Voices from Russia

Sunday, 24 November 2013

24 November 2013. You Can’t Make Up Shit Like This… National Catholic Reporter Thinks that the Blunder is #2 at the Centre… What a Buncha Maroons!

Metropolitan Yuvenaly Poyarkov

Now, here’s a real power brokerYuvenaly Poyarkov


Get a load of this howler from the National Catholic Reporter:

Speaking of a meeting between pope and patriarch, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, chairman of the Department of External Church Relations for the Russian Orthodox Church (sic) and effectively the #2 official under Patriarch Kirill, was in Rome for a conference Tuesday. While in town, he floated the idea of an encounter between his boss and Francisco in a “neutral country”.


Firstly, the Blunder isn’t the #2 power under HH. That would be the troika of Varsonofy Sudakov, Yuvenaly Poyarkov, and Vsevolod Chaplin. Varsonofy is the Chancellor (“You can’t slip a piece of paper between them, they’re so close”), Yuvenaly is the effectual Bishop of Moscow, its unsinkable satrap since the time of Pimen Izvekov, and Vsevolod Anatolyevich is HH’s closest confidant… the Blunder is nowhere near these guys at all. The Blunder doesn’t have the cred of Mark Golovkov, the head of the Secretariat (and a kinsman of HH to boot). He doesn’t even have the pull of a Kliment Kapalin… the Blunder’s nothing but a vicar bishop with a white hat (he’s the first Chariman of the DECR not to be a ruling bishop). He’s been bleating about a meeting between HH and the Pope of Rome for four years. Each time, VAC pops up and slaps down the rumours. One time, Vsevolod Anatolyevich joked that the meeting would take place on an ice floe in Antarctica, with the penguins as official witnesses! In short, the Blunder’s statement isn’t worth a used snot rag. However, his telegenic good looks and fruity Oxbridge accent wow all the superficial zapadniki, every time, all the time. Yet, to be fair, the NCR reporter added:

In my experience, relations with the Russian Orthodox are among the handful of never-ending stories on the Vatican beat, along with diplomatic relations with China and reunion with the Lefebvrists. All three tend to have a “one step up, one step back” dynamic, and it’s wise not to get overly excited.

Now, that’s something that I could raise a glass to, and so could you! Na dzorovye!


Tuesday, 22 May 2012

22 May 2012. Notre Dame Panders to Loony Rightwing Catholic Fringe by Filing Suit Against Obama Healthcare Plan

Don’t be fooled by the “bait n’ switch” in this one… they’re making noise in the hope that you’ll ignore the sexual abuse crisis amongst some of their clergy…


Read this. Observe this howler:

In its suit, the school says that the healthcare reform’s contraception mandate violates its religious freedom, and would require it to go against Catholic principles by offering contraception and sterilization to students and faculty in its insurance plan. The university serves 11,500 students of different religious faiths, and is traditionally led by a Catholic priest as president.


Earth to Notre Dame! Your religious freedom wasn’t abridged in the least. If you wish to teach that artificial contraception‘s evil… well, go ahead, no one’s stopping you. However, the state CAN step in and demand that you offer coverage for artificial contraception, as you have staff members, faculty, employees, and students who aren’t Catholic. Repeat… you have people on your campus covered by your healthcare plan who aren’t Catholic. You can’t use the coercive power of the state to force Catholics to follow Catholic “teachings”, let alone to use it to ram such tenets down the throats of non-Catholics. That’s not only evil, its blasphemous, offensive, and improper. The Lord Christ wouldn’t have used such methods, so, we shouldn’t, either.

You hear a lot of rightwingOrthodox” echoing the rubbish spouted by rightwing Catholics. Firstly, our moral theology and that of the papists’, although similar, isn’t identical. We do NOT teach that artificial contraception’s evil, only a few unrepresentative oddbods like Patrick Reardon teach such arrant nonsense. Secondly, the idea that the Catholics and we have an “alliance” is a specious error spread abroad by Hilarion Alfeyev (he’s not the “Blunder” for nothing). The konvertsy are all in awe of him… which shows how shallow and superficial they are. The Blunder has “gee-shucks” good looks, he’s photogenic, and his fruity Oxbridge accent fools the lot of ‘em.

In short, we don’t have common cause with the RCs on this one… no matter how much Potapov and Paffhausen will caterwaul otherwise. In any case, the RCs are trying to divert attention from their sexual abuse scandals… as are some of our people… could I mention a case in Canada? Or, is that mean-spirited?

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Albany NY

Monday, 12 September 2011

12 September 2011. COMEDY From “Helga”… DON’T Get Angry… Smile… That’ll Rile ‘Em!

A picture shoots “Helga’s” ravings to smithereens… THIS is what Bishop Mel and His Nibs think of Fathausen (ponder well the fact that this image appeared on the MP official website… YOWZA!)… I’m informed that Mel hates El Gordo’s guts, and Mel wants to take down not only JP, but also his faygelerand konvertsy pals, as well…


I need to laugh at some of my critics… and so do you… they’re just gibbering Renovationist lightweights and organ-grinder monkeys. They’re real maroons… especially, the konvertsy chowderheads. The funniest are those who use made-up usernames, as they’re too cowardly, spineless, and pusillanimous to sign their own names to their posts. “Helga” is one such. Firstly, she’s a lover of the Blunder. That’s par for the course… most uninformed konvertsy are. She doesn’t know the difference between REAL powers in Church circles such as Archbishop Mark Golovkov, Metropolitan Yuvenaly Poyarkov, and Fr Vsevolod Chaplin… and phoney poseurs such as Fathausen, Lyonyo, and the Blunder (an Unholy Trinity, if there ever was such). The Blunder’s impeccable and mellifluous Oxbridge accent and his gee-shucks photogenic good looks fool her, as they fool all superficial and uninformed people. Does she mention the fact that KMG took two-thirds of the old DECR away from him? No… why should you expect to hear a righteous story from her sort? You don’t expect old heads on young shoulders, nor do you expect pearls of wisdom from fools. “Think about what it means”… she doesn’t realise that the Blunder’s aspirantura in Bolshaya Ordynka is crammed with more poofters per square metre than any other comparable MP institution… just look at his mincing pal in Paris, whom he ordained BEFORE the canonical age (the MP had to close that loophole before the Blunder did so for more of his golubiye buddies). Well… her contention about the Blunder goes down in flames. It also shows her lack of knowledge in the Russian sources.

It’s no big deal for Yustinian Ovchinnikiov to have served with JP… Ovchinnikov is an expert in Romanian affairs exiled to the USA for a royal tits-up in Tiraspol. That happened because he let things get out of control and he’s a poor judge of character, by all accounts. It looks like “history is repeating itself”… in human affairs, lightning CAN strike twice in the same place; NEVER underestimate human stubbornness, pigheadedness, and general failure to learn from mistakes… that’s more the rule than the exception. For instance, “Helga” is going to continue to issue her bootless and uninformed commentary… nothing I can say will change her mind. If she (and her ilk) refuses to listen to Christ and His Church, sinners such as you and I don’t even have a chance. As for Hilarion Kapral, several ROCOR clergy have told me the same exact thing… “He’s too nice by half… he’s doesn’t know how to say, ‘No’”.

I’ll dispose of her comparing me with Stokoe… Mark’s nothing but Lyonyo’s obedient sock-puppet who does nothing without Lyonyo’s direct orders. I’m independent… which means that I’m 180 degrees removed from him (I’m no Renovationist fanatic, either, but you don’t expect discernment from boobies, do you?). I don’t bloody care what idiots like “Helga” think of me… by the way, DO NOT argue with such sorts, for they’re looking to cause a stink so that their clerical allies will swoop in and save them. Have a cleansing laugh and IGNORE THEM. I thank my friend who passed this on to me… but “leave her be” in future, her own words and lack of honesty in using a “username” will convict her, I’ll not need to say a word, nor shall anyone else have to. They’re spoilt children looking for an audience by throwing tantrums. I say we’re adults… pass the Harvey’s, please, and do keep the toddlers in the nursery where they belong.

Finally, the biggest howler is the Acton Institute… that received NO attention in the grounded Orthodox press… for good reason. The Acton Institute is an extremist rightwing think-tank… it’s affiliated with no legit university, college, seminary, research institute, library, religious group, or foundation. It’s only been around since 1990, it pushes extreme nihilist Neoliberal laissez-faire policies. It attempts to “square the circle”… they try to take Satan’s nihilist ideology (the Free Market… His Holiness calls it a fraud) and they try to reconcile it with “Judeo-Christian morality” (when ever you hear this construct… cringe… there’s Christianity, there’s Judaism… both are legit… but “Judeo-Christian” is a crook chowder-headed American neologism). Here’s what I said about the Acton Institute in an earlier post:

The Acton Institute is a neocon outfit founded and lead by Robert Sirico, a former homosexual activist who’s now a Roman Catholic priest. Before he was either of those, he was a Pentecostal evangelist and “healer!” Draw you own conclusions as to the company that JP chooses to keep and about his agenda. It’s clear that JP is trying with all his might to create a split along ideological lines. That’s why he signed the dubious Manhattan Declaration, that’s why he choose to schmooze with the Mormon “Prophet”, and that’s why he’s now sucking up to Sirico and his clan. For more proof, just read the “OCA Pravda” posting on JP and the “culture wars”, which is something of a battle cry for the neocon konvertsy who left their former confessions to pick up the fight again and close ranks behind JP, their self-appointed commander. I can’t be the only one to notice… all that you need are two eyes and half-a-brain! Of course, there’s a serious deficit of eyes and brains in the OCA these days… sometimes it’s hard to remember that there are honest-to-goodness fanatical cultists out there, but this certainly leaves no doubt! If nothing else, JP’s antics will hasten the end of the unthrifty OCA, and that’s no bad thing, is it? I knew that the end would be messy, but this is ridiculous… at least, ADS would have gone out with dignity (give the devil his due). Fathausen is a child messing about with a loaded Makarov with the safety off… the question is whether he’ll hurt others when he goes down… I fear that the answer to that is “YES”.

Do you know what’s ironic? These konvertsy scream about morality, and they unhesitatingly and without stint support known and closeted homos and pervs (not to mention their rabid defence of Radical Renovationism, as well). Their juvenile maunderings about “tradition” and “conservatism” are nothing but empty verbiage and vacuous posturing. Reardon agonised over Rowan Williams… who’s not a faygeler (enabling and cosseting gays is NOT the same as being one)… but he was and is silent concerning the antics and proclivities of such swishers as Feodosy Lazor, Nikolai Soraich, Benjamin Peterson, Pierre l’Huillier, and Isidore Brittain, amongst others (I fear that list given isn’t exhaustive). Reardon bloviated about an Anglican who’s not gay, but he’s silent about the Gay Blade cabal running the OCA (to tell the truth, I’d rather have an open and honest gay bishop such as V Gene Robinson over such posturing closeted filth). God DO save us from such.

It’s a FALLEN world… never forget that.


Let’s keep it focused… compare what I’ve done with what she’s done. Then, make up your own mind. One of the drawbacks to getting a “reputation” is that toothless critics snarl and roar. Let them! Have a drink and smile… that’ll rile ‘em good. As for what KMG thinks of El Gordo… just look at the image at the head of the post… a picture IS worth a thousand words. The world is being its usual self… trust me, the Millennium hasn’t arrived. The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb, nor have the konvertsy grown any sense. Don’t hold your breath…

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Monday 12 September 2011

Albany NY

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