Voices from Russia

Friday, 11 March 2011

The “Love BT” Boat Surfaces Again… He Chatters Away… He Offers No Proof… The Holy Synod MUST Issue a Gag Order on this Wayward Buccaneer

It’s time to send the “Love BT” Boat to the bottom!


Here’s the latest missive from our favourite Orthodox village idiot, “Love BT” (retired Bishop Tikhon Fitzgerald). Trust me; it’s MAAN (Much Ado About Nothing). Read it! He’s expecting you to take him seriously!



Re: Gay Marriage and the OCA

Even canonically, the Metropolitan, or the Diocesan Bishop, or the Locum Tenens, to whom Mme Sakoda refers, may not rectify the matter unilaterally. The new Bishop and the new Metropolitan may very well have presented the case to the Holy Synod, for it was in response to “someone’s” presentation that Synod members reported their consensual response, “Oh, he repented”. After the last AAC, the Synod may have abandoned its former civility and punctilio regarding brotherly conversations. Why a couple of the more senior members may have allowed themselves to address a request from the Metropolitan to take this or that personnel action with expressions like “Over my dead body”, or “Only over our dead bodies”, and so forth. Even a senior hierarch, let alone a neophyte, might be taken aback by such politesse…

Friday 11 March 2011 13.18

Bishop Tikhon



Firstly, again, BT isn’t offering any proof. This is a disjointed ramble. The OCA Holy Synod has a responsibility to issue a gag order upon Tikhon Fitzgerald. He’s doing nothing but making the entire OCA look foolish. I’m reporting no breaking news to tell you that lurkers from the MP and the EP, in particular, monitor the Indiana List and Orthodox Forum (an EP agency subscribes to this site according to WordPress, so, it’s a safe assumption that the major players watch these two sites)… it’s a way of keeping informed. I’d ask Mel Pleska, “Is THIS what you want people to see? It’s nothing but the simian gibbering of a repulsive and known sadist! THIS is what the rest of the Orthodox world is reading. You have a responsibility, sir. Silence this loose cannon. He’s raised the Jolly Roger, so, what is there to wait for?”

Note well that there’s NO proof of Gregory Burke’s reinstatement offered in the above post. Love BT avoids the issue, in fact. In fact, I found it difficult to “read the tealeaves” of the above ramble, so I asked people who’ve been around longer than I’ve been! The replies were interesting, to say the least.

The “personnel action” request of JP was a proposal to lift Bobby K’s canonical deposition in response to a letter from former Metropolitan Herman requesting that the Holy Synod reconsider it actions in re Bobby. The two “senior members” referred to by Love BT are Nathaniel Popp and Benjamin Peterson. To remind readers who may not know, Archbishop Nathaniel presided at the Spiritual Court that tried Bobby and BP presided over the SIC that produced the SIC Report. If that wasn’t enough, the “word” on the “OCA street” is that BT and BP are fighting big-time. I must emphasise that I DON’T believe that there’s an “alliance” between Nathaniel and BP; there’s just agreement on this sole issue.

BT might be using the Burke issue to smear Bishop Mark Forsberg as a homosexual. Mark and Nathaniel were both friends and priests in the ROEA back when Archbishop Valerian Trifa (deported by the US government to Portugal in 1982 for supposed Iron Guard ties (yet, VT was imprisoned by the Nazis in concentration camps for a while)) was ruling bishop. Who knows, maybe, albeit very coyly, BT might be trying to imply that Nathaniel might be a homosexual, as well. This appears to set a pattern. The Stokoe outing and the Burke thing could just the beginning of what might become a public and nasty battle of homosexual clerics (and their lay allies) in cyberspace. Don’t forget, eyewitnesses saw Feodosy Lazor attired in a pink cowboy suit in a Las Vegas gambling casino (keep in mind that Love BT praised FL and Nikolai Soraich fulsomely in a recent post).

I think that BT is playing a dangerous game if he, a retired hierarch, is attempting, in a very public way, via the Internet, to pit bishops against each other. In a REAL Local Church, he’d be suspended, silenced, and/or sent to a remote monastery (à la Nikon Mironov of Yekaterinburg)… and it would’ve happened a long time ago. Look at how the MP Archpastoral Council dealt with Diomid Dzyuban.

There’s a multi-alliance war shaping up in the OCA… JP, BT, BP, Kondratick, and the OCA First Families apparatchiki (such as Karlgut, Tosi, and Piggy Iggy Burdikoff) make up one faction (yes, BP and BT hate one another with a Number One Purple Passion… but both are supporting JP (that’s one of the main weaknesses dogging this group, by the way… it’s really two factions loosely allied for the moment)). Kishkovsky and Stokoe lead another faction. These two groups have squabbled for years, there’s no chance of reconciliation between the two. That’s not all, though! The OCA Romanians under Nathaniel Popp are in a unified and discrete body separate from the rest of the OCA… they could decide to bail out… if they do so, the OCA as we know today is kaput. SVS is an institution full of opportunistic swine… they’ll stand on the sidelines until they think that they see a “winner”… if they choose wrongly (a definite possibility given the practical stupidity of Behr, Hatfield, and Erickson), SVS will go down the tubes. It’s like betting the paycheque on a long shot. If you win… ooh la la. If you lose… Barrel Fashions City. There are two other “groups”… one is a group of pusillanimous weak reeds who’ll fall behind whoever is the victor of this vicious catfight. Bishop Tikhon Mollard is one of these… he should’ve thrown JP out on his ear and publicised El Gordo’s attempt at intimidation. Lastly, there’s a reputed group around Melchizadek Pleska. They’re keeping quiet; they’re lying low whilst everyone else is whacking at the Tar Baby with full abandon. They’re so mum that neither I nor anyone else can discern what they’re up to (which means that they’re the cleverest of the lot… but that doesn’t mean that they have it in the bag… there’s such things as treachery and duplicity in this fallen world).

We need to torpedo the Love BT Boat (it’s more B. Traven’s Death Ship rather than Captain Stubbing’s TV vessel) lurking in the waters of Orthodox cyberspace and sink it to the bottom of the Marianas Trench… are you listening, Bishop Melchizadek? The longer that you wait, the more damage that this cabal will inflict. DO think on that.

A parting thought… Fathausen’s “leave” appears to have disappeared. What does this tell you about the Mad Monk and about the Holy Synod? The latter had best act, or, they’ll find themselves abandoned by ordinary Orthodox.

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Friday 11 March 2011

Albany NY

Peter King Appeals to the Basest Segment Amongst Us… His Bigotry is Clear

Filed under: politics,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00

If you agree with Peter King or Rush Limboob, you’ve been taken in by a well-orchestrated and well-financed campaign. I’ve heard Limboob’s loud and moronic rants on the radio… anyone who believes his ignorant drivel is in need of VERY long rest in a home for the feeble-minded. Don’t forget… both Limboob and King are Chicken Hawk Chumps of the Motherland who refused to serve in the regular forces during the Vietnam War… and are warmongers today. Any questions?


No American Muslim leaders are cooperating in the War on Terror (sic); 80 to 85 percent of mosques in this country are controlled by Islamic fundamentalists. I’ll stand by that number of 85 percent. This is an enemy living amongst us.

There are too many mosques in this country. There are too many people sympathetic to radical Islam. We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them.

US Representative Peter King (R-NY)


Given the low rate of would-be violent extremists, only 100 amongst an estimated 3 million American Muslims, suggests an American Muslim population that remains hostile to jihadist ideology and its exhortations to violence.

RAND Corporation


Ascribing the evil acts of a few individuals to an entire community is wrong; it is ineffective; and it risks making our country less secure.

US Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN)


Read these:



Let’s be brief and concise… Peter King isn’t an “expert” on terrorism, on the other hand, he isn’t a Joe McCarthy either (frankly, he’s too glib and stupid). There’s no need for these hearings… John Boehner was as dumb as dirt to allow them. All that they’re going to do is to appeal to the knuckle-dragging Bubba base of the Tea Partiers and offend most other Americans. If the GOP is to win key states in 2012, it needs to win at least a portion of the non-white vote. By doing such ill-considered hearings such as these are, it cuts down on that considerably. After all, Muslim-Americans have neighbours who know them as honest and upright people… not all America is as full of hate and bile as Peter King is. Waddaya gonna do, Pete? No doubt, he’d say, “Send ‘em back to where they came from!” Hey… that’s a two-way street… howdya like making the Emerald Isle your permanent home, Pete? After all… “Send ‘em back to where they came from!”

Oh,… one last thing… like most extremist neoliberal warmongers, Mr King is a Chump of the Motherland who refused to serve in the active forces. Like George W Bush and Dan Quayle, he used Daddy’s Pull to get into the National Guard during the Vietnam War to avoid overseas combat service. You see, during that conflict, sons of the well-connected used Pop’s clout to avoid combat service by serving in the Reserves and National Guard (which, at that time, could only be sent abroad in time of war). Trust me… that was an open secret at the time. Isn’t it interesting how virtually all the Tea Party/GOP bullies are those who refused to serve when their country needed them? Now, THAT’S a point to ponder.

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Friday 11 March 2011

Albany NY

Dropout Scott Walker Woke Up the Unions… The GOP Will Regret This

Filed under: politics,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00

Give Them Their Freedom!

Miron Lukyanov


This is the world of Dropout Scott Walker… the poster is right… “Give them their freedom!”


But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep. Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

Gospel According to St Luke 6.24-26


A CEO, a Tea Party nutter, and a trades unionist are at the same table. There are a dozen cookies on the table. The CEO reached over, shoved the other two guys out of his way, and took 11 of the 12 cookies. Then, he turned to the Tea Partier and said, “Look out for that union guy! He wants part of your cookie!”

Joke current amongst American trades unionists


I fear that all we’ve done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.

Apocryphal quote attributed to Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku


Read these:


Note this:

Walker and Republicans argued from the outset that the collective bargaining measures were directly related to balancing the budget. For weeks, they refused to separate the two ideas. The fact that they did so in the end to pass the legislation shows that their true intent was to abolish unions, said Democratic Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca. “To me, the charade is over”, Barca said.

“Governor Walker’s overreaching has brought us to this moment to be able to talk about jobs, to be able to talk about the right to collective bargaining. This is the debate we’ve wanted to have for 25 years. Well, guess what? Suddenly the debate came to us”, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Thursday in Washington.

Marty Beil, director of the state’s largest public employees union, which represents 20,000 workers, said Walker had taken the state “far away from its core values. But after each dark night, there comes a new day. And this new day starts today, as Wisconsin citizens across the state answer this insult by pouring their energy into recalling Wisconsin senators who have sold their souls to the highest bidder”.

The GOP pulled a Pearl Harbor on the labour movement. They’d best chortle now… their blatant attempt to take away the rights of working people was like paramedics administering a shock to a person’s heart to get it beating again. Eight of the GOP pigs face recall petitions… as does Dropout Scott when it becomes legally possible in November. Don’t forget… Midway followed Pearl Harbor six months later… the same will happen here.

Russia Today on the present unrest


Let’s keep it simple and sweet… this was a “bridge too far” for the GOP. They’ll regret having tried to take away the rights of working people and to steal from ordinary folks to enrich their oligarch paymasters. Then, again, Dropout Scott Walker is an ignoranus dropout who flunked college, considers Think and Grow Rich great literature, and believes that W. Clement Stone is a deep philosopher. Here’s the credo of Dropout Scott and all the other Tea Party nutters:

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.

Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill

That is, Dropout Scott believes that Sinful Greed is the Mother of all Things… he openly professes his belief in Mammon the Great. I don’t care if he calls himself a “Christian” (his father was an uneducated Sectarian “preacher”)… he’s not one, and we should say that loudly! Dropout Scott isn’t alone… some of the greediest, cruellest, and most self-centred people that I’ve had the misfortune of running across are Sectarians (“Evangelicals”, “Born-Again Christians”, “Pentecostalists”, Mormons/JWs). Remember, they believe in a “Personal Saviour”… not the Lord Christ who came to save us all spoken of in the Scriptures. They’re the “Elect”, dontcha know! The rest of us unwashed unbelievers are damned, in their eyes, so, we’re ripe for the plucking.

Thank you, Dropout Scott! Your stupidity, cruelty, and greed woke up America… for that, you deserve a statue… the pigeons do need a convenient place to shit upon, don’t they?

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Friday 11 March 2011

Albany NY

Oca.org Indicates One Thing… “Love BT” Indicates Another… One is Lying…

Filed under: Christian,Orthodox hierarchs,religious,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00

Read this (posted on the Indiana List) from Tikhon Fitzgerald… he makes some interesting omissions… far from getting himself out of the hole, he digs himself further into the cesspit.



While Mme Sakoda did not address her question to me by name, she did write, “Perhaps, you could let us know precisely when this reinstatement occurred, and where we could find as record of it?”

According to my recollection, the Deacon was suspended when he temporarily abandoned left Bishop Mark Forsberg’s home to go get married in San Francisco… in October 2007. Today, we may read in the monthly bulletins of the OCA’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral (Miami FL) that Bishop Mark is attached while Archdeacon Gregory is assigned. Here is the link where one may read it:


A Google will show that he appears as well on annual complete lists of Diocese of the South clergy, as “Hierodeacon Gregory Burke”, up to and including 2011.


Bishop. OCA. Retired.


What Love BT quotes isn’t germane in the least. Indeed, it means that Gregory Burke is serving in Miami without having his suspension lifted! Let’s see… that means that Bobby knows of it… JP knows of it… why wasn’t an official announcement of Mr Burke’s reinstatement made on the OCA website? That’s always done… if you search for “Gregory Burke” on the news section of oca.org, there’s NO result for his reinstatement. That’s to say, he’s serving whilst under suspension, an offence carrying the punishment of deposition under the canons… it’s how the ROOCR deposed Gelb Podmoshensky… Alexander Lebedeff said so.

BT is making hay about this because Fr Philip Reese, the Rector of the Miami Cathedral, was A MEMBER OF THE SIC! Therefore, Reese is on Bobby’s and BT’s hit list. BT is not interested in “clarifying” Church teaching on gay marriage; rather, he is “getting even” with those whom he believes caused the downfall of Bobby (Stokoe and Reese). Burke, in this case, is in the vicinity, but he’s not the target. In all probability, Reese is.

Love BT has to show that an official lifting of the suspension exists, he must produce a URL to a post to that effect on oca.org, or a facsimile of a letter on official church stationery signed by the members of the Holy Synod stating such explicitly, or he’s a liar, full stop. He’s sending up a smokescreen. Produce the documentation, BT, or go home. You can’t do the former, so, please, do the latter.

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Friday 11 March 2011

Albany NY

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