Voices from Russia

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Exit Polls Showing Greek Pro-Bailout Parties Taking A Beating


An exit poll from Kapa Research showed that Greece‘s conservative New Democracy and socialist PASOK blocs risked falling short of the 151-seat majority needed to form a coalition government after Sunday’s general election. The poll for Reuters and the newspaper To Vima showed New Democracy taking 16-19 percent of the vote, well below projections of up to 25 percent last month, with PASOK taking 15-18 percent. The anti-bailout Coalition of the Radical Left was set to challenge PASOK for second place with 15-18 percent of the vote. With a maximum of 37 percent of the vote, the only two pro-bailout parties, which have ruled Greece for decades, looked like they’d struggle to form a coalition. Analysts say the parties need between 35 to 40 percent to obtain a workable parliamentary majority.

6 May 2012

Dina Kyriakidou


As quoted in Yahoo News


Editor’s Note:

Let’s see… the Left has won in Lithuania, Slovakia, France, and the UK local elections. It appears like the “conservative” austerity slimers are going down to defeat in Greece. If I were Willard Romney, I wouldn’t spend too much of my money on campaign ads. The trend is LEFTWARD. In order to win, VVP tacked leftwards, so, a Hard Right Mormon nutter (his father was born in a Mormon polygamist colony in Mexico) like Willard Romney has NO chance this November. Always keep Joseph Smith, the founder of his cult, in mind. That’s what Mr Romney believes in… rather odd, no? The recession’s been longer than necessary due to the Right’s coddling of the affluent effluent. It’s time to end the wars, slash defence spending, end foreign outsourcing, and go back to 1970s levels of taxation of the affluent. Reagonomics hasn’t worked.

It’s all there for those who wish to see it. The “conservatives” day is done. Mind you, they’re still going to hold power in areas were Born Again Know Nothings predominate… but nowhere else. It’s been “a long time coming”…


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