d advise the Winnipeg magistrate to distrust all testimony given by OCA converts.

For all that’s holy… be careful of the lawyers involved in this case… especially, those who’re representing Mr Wood. There’s a vested interest in making this “disappear” on the part of some parties. I’m going to continue to speak out with prudence… my very visibility protects me (if I stay within certain limits). However, I warn all others to be careful of anyone with a link to Paffhausen, Wood, Tate, Moriak, Stokoe, Lyonyo, or any First Family clergy (both OCA and ROCOR). I’m not jesting or joking. Stokoe is on the list for a reason… both he and JP are autocephalist fanatics, and I’ve seen odder alliances when the shit hit the fan. Above all… keep strong. Remember John and Monica Iliff. If you give in to Paffhausen’s minions, you spit on them. Remember Kristi Koumentakos. If you buy JP’s tired lies, you piss on her, yet again. It’s time for us to take our Church back. It won’t be easy. However, to quote Winston Churchill:

For my own part, I have always felt that a politician’s to be judged by the animosities that he excites amongst his opponents. I’ve always set myself not merely to relish, but to deserve thoroughly, their censure. …

What’s the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we’re gone? How else can we put ourselves in harmonious relation with the great verities and consolations of the infinite and the eternal? I avow my faith that we are marching towards better days. Humanity will not be cast down. …

The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is.

I’m game! Are you? If so, take my hand, and let’s get on with it! Let’s end this with a paraphrase from Winnie:

I’ve nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. We must struggle with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us to struggle against a monstrous tyranny. What’s our aim? I can answer in one word… victory… victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be… for without victory, there’s no survival.


Memory Eternal to Eric… I bow before John and Monica… KEEP THE FAITH… IN THE NAME OF LIFE!

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Sunday 21 August 2011

Albany NY

Monday, 1 August 2011

Archimandrite Zacchaeus Wood, the Representative of the OCA in Moscow, Removed From Office and Banned from Serving

Metropolitan Jonas Paffhausen placed Archimandrite Zacchaeus Wood, the rector of the Church of St Catherine in the Fields in Moscow, and the representative of the Orthodox Church in America to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, on leave, and recalled him to the USA. Paffhausen forbade Archimandrite Zacchaeus from conducting services or any other priestly office. According to the official website of the Orthodox Church in America, there was no stated reason for the sanctions imposed. Fr Ivan Kechkin will serve as pastor of the Church of St Catherine in the Fields. Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky, the head of the OCA DECR (sic), will take over as representative of the Orthodox Church in America in Moscow.

Archimandrite Zacchaeus Wood was born in 1971. He studied in 1989-91 at St Vladimir Seminary in Yonkers NY. In 1993, he became a monk. In December 1994, he was ordained a deacon. From 1993 to 2000, he was the Secretary of the Chicago diocesan administration. Then, he was ordained an Archdeacon. In February 2001, ordained to the priesthood. In 2001, with the blessing of Metropolitan Theodosius Lazor of all America and Canada (sic), he went to study at the St Tikhon Orthodox Humanities University (PSTGU), where he earned a master’s degree in theology in 2002. In 2003, he graduated from the Kiev Theological Academy with a degree of Candidate of Theology. In 2001, he was elevated to the rank of Igumen. In 2002, he was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite. On 30 March 2002, he became the provisional rector of Church of St Catherine in the Fields in Moscow, the representational church of the OCA in Moscow. On 30 July 2002, with the blessing of the newly-appointed Metropolitan Herman and all America and Canada sic), and in agreement with Patriarch Aleksei Rediger of Moscow and all the Russias, Archimandrite Zacchaeus became the official rector of the church, and the official representative of the Orthodox Church in America to the Patriarch of Moscow and all the Russias on 22 October 2002.

1 August 2011



Editor’s Note:

One does NOT earn a legitimate kandidatura in one year! There’s something fishy in this… no doubt, it was given him because Feodosy and Herman insisted on it. Hmm… Feodosy’s gay… Hermie’s gay… and the word has it that Dickie’s gay, too. It would explain why they insisted that he be given this “recognition”. However, do be careful of JP’s caterwaulings about homosexuality… there’s much more to the trio of Paffhausen, Brum, and Eliel than meets the eye… I’d advise Hilarion Alekseyevich to keep his distance. I wouldn’t like to see him sprayed with the backsplash from this. He doesn’t deserve it…


Thursday, 28 July 2011

28 July 2011. Dickie Wood on “Leave of Absence”… First Families Throw Another “Inconvenient” Person off the Train

Read this:

Dean of St Catherine’s on Leave of Absence

Archimandrite Zacchaeus Wood, Dean of St Catherine the Great Martyr-in-the-Fields Church in Moscow and representative of the Orthodox Church in America to the Patriarch of Moscow and all the Russias, has been placed on a leave of absence and recalled to the United States by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah. He’s prohibited from exercising any liturgical or sacramental ministry. Priest John Kechkin, who is attached to St Catherine Church, will provide pastoral services for the time being. Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky, Director of External Affairs of the Orthodox Church in America, will assume duties as the representative of the OCA to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

28 July 2011


Official OCA Website



Now, read this:

Archimandrite Zacchaeus Wood Placed on Leave

In a carefully worded statement from Syosset today, it was announced that the highly visible Archimandrite Zacchaeus Wood, representative of the Orthodox Church in America in Moscow, “had been placed on a leave of absence and recalled to the United States”. While avoiding the word “suspension”, the statement noted that Fr Zacchaeus is “prohibited from exercising any liturgical or sacramental ministry”. The announcement concluded by stating, “Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky, Director of External Affairs of the Orthodox Church in America, will assume duties as the representative of the OCA to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia”. Given the Archimandrite’s position, the statement was also published in Russian. No reason for the action by Metropolitan Jonah was given by the OCA, but OCANews.org has learned that an allegation of possible misconduct has been levelled against the Archimandrite. OCANews.org also learned that the Archimandrite had been called back to the USA this past weekend, but checked himself into a hospital in Russia instead. He has since been released, but it remains unclear if he is on his way back to the United States at this time.

28 July 2011

Mark Stokoe

Orthodox Christians for Accountability



Finally, here’s a rant from “Love BT” posted on the Indiana List:

It seems just yesterday that the Archimandrite’s lawyer, son of an OCA Archpriest, sent an e-mail to Protopresbyter Rodion S Kondratick, which stated that if the Protopresbyter tried to “touch” Fr Zacchaeus, “I will destroy you!” I hope that His Beatitude took this into consideration before acting as described in this OCA notice at oca.org! No one wants to be destroyed at all, let alone by a doughty Archpriest’s son! Such matters must be approached with utter sobriety. May God be with the Archimandrite.

(His “May God be with the Archimandrite” rings hollow… it’s like Fr Lebedeff’s “With love in Christ”… hypocrisy on stilts, kids.)


My guess would be that Lyonyo, Garklavs, and (maybe) Bishop Mel want Dickie out. Wheeler, Hunchak, and Johnny Hopko also don’t care for Dickie. Probably, Tosi’s in on it, too. Some think that the First Families shit-canned Dickie because Dickie was playing about with fire… some stories have it that he’s got connections with the American special services… a little outré, but not improbable… after all, Potapov’s neck-deep in Foggy Bottom politics, he’s more of a politician than a priest. Dickie was playing footsy with Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov (the superior of the Sretensky Monastery (where Dickie lived for a while)), who’s the confessor to the Putin family. On top of that, Dickie was using the English side of Pravmir and Pravoslavie.ru to push HOOMie shit.

Conjecture would lead one to think that he stepped in three distinct (and equally malodorous) cow pies:

  1. Fr Tikhon was suspicious of his questions and snooping around, so, he had the FSB check out Dickie, or, the FSB became suspicious of him on its own… Fr Tikhon is VVP’s confessor, after all… Fathausen withdrew Dickie just as the cavalry was closing in (no doubt, Potapov got the word from his contacts at the Centre… JP’s too dumb to have a good intel network)
  2. Fr Tikhon was suspicious of Dickie’s HOOMie pals, got in touch with his American contacts, found out the truth, hit the roof, and told KMG
  3. Lyonyo got rid of Dickie as he had become a liability… it’s rumoured by some that Dickie’s a gay blade (he was tight with Feodosy), it’s known that he’s been hospitalised for drink-related problems

This isn’t the Final Scene… we ARE in the Final Act, but there’s a while yet to go before we can put this one to bed. What’s obvious is that the First Families are getting desperate enough to take open control of certain offices. If you were to ask me, I’d say that Potapov and Lyonyo are the effectual leaders of the OCA-ROCOR duopoly. Fathausen and Hilarion are fronts… the first is an ignorant and grinning boob… the second is the son of a Galician peasant from the hard-scrabble Canadian prairies, so, he knows how to be silent when it’s indicated. I’ll say this… Hilarion Alekseyevich is NOT “playing it by ear”… I’m convinced that he’s in touch with the Centre, and the Centre wants things to develop to the point where they can identify clearly who’s naughty and who’s nice. It’s going to take some time, yet, for the Centre takes the LONG view. It’s not going to be over tomorrow, or, next week, or, even next year, maybe. The Centre is waiting for the fruit to ripen fully, and it’s not going to move until then. In addition, the Centre wants us to see the mess that we’re in. We’re paying dearly for receiving so many rightwing nutters… they’ve distorted the Church, enough so to concern the Mother Church. Remember… the internet exists in Moscow… they KNOW what’s going on here. It’s getting more confusing… and it’s going to get more so before we resolve this. Dickie’s on the way out… if I were Bobby K, I wouldn’t be complacent. Well… this proves the existence of the Fall, yet again. If I weren’t a believer, I’d just walk away from it all. I feel sorry for the Mark Stokoes of this world… their cherished dream is unravelling in front of them, and they think that they can have the same place in the new order as they did in the old one… silly wabbits…

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Thursday 28 July 2011

Albany NY   

Editor’s Update:

I just received this:

Garklavs went to pick him up at JFK & he wasn’t on plane… OCA bought him a ticket and he never cancelled...

The plot thickens… by the way, Bobby and Love BT are off the beam to claim that Dickie was working for the FSB. I believe it was the other way ’round. It’s not like the movies… if someone catches the other guy’s assets, usually, they’re given 48 hours to get out of Dodge, except in the case of putting political pressure on the other side. C’mon… if Dickie were an FSBnik, he’d be staying at the Centre, he wouldn’t be skedaddlin’ back here… sheesh.


Editor’s Second Update:

As of 00.45 EDT Friday 29 July 2011, Zacchaeus Wood is no longer on the clergy listings of oca.org. There is NO posting on oca.org explaining this. Slowpoke Matusiak strikes again! Well… we’ll find out tomorrow… or, maybe we won’t!


Saturday, 23 July 2011

Condolences of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev of Moscow and all the Russias to His Majesty King Harald V of Norway on the Occasion of the Terrorist Attack on Oslo and Utøya Island

Light a candle for them tomorrow, if you would… it’s the least that you can do…


Your Majesty!

It was with great sorrow that I learned of the terrible terrorist attacks in the capital of Norway, as well as on Utøya Island. Please, accept my sincere condolences on behalf of all the faithful of the Patriarchate of Moscow and all the Russias, which, in these tragic days, prayerfully share the suffering of the Norwegian people. I ask you to convey our words of sympathy and support to all the subjects of the Kingdom of Norway, with whom we are bound by a centuries-long tradition of good-neighbourliness. For the first time, Norway became a victim of the terror that has overwhelmed the whole world. I’m convinced that this trial won’t disconcert Norwegians, but it’ll only unite them in a resolve to confront this new challenge of evil. The terrorists managed to carry out their monstrous plan, which resulted in the deaths of innocent people. Whatever motivated the murderer, it’s a shameful crime without any justification. These perpetrators of iniquity went against the Will of God and Man’s Law. I pray to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life (the Gospel according to St John 11.25), that he might grant rest in the Kingdom of Heaven to the souls of those who died, and give solace to you, the families of the victims of the terrorist attacks, and the entire Norwegian people.

With deepest sympathy,


Patriarch of Moscow and all the Russias

23 July 2011


Official MP Website


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