Voices from Russia

Thursday, 26 April 2018

26 April 2018. “Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the USA” Issues Delusionary Statement

This action may mean that the USA is losing in the Ukraine and is trying desperately to recover the situation. It seems ill-considered and hasty. Remember… Bart is a lapdog of Langley… look at the above image…


Read this. This means that Bart may grant “autocephaly” to the uncanonical UPTs-KP. Bart is a creature of the American special services… the Ecumenical Patriarchate has been such ever since the CIA toppled Patriarch Emmanuel Vaportzis in 1948, as Patriarch Emmanuel was a socialist and an opponent of the American-fomented “Cold War” (the USA replaced him with the reliable lickspittle American Archbishop Athenagoras Spyrou). The Yanks may be planning something… remember, the fascist collaborator Galician Uniates and “Orthodox” have been on the Langley dole since the end of World War II. The fascist spymaster Gehlen brought them into the American service when he flipped sides in 1945… they served the German fascists loyally, they’ve been loyal running dogs for the American capitalists… no difference, really, is there?

This is absolute delusionary rubbish. This isn’t only a danger to the Ukraine and its loyal Orthodox Christians (85 percent of whom remain true to the canonical UPTs-MP), it’s a danger to the unity of the Orthodox Church. Not only is this disastrous in Church terms, it means that in secular terms, the USA is upping the ante in its gambit to take over the Ukraine and use it as a springboard to threaten Russia. I’d point up that this is laying the groundwork for a repeat of 1612 and 1709… both Poland and Sweden wanted to use traitorous elements in Malorossiya to attack Russia. The Hapsburgs wanted to use this scenario against Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries. That died with the end of the Dual Monarchy in 1918… then, as now, the Uniates were the main collaborator with the Westerners (the so-called “Ukrainian Orthodox” are mostly drawn from the same Galician cohort). One of my interlocutors put it this way:

This is beyond bullshit. Tony Scharba and his fake church would be a joke if this didn’t have serious ramifications.

This is beyond delusion… it’s a sign that things aren’t getting any better. It’s why the mood in Moscow is “grim” (how my local contacts put it). The mood isn’t depressed, it isn’t scared, it isn’t bitter… my contacts say “grim”… that is, serious… a sense of foreboding… but not yet a crisis, not yet an actual conflict, yet, the possibility of untoward events is too high for comfort. This has ramifications far beyond its religious setting. It’s a deliberate provocation and an increase in American aggression on Russia. The times are “grim”… my Russian interlocutors are right. I have no idea how this is going to end… no one does. In religious terms, it could end with a schism in the Orthodox Church at large and it could lead to the rupture of the union between the ROCOR and the Mother Church (the appointment of the CIA lickspittle Webster to the J’ville seminary doesn’t give much hope, does it?). In secular terms, it means that the USA may cross the line, which would force Russia’s hand.

As I say, this is a volatile situation. Bart was reckless in doing this. It sets up such an unstable situation, both religious and secular, that no one can really chart a reliable course. May God have mercy on us.


Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Ex-Jesuit Exposes Role of the Unia in Ukrainian Nationalism



This is truth. Give heed to it… note well traitors like Vassa Larina and John Jillions who kiss the naked ass of the Unia…


Thursday, 4 August 2016

Fr Nikolai Balashov Believed that the Words Attributed to an EP Bishop about the Canonical Status of the Ukraine were Just “Journalistic Fiction”

Fr Nikolai Balashov


The MP doesn’t believe that EP Archbishop Iov Gecha stated that the Ukraine was the EP’s canonical territory. Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, Deputy Chairman of the MP Synodal Department of External Church Relations (OVTsS) said:

Archbishop Job is highly educated and expert in canon law; I can’t believe that he’d really claim, “The Ukraine is the canonical territory of the Church of Constantinople”. Such a statement is contrary to historical truth, as well as the official position of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, confirmed many times. Furthermore, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople sent an official notification to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all the Russias that Archbishop Iov would be visiting Kiev.

The well-known Ukrainian sectarian activist Sandeya Adeladzhi, of the Embassy of God cult, a supporter of the schismatics, released the interview with the mentioned statement. It also appeared on the Religious Information Service of the Ukraine (RISU) website, a Uniate-backed enterprise. Don’t forget that the head Uniate recently slandered Orthodox Christians… his fellow Ukrainian citizens. Vladyki Iov took part in services in Kiev at the personal invitation of Metropolitan Onufry Berezovsy of Kiev and all the Ukraine. I think that demonstrates whom the EP recognises as the only canonical Church jurisdiction in the Ukraine.

Journalists “tarted up” the facts; they published them without a twinge of conscience. Any road, attempts to deny the legitimacy of the reunification of the Kiev Metropolia with the MP are more journalistic fiction than a solemn statement of the Orthodox hierarchy. In any case, it’s absolutely devoid of both historical truth and canonical reason. Ecumenical Patriarch Dionysios IV and 21 of his Metropolitans signed the Conciliar Gramota of 1686, all the Eastern Patriarchs recognised it, and no one ever questioned it over the centuries.

4 August 2016



Friday, 3 June 2016

3 June 2016. Some Home Truths About “Ukrainians”

00 russia and ukraine... brothers forever! 030616


There are “Ukrainians” and there are “Ukrainian” Fascist Nationalists… the former are simply one of the more Western outliers of the Russian people… the latter are vicious and feral running dog lackeys of the West. I know many good simple Uniate people… indeed, they far outnumber the Nazi filth who run their institutions. I’ve asked many:

Why? Why do you put up with these fascist brutes? They don’t represent you… they’re full of hatred and bile… you’re not.

Mostly, the reply is:

They have support from the Vatican and the American government… they get money and support from both; they don’t need us, really. They go their way… we go ours.

Most of the Uniate rank-and-file don’t share the views of the Fascist fanatics. In fact, most aren’t anti-Russian at all. I’d go so far as to say that most Uniate people would cheer if Russian troops entered Lvov… they did so in 1914, 1939, and 1944… they’d do so again. After all, most victims of the fascist UPA terrorists were fellow Galician Uniates who disagreed with nationalist bullshit. The UPA killed more fellow Uniates than they ever did Russians… that’s why the locals aided the Chekists in putting the UPA down.

There IS one Russian People…


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