Voices from Russia

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Fr Nikolai Balashov Believed that the Words Attributed to an EP Bishop about the Canonical Status of the Ukraine were Just “Journalistic Fiction”

Fr Nikolai Balashov


The MP doesn’t believe that EP Archbishop Iov Gecha stated that the Ukraine was the EP’s canonical territory. Archpriest Nikolai Balashov, Deputy Chairman of the MP Synodal Department of External Church Relations (OVTsS) said:

Archbishop Job is highly educated and expert in canon law; I can’t believe that he’d really claim, “The Ukraine is the canonical territory of the Church of Constantinople”. Such a statement is contrary to historical truth, as well as the official position of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, confirmed many times. Furthermore, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople sent an official notification to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all the Russias that Archbishop Iov would be visiting Kiev.

The well-known Ukrainian sectarian activist Sandeya Adeladzhi, of the Embassy of God cult, a supporter of the schismatics, released the interview with the mentioned statement. It also appeared on the Religious Information Service of the Ukraine (RISU) website, a Uniate-backed enterprise. Don’t forget that the head Uniate recently slandered Orthodox Christians… his fellow Ukrainian citizens. Vladyki Iov took part in services in Kiev at the personal invitation of Metropolitan Onufry Berezovsy of Kiev and all the Ukraine. I think that demonstrates whom the EP recognises as the only canonical Church jurisdiction in the Ukraine.

Journalists “tarted up” the facts; they published them without a twinge of conscience. Any road, attempts to deny the legitimacy of the reunification of the Kiev Metropolia with the MP are more journalistic fiction than a solemn statement of the Orthodox hierarchy. In any case, it’s absolutely devoid of both historical truth and canonical reason. Ecumenical Patriarch Dionysios IV and 21 of his Metropolitans signed the Conciliar Gramota of 1686, all the Eastern Patriarchs recognised it, and no one ever questioned it over the centuries.

4 August 2016



Saturday, 25 July 2015

25 July 2015. A Conversation on the Sobor Just Past…



This passed between a friend and me on the net (I’m in plain type):

Sobor was actually more positive than I imagined it’d be; there was an honest feeling amongst attendees that we’ve turned a corner, and turned it in the right direction.

You know as well as I do that the main thing to come out of the Sobor was that the SOBs refused to back Maymon. It’s all a matter of time… but the OCA is on the way to “coming home”. Onufry coming to the Sobor was IMPORTANT. The Centre never sent anyone so big under Fatty. Are the konvertsy on the way out? I dunno… it’ll be an interesting two years ahead… that’s what I see, any road.

The SOBs refusal to back Maymon was major. Yes… there’s still some trouble coming up (Maymon is spending diocesan money inappropriately on something nasty… but that’s going to come out soon, no need to roil the water more), but we dodged the major bullet. Now, the question arises, what’ll the konvertsy do when they realise that their tantrums will go nowhere? I can’t say, but it does “feel” good, if you know what I mean.

God willing, the present movement toward Russian Orthodox unity in the diaspora won’t abate. I’d say… let’s look back two years hence… it may look different (and better) then…


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

21 July 2015. Classic Clusterfuck in the Works at Atlanta Sobor If the Buzz Be Correct (And I Wouldn’t Put My Money Against It, See?)

00 a whisper in the loggia. 08.12


It looks like Maymon is calling for a special diocesan meeting Tuesday (today) at 19.00 at the Atlanta OCA Sobor. The buzz has it that Bohush and his parish are suing him and diocese. Rumour is Mark went to the SOBs for help, but they told him to deal with it alone. That sends a big-time signal that he caused the mess, so he has to handle it. The good word has it that the diocese has to hire lawyers. In short, Maymon got an Old School Pravoslavny Shuffle (Metropolitans Leonty and Afanassy were experts at that, that’s why everybody respected ‘em). “Oh, I can’t do anything about that! It’s not my responsibility under Church Tradition and accepted Church practise! You have to talk to the people involved. The Synod, of course, has no official reaction or opinion on the matter”.

Maymon is in the deep kimchi. Mistrust all those liked by California Fats… that means that the OCA shouldn’t elevate either Eliel or Brum to the episcopate. They’re simply Maymons and Moriaks in training. Damn… I was getting to LIKE the lack of news in the OCA… that meant that no gnarly shit was going on… well, it’s time to fight back, kids. Which side are you on? Are you for Fr John and the right or are you for the konvertsy and their crackbrained delusions? It’s up to you… do choose wisely…


Tuesday, 5 May 2015

5 May 2015. Bart’s Crew Antsy Over Sobor Preparations

00 Glittersnipe.com. Get Your Shit Together. 2013


Well, we had HH saying that there were difficulties and intrigues at the preparation for the notional Istanbul all-Orthodox Sobor. Read this… OUCH! Bart’s bunch has their knicks in a knot. Let’s not be coy… Bart’s crew of losers doesn’t accept the OCA or the Czechs as autocephalous Local Churches. I did some asking around… not only did I get this link (I can’t catch everything, of course)… many think that HH sending Onufry Berezovsky to the OCA Sobor in July is a “Message to the Phanar”. No one can sue me for stating what’s out there. I don’t know what went on in Switzerland… but HH is on record as saying it was difficult and this post just nailed it down. Actually, the Phanar was stupid in doing this… it just reinforced in everyone’s mind the notion that a hellova smell ensued in them thar hills. Look at this:

The Committee’s deliberations took place in a spirit of fraternal love and constructive dialogue.

In Diplomatese, it means that all parties had a good food fight that didn’t degenerate into a Texas Steel Cage Death Match (that’s what happens when diplomats say that they’ve spoken “frankly”). In short, the Phanar showed its WEAKNESS. A strong party would’ve ignored it and the internet brouhaha would’ve dissipated in a week or so. My take is that the agenda isn’t nailed down… there’s more than a little disagreement on that… on top of the fact that neither the MP or EP have agreed to seat all the other’s delegations. This looks more n’ more like a “no go”… the Centre will insist on the OCA and the Czechs being there. Who’ll blink first? Well… if the fascist junta in the Ukraine goes down the shitter… you can see where I’m going. Bart will find that being a Friend of Langley only goes so far…


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