Voices from Russia

Sunday, 5 February 2017

You Don’t March for Life

00 Mike Peters. I Had a Miscarriage. 2016. pro-lifers



No, I’m not “pro-abortion”… but this article encapsulates what I believe about the so-called “pro-life” movement. I find most “pro-lifers” hypocrites and poseurs. They vote AGAINST all forms of state social welfare and then vote to criminalise those who “fall between the cracks”. They blame the victims. I find that un-Christian and without defence. If you “march for life”, you should also march for single-payer healthcare, a strong pension system, and a generous unemployment/welfare scheme… if not, you’re a liar and a scoundrel, and I’ll call you such to your face.



To those participating in the March For Life:

First of all, good for you. Raise your voices, express your concerns, gather, make signs, do your thing. I won’t call you names. I respect your right to do this, and I respect your conviction. Second, be clear with your cause. You don’t march for life. You march for the birth of a foetus. Think about this:

At what age does this life stop mattering to you?

When it’s in the womb, you cry for it, you fight for it, you empathise with it, and you march for it. When it becomes one month old, you hope the mother supports it, feeds it, and nurtures it. However, you don’t support the mother in this endeavour. You think she should “work hard”, “pull herself up by the bootstraps”, and get by on her $7.25/hr minimum wage job. You vote for those who block legislation to protect its mother from violence, from making the same wage as men, from getting basic healthcare, from getting food stamps and support to care for it.

When it becomes 6 years old, you hope there’s a public school around to teach it. Nevertheless, you vote for those who don’t want to fund public schools. You vote for those who believe our schools are “flushed with cash” yet somehow failing. The wealthier kids that live by it are able to go to different schools, but this foetus is stuck at an overcrowded and underfunded public school, so it falls behind in reading and math. You feel bad for it, but you don’t march for it. You mostly blame its single mother for not doing more to be involved in its schooling. “She should do homework with it. She should read to it more. Maybe she should get it a tutor”. Nonetheless, she works two jobs but she’s barely getting by.

Now, it’s 14 years old. It just had its first experience with a boy. It’s not sure if it was safe with this boy and it thinks it needs to go see a doctor. However, it’s scared, and it’s embarrassed, and it doesn’t want to get in trouble with mom. Therefore, it looks for a Planned Parenthood in its area, but they’ve all been shut down. But you feel no sympathy for it anymore. It’s now a slut to you. It should have made better choices, been more Christian. It’s no longer worthy of your support, and you do not march for it. Because you‘re not marching for life. You’re marching for religion and righteousness, and oppressing women with your outdated views of how they should behave.

Therefore, it gets no prenatal care. It goes on living for the next three months wearing baggy sweatshirts and hoping no one notices. When its mom finally does notice she tells it to get an abortion, because they don’t have the money to support another it, and because it is still a child trying to go to school and have a life. Again, you don’t march for this life. You voted to make abortion illegal and you feel good, you feel “right with God” because you saved another foetus.

This time it was given up for adoption. It joins more than 400,000 children in the US foster care system. If it is lucky, it’ll only spend the average three years in foster care. If it’s lucky, it won’t fall into the 78 percent of foster care children who experience some form of abuse. If it’s lucky, it won’t be one of the 80 percent of imprisoned people who spent some time in the foster care system. If it’s lucky, it’ll be one of the 50 percent of foster kids that graduate high school by the age of 18. If it’s lucky, it’ll be one of the 9 percent of former foster care kids that earn a bachelor’s degree. If it’s lucky, it’ll be adopted before it turns 18 and is thrown out onto the streets to fend for itself. However, you don’t march for those lives.

Now, it’s 18. It jumped from foster home to foster home. It doesn’t have a family. It’s depressed, emotionally damaged. It needs help. It could use some healthcare, but obviously, can’t afford it. It could use a job, but has no clothes and nowhere to stay. You avoid it on the streets, taking the long route to your car hoping it doesn’t stop you to ask for some change. You wish it would go somewhere else, anywhere but your neighbourhood. It gets too hungry. It turns to sex work because it’s the only option it has. It starts using drugs to numb the pain of this sex work. However, you don’t march for this life. This life is a burden on society to you. This life is un-Christian, unworthy of your tax dollars. This life should get its act together, overcome all odds, and become a self-made it just like your granddaddy. However, when this life has a new it inside of it, again you will march.

 26 January 2017

Courtney Hood




Hate me for posting this. GO AHEAD. The hate of the haters is a blessing… it means that I’m on the right road. Our Lord Christ didn’t die and rise from the tomb to bring in a fascist order that coddles the well-off and cocksure at the expense of their poorer and more vulnerable fellows. As Our Lord said, “They have their reward”…

By the way… Patriarch Kirill is NOT saying that illegalisation of abortion is the Church’s teaching. Several Gosduma deputies called V R Legoida on the carpet, and the upshot of it is that the Church would be happy with regulation and restrictions on abortion. HH’s statement was a bargaining chip… don’t listen to ignorant rightwing Yahoos like Jesse Dominick… he’s just a gofer flunky for Shevkunov. Some things are much less than they appear to be.


Wednesday, 6 January 2016

6 January 2015. THIS is What Happens When You Support American “Pro-Life” Politicians

00 syrian girl 060116


There are loud elements in our country that call themselves the “Pro-Life Movement”. Nothing could be further from the truth… they certainly are anti-abortion, but they’re also pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-oligarch, anti-worker, anti-government, and they wrap themselves up in the red, white, n’ blue… they imply that all of us who don’t share their crackbrained rightwing fancies are bad Christians and on the hellbound train.

I’d say not… look at the above image. This Syrian girl was in hospital as a direct result of American-financed terrorism in her country… terrorism SUPPORTED by US “Pro-Life” politicians. If you vote for “Pro-Lifers”… THIS is what you vote for. Not very “Pro-Life”, is it? It’s rather nasty and brutal, isn’t it? The righties accuse me of being “full of vitriol” and “an ugly troll”… well, THIS is what all their “Pro-Life” caterwauling leads to. If I rile up such sorts, so be it. I’ll speak the truth… I’ll continue to expose the horrid truth about the Pro-Life Movement. They don’t scruple at lying or at violence, but that’s OK for the konvertsy righties! It’s in a noble cause!

This is a meaty reflection on this Orthodox Christmas… do you want to serve Christ or do you want to serve the US Republican Party and its nihilistic grasping Anti-Life ideology? I’ve chosen… what about you?


Thursday, 24 December 2015

24 December 2015. This Is Why I’ve Come to HATE the “Pro-Life” Movement and ALL That It Stands For

00 Andy Marlette. Pro-Life. 2015


Read this.

This is sickening and disgusting. This is what the “Evangelical” atheists and their Amen Corner in the Republican Party want throughout the USA. Would Our Lord Christ have reacted as the “Evangelicals” and Republicans do? I think not.


I thought the Republicans and “Evangelicals” misguided and loony… I was wrong. They’re EVIL. Draw your own conclusions…


Friday, 18 September 2015

17 September 2015. A Point to Ponder from Bernie…

00 Cuba. Pro-Life. 22.06.13


This was Bernie’s commentary on the Repug “debate:

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is getting poorer, yet, for what seemed like an eternity, all they could talk about was not letting women control their own bodies and defunding Planned Parenthood. If you’re a veteran or military family member, there was a lot of talk about more money for war and confrontation, but no conversation about how the cost of war continues long after the last service member has returned home from overseas.

The mendacious attack on Planned Parenthood is particularly disgusting and vile. It uses deceptively edited videos… yet the konvertsy and other similarly vacuous sorts slobber over them. Let me put it clearly… if you use compromised means, you spit on Christ’s icon (at best). The Church is the “Pillar and Ground of Truth”… therefore, we can’t use shady methods (we’re not Evangelicals, after all). If we do so, we negate and deny Christ… full stop.

I’m voting for Bernie… I’m not the only Russian Orthodox person who’s going to do so…


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