Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

8 June 2011. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… A Vet Cries for His Dead Friends… THIS is Truth

Filed under: history,World War II — 01varvara @ 00.00

In this photo, British vet Gordon Smith went to Arromanches-les-Bains (Département du Calvados. Région Basse-Normandie) FRANCE for the 67th Anniversary of the D-Day landing on the French coast to open the Second Front against the Hitlerite occupiers of Europe. He wept for his fallen friends… as any decent human being would do. You can throw all the draft-dodging rightwing scummers such as Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, and Cheney into the balance on one side, and they wouldn’t have the moral weight of ONE of the vets of the Great Crusade against Hitler’s New World Order… the vets “saw the elephant”, did what they had to, and carried things through to the finish, unlike certain politicians from Alaska I could mention.

These men are our treasure… respect them… they won’t be with us much longer. Say, “Thank you, dad, for making our lives possible”. It’s the least that we can do…


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