Voices from Russia

Monday, 6 October 2014

6 October 2014. You Can’t Make Up Shit Like This, Part Deux… The Mental State of the Ukraine Today Do You Know that the Ukrainian Language Came from the Planet Venus? (English subs)

00 Ukie fascists. 15.04.14


These guys ain’t goofing… they truly believe this shit


I didn’t think highly of the Galician Uniate ideology of “Consciousness” before… I think less of it, now. They’ve truly left the realm of the real world for fantasy land. These guys have access to the Dnepr Dams and the Chernobyl containment vessels… that should scare you. They’re not only stupid, they’re stupid fanatics, who’d pull things down just in spite. We DO live in a fallen world…


6 October 2014. You Can’t Make Up Shit Like This… A Banderovtsy Azbuka

00 Banderovtsy ABCs. 06.10.14

The kids are wearing the Wehrmacht-style M43 Feldmütze in SS-grey… Nazi headgear, worn without shame and openly… ain’t that interesting? Where’s Victoria Nuland, Jen Psaki, and Marie Harf? Your slips are showing, dears…


Click this. Scroll through it and look at it all.

This demented shit requires no commentary from me. This is what John Kerry and John McCain defend. This is what Stephen Harper and Andrew P W Bennett defend. This is what the Ukrainian Catholic, Ukrainian Orthodox, and Byzantine Catholic hierarchies defend (although, most Byzantine Catholic believers are pro-Russian, go figure). The Westerns and the papists drool over this and applaud. I’d say that tells us who’re our friends and who’re our enemies… no papist bishop or any “Evangelical” is our friend… we should act accordingly. What shall we do about such shameless pro-papist lickspittles like Michael Dahulich and John Jillions? Perspirin’ minds wanna know…


Sunday, 24 August 2014

24 August 2014. Zionist Brutes Out of Gaza! Banderovtsy Filth Out of Kiev! FASCISTS OUT!

00 Carlos Latuff. Shhh!!! Denouncing Israel's War Crimes is Anti-Semitism. 2009


I’m AGAINST Zionism and AGAINST Anti-Semitism… both equally and without reservation! Here, Bayan Miks do Hava Nagila (and the Russian crowd LOVES it)…


The Zionists in Gaza and the Banderovtsy in Kiev are the same! There’s no real difference between the two… not a tuppence worth that matters. I hate both Zionism and Anti-Semitism! BOTH! EQUALLY AND IN LIKE MEASURE! If you hate Jews, you’re my enemy… if you hate Palestinians, you’re my enemy… that’s that. Pass the kibbeh and the Manischewitz… give me seconds on the matzoh balls and the tabbouleh (and falafel in pita cover both bases, don’t they?)… now, that’s GOOD eats…


Saturday, 7 June 2014

7 June 2014. In Defence of A G Dugin and V A Kucherenko (“Maksim Kalashnikov”): The Western Pundits are a Buncha Maroons

00 Maksim Kalashnikov. 04.06.14

“Maksim Kalashnikov” (pen-name of V A Kucherenko)


Western pundits have a particular hatred for A G Dugin and “Maksim Kalashnikov” (pen-name of V A Kucherenko). They’re Nazis, they’re purveyors of hate, and they spread lies about the USA! Oh, the humanity!

Of course, that’s a load of horse hockey, bullshit, and outright fabrication. Dugin was a neo-Nazi in his youth… he admits it. That’s no secret. Hey, the USA had no problem with real Nazis after World War II… it put them into influential positions in the Bundesrepublik and made sure that their pensions reflected their service to the Nazis (on the other hand, the USA saw to it that career officers/NCOs of the NVA received no pensions… for the USA, SS guys were OK, but NVA guys were anathema). Dugin hasn’t been such since the end of the ‘90s, though, when he embraced Orthodoxy. Why the beef with him? Aleksandr Gelyevich is the main ideologue of Eurasianism… that’s why the Americans hate him so. Eurasianism sees Russia as distinct from the West, a part of a Eurasian civilisational bloc independent of and not intellectually dependent on the West and its crackbrained neoliberal (“conservative”) notions. You see, the Western pundits take a fact (Dugin was a National Bolshevik in his youth) and imply that he hasn’t changed. Of course, the real reason for the Western hatred is that Eurasianism has support in high circles, and America (in particular) hates the fact that someone’s exposed their deceitful machinations. Is Dugin perfect? Certainly not… however, the picture bruited by Western pundits isn’t righteous either. Remember… they DO have an agenda and it affects their statements.

Kucherenko simply is too popular for the tastes of Western pundits. He’s not only popular… he’s influential, too. Vladimir Aleksandrovich has the ear of V V Putin and D A Medvedev. Simply put, he’s more anti-American than D O Rogozin is (which is saying a lot, to be sure) and he wishes that we restore the best features of the USSR. Of course, what compounds it is that Kucherenko’s books are best-sellers, which means that a large segment of the educated public agrees with him (which angers the juvenile brat Americans to no end). His views aren’t as developed and intellectual as Dugin’s are (Dugin, after all, IS a professor of the Philosophy Faculty of MGU), but he’s got the ear of influential people in the apparat (besides ties to Putin and Medvedev, he’s personal friends with S S Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow).

In short, Western accusations that Kucherenko and Dugin are “National Bolsheviks” or “Neo-Nazis” are contemptible and not worthy of refutation. Only vacuous neocons or fatuous paleocon sources such as The American Conservative advance such arrant nonsense. Never forget, American “conservatism” isn’t only Liberal, its Radical Liberalism at its worst. True Conservatism implies accepting Tradition and Authority, two concepts rejected by American “conservatives”. They’re grasping and drooling money-worshippers; they idolise the American Revolution, which brought in a government and state founded on warmed-over deistic Enlightenment hogwash. That is, the present American Nihilism (found in both “liberals” and “conservatives”) was implicit in the very founding of the USA as a Radical Republic. Mirabile dictu! Are leftists more “conservative” than American “conservatives” are? They ARE, indeed… American righties only worship money and power, and to hell with the rest… as the present condition of the USA testifies to. Why should you attend to their opinions of Russian political/social figures and intellectual concepts that they barely know, let alone understand? I’d go so far as to say that most material on these men in English is black propaganda… it distorts the truth at best, with most of it being outright lies and falsehood.

America never was “the sole superpower”. The righties hate Kucherenko and Dugin for saying so openly (by the way, that was the real reason for the sanctions against D K Kiselyov… the Americans especially hated his statement of fact, “Russia can turn America into a pile of radioactive ash”). So should we…


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