Voices from Russia

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

4 September 2012. One of the Cabinet on the Republican National Convention…


I received this from one of the Cabinet:

I was amazed at the degree to which the Republican Convention speakers unabashedly espoused the philosophy of American Exceptionalism. It was pretty sickening, but it was enormously illuminating, too… it was the national-level equivalent of the Pharisee, patting himself on the back for being pious and holy.

That says it better than I could have… it’s why so many of us have DEEP reservations about the konvertsy. They’re so bloody self-satisfied, smug, and smarmy… and that’s NOT Christian in the least, let alone Orthodox. THIS is why this site isn’t a solo endeavour… God maybe didn’t give me money, but I’m a rich woman… friends are more precious than any amount of money is…


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