Voices from Russia

Friday, 10 November 2017

Rostov-on-Don to Erect Monument to Famed Spy Richard Sorge, Not Solzhenitsyn


Rostov-on-Don decided to erect a monument to famed Soviet spy Richard Sorge instead of one to Solzhenitsyn. The monument will be near School nr 80, named after Sorge. The decision to install the memorial took place at the last meeting [of the committee] on the names of socially-significant places. The recently-deceased Honoured Sculptor of Russia A A Apollonov created a bust of Sorge as a part of the project “Alley of Russian Glory”. The dedication of the memorial will be sometime in November.

Richard Sorge was a Soviet spy of the 20th-century, stationed in Japan, who had a cover as a German journalist. He received the award of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously in 1964. One of the streets in Rostov-on-Don is Ulitsa Sorge.

8 November 2017

Lyubov Aleksandrovna Shlyapkina


Sunday, 12 February 2017

Sputnik Editor-in-Chief Gives Some Advice to the “Dear CIA”



On Sunday, RT and Sputnik Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said that the Western establishment considers Russia “abnormal” by default and gave the CIA some caustic advice on how to prevent Russia from being perceived as “normal” in the West. Simonyan wrote in her blog:

For the majority of the Western Establishment, the idea that Russia is normal is as wild as the suggestion that the Earth is square… Everyone stopped caring about facts long ago. There’s a conclusion that Russia is abnormal with all that follows. Facts have to be adjusted to fit the conclusion.

According to the RT editor-in-chief, part of the Establishment’s dislike for US President Donald Trump stems from his seeming willingness to review the relationship with Russia. Simonyan gave a few acerbic recommendations to the CIA on how to ensure that the public opinion of Russia doesn’t change, including constant reminders about hackers and Trump’s relations with Moscow:

Remind people about the cunning of RT and Sputnik. Use the most fear-inducing vocabulary. There’s no need to look for a newsworthy event, the people are used to it.

She cited the example of NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu calling Sputnik “part of the propaganda machine” in an interview with the BBC. Simonyan added sarcastically that a political assassination of a prominent activist or a politician would be a fail-safe way to avoid normalising relations with Russia and suggested that the CIA arrange that, noting that she made her suggestion “in an ironic context” and it was in no way an actual call for action.

On 6 January, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released a report saying US intelligence agencies, including the CIA, had a high degree of confidence that Russia meddled in the US presidential election. On 7 January, Simonyan said that the report was poorly prepared and jokingly offered some facts the CIA could use in future.

12 February 2017

Sputnik International



My, my, my, the CIA complains of “Russian meddling in the US Presidential election”… I seem to recall that’s a favourite Langley tactic… meddling in foreign elections or overthrowing people that the US Deep State doesn’t like. I seem to recall that V F Yanukovich was the legitimate President of the Ukraine… didn’t Langley have a hand in his overthrow, kids? It seems to me that Langley is lying, yet again. Do note what they’re saying… “Donald Trump isn’t the legit prez because the Russians interfered”.

Stay tuned… the poker game between Trump and the Deep State has only begun…


Friday, 7 November 2014

Russian Diplomats Laid Flowers on Grave of Soviet Spy Richard Sorge on the 70th Anniversary of His Death

00 Richard Sorge 01. 07.11.14


00 Richard Sorge 02. 07.11.14


At Tama Cemetery in the southwestern Tokyo suburbs, Russian diplomats held a memorial ceremony at the grave of legendary Soviet spy Richard Sorge on the 70th anniversary of his execution in Sugamo Prison on 7 November 1944. Flowers laid Russian Ambassador to Japan Yevgeny Afanasyev and senior diplomats of the Embassy, ​​as well as students of the school at the Russian diplomatic mission named after the famous spy, laid flowers on his grave. There were symposia and meetings on the Sorge Affair in Japan this month, as there’s still much interest in it amongst journalists and the scientific community. In particular, in particular, a major conference took place at the University of Aichi in Nagoya. On 8 November, at Tokyo’s Meiji University, with the support of the Centre for Studies of Japanese-Russian History, will host an International Symposium, which shall consider the activities of Sorge in China and Japan.

As an agent of Soviet military intelligence, German Communist Richard Sorge arrived in Japan in 1933 and created a highly effective network of agents. He enjoyed the full confidence of the Nazi Embassy in Tokyo, and he managed to receive secret information from the highest circles of the Japanese leadership. Under the code names “Ramsay” and “Inson”, he sent out one of the first pieces of intel on the approximate time of the planned attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR. Of even greater value was his intel about the fact that Japan wasn’t going to enter the war against the USSR in 1941. Historians say that he made a considerable contribution to Moscow’s victory. Japanese counterintel arrested Sorge on 18 October 1941. After interrogation, a court sentenced him to death by hanging. On 7 November 1944, in Sugamo Prison, the authorities hanged Sorge and his closest associate, Japanese journalist Ozaki Hotsumi. Another active agent in his group, Miyagi Yotoku, died in prison in 1943. Another member, journalist Branko Vukelić, received a life sentence, but died shortly afterwards, and US forces released radioman Max Clausen from prison after the war. In 1964, the USSR posthumously made Richard Sorge a Hero of the Soviet Union. Not only has there been a thorough investigation of Sorge’s life and times in Japan, just this year a very successful feature film about Sorge appeared in Japanese cinemas.

7 November 2014




Contemporary Russians do NOT denigrate the Soviet past… it’s one reason the godless Republican filth hate them so much. I’ll simply say this… the Church serves Pannikhida for the VOV war dead of the Red Army and it serves Pannikhida on the graves of the Soviet war dead in Spain. You can stand with the REAL Church or you can stand the phonies who suck up to the Republican Party. Choose wisely…


Sunday, 2 November 2014

2 November 2014. Here are Those WEAK Russian Forces That the Anglo Americans are ALWAYS Denigrating

00 russian naval infantry 03. 01.11.14


00 russian naval infantry 02. 01.11.14


00 russian naval infantry 04. 01.11.14


00 russian naval infantry 01. 01.11.14


The drippy-nosed Anglo American toddlers are forever telling us how strong that they are. However, the US DoD plans to have enough forces to conduct one major war and one minor war at a time… gee, they’ve already reached the limit, haven’t they? There are fewer brigades in the US Army than there are in the Russian Army. There are fewer brigades in the US Army than there are DIVISIONS in the PLA. How, then, can it have “overwhelming conventional superiority?” Don’t listen to the asshats at Stratfor… they have no technical means (that is, no SIGINT or ELINT assets)… they don’t have enough analysts (they only have 75 to 200 employees total)… they don’t have actual and vetted HUMINT assets at all (they do have personal contacts with some middle-level flunkies, but no one of importance). They’re crapitalist bullshitters… used-car salesmen of the worst sort. They don’t have any more cred than I do. They do have an ex-Navy SEAL as an exec… which gets them into some DoD circles, but by no means at the highest level. It shows you the level of intelligence of those who buy their crank services (it does tell you much about the level of brains of the rightwing clowns who take them at face value). “Shadow CIA”… anyone who believes that belongs in a rubber room with no access to sharps.

The images… they’re the Russian Naval Infantry… the “Black Death”… the SEALs had best watch their step around them. Pride goeth before a fall, I hear tell…


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