Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

9 March 2011. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… Her Sister was Abducted by the USA and Convicted in a Kangaroo Court

Filed under: politics,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00

This is Fowzia Siddiqui, the older sister of Aafia Siddiqui, demanding the release of her sister from American captivity on International Women’s Day, 8 March 2011. Aafia Siddiqui was kidnapped by ISI, CIA, and FBI agents in Pakistan in 2003, after being fingered by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (an alleged al Qaeda operative repeatedly tortured by the USA in Guantánamo). She was taken to Bagram Air Base and held under murky circumstances. The USA denies this, but they also denied the existence of the secret torture facilities in Eastern Europe, didn’t they? Siddiqui was supposedly arrested in Afghanistan by the Karzai puppet junta, taken to an American base, and shot by an American officer. Then, the Karzai client government allowed American agents to take Siddiqui to the USA, where a kangaroo court “convicted” her of “crimes”, sentencing her to 86 years imprisonment. As the alleged actions didn’t occur in the USA, the US court didn’t have jurisdiction… under international law, the sentence is illegal, unjust, and cruel.

Note well that the Republican Party favours such illegal and uncalled-for abductions and show trials. The Real Church (through such spokesmen as Patriarchs Kirill and Bartholomew) condemns such high-handed state criminality. Are there churchmen who support such state terrorism? Yes… Jonas Paffhausen… John Whiteford… Anthony Nelson… all the HOOMies… virtually all the konvertsy… every one of ’em is out of step with the Legit Church. They’re all American Sergianists… apologists for state-sponsored terror and unjust imprisonment. You know, they don’t even have the defence of the Russian clerics… “We did such in order to save the Church from destruction”. The American clerics do so in adulation of one of the cruellest plutocracies ever to exist… they issue apologias for Corporate Dictatorship (they’re Orwwellian Goodthinkers, in the most base sense of that Newspeak term) and ignore the cries of the poor… any questions?


A Photo Essay. A Farewell to the Carnival… Maslenitsa in… LONDON! No Lie…

Filed under: popular life and customs,Russian,social life and customs — 01varvara @ 00.00










Turkish Cops Foil Assassination Attempt against Patriarch Bartholomew

Last time I looked, the Turkish cops weren’t overly cosy with criminals. Hell, they make Texas cops look like mellow zoned-out Berkeley hippies. In any case, if Bart dies, so does Turkey’s bid to enter the EU… they’ll protect him for that reason alone…


The Turkish police foiled an assassination attempt against Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Archontonis, arresting two young suspects, both of whom are under 21-years-old. They planned to kill the patriarch in the Phanar district of Istanbul, the site of the patriarchal residence, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote on Wednesday. Fr Igor Yakimchuk, the head of the secretariat of the MP Department for External Church Relations, explained that Turkish extremists belonging to an organisation called the “Grey Wolves” have burnt effigies of the patriarch, and they threw rocks over the fence of his residence, sometimes, hitting people. He believed that this assassination attempt by nationalist and Islamist extremists was an attempt to destabilise the situation on the eve of the upcoming election campaign, which begins next month. In turn, Aleksandr Sotnichenko, Professor of International Relations at the University of St Petersburg, also connected what happened to nationalist factions. “The reason is quite clear, it’s an effort on the part of the domestic political opposition in Turkey to stir up the nationalist hatred against Greeks”, he said. He reminded us that the nationalists were opposed to Bartholomew’s serving a liturgy last year in an ancient Greek monastery near Trabzon, as well as a liturgy served in an Armenian church.

9 March 2011



The House of Romanov Doubts the Authenticity of the Remains Found in Yekaterinburg

Filed under: history,politics,Revolution/Civil War,Romanovs,Russian — 01varvara @ 00.00


The House of Romanov announced that the remains found near Yekaterinburg and buried in the crypt of Ss Peter and Paul Cathedral in St Petersburg may not be those of Nikolai II and his family. “Certainly, alas, we can’t rule out such a possibility”, Aleksandr Zakatov, the Director of the Chancellery of the House of Romanov, told Interfax on Wednesday. He emphasised that the priests who officiated at the burial of the Yekaterinburg remains on 17 July 1998 “didn’t use any particular name at the service. In any case, the remains were those of martyred people, victims of the terror. No one says that we should disturb their bones again, even if we can prove that they’re not the Romanovs. What’s done is done. May they rest in peace. However, we must settle the truth”. He noted that when the first debate about the authenticity of Yekaterinburg remains surfaced, the head of the Romanov House, the late Grand Prince Vladimir Kirillovich suggested that we temporarily bury them in a church or chapel, then, do an honest, open, and verifiable examination without haste and excitement. “However, in the 1990s, no one listened to the position of the Grand Duke; they wanted to make a political show by a certain date. The result was disastrous. The investigators and officials themselves did their best to sow distrust amongst the faithful and the public of their expertise”, Zakatov said. In his view, the state commission “ignored the position of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Imperial House. If there are doubts, neither the Church nor the House of Romanov is guilty of the sin of leading people astray. Those who try to pressure the Church into issuing scandalous findings only drive the situation into a dead end. It’s possible that only the next generation of Russians could look into this matter calmly and objectively”.

In July 1991, archaeologists opened a gravesite at the Old Koptyakovskoy Road near Yekaterinburg; it contained the remains of nine people. It’s assumed that they belong to members of the royal family, Nikolai II, his 46-year-old wife Aleksandra, their daughters 22-year-old Olga, 21-year-old Tatiana, and 17-year-old Anastasia, as well as members of their entourage, 53-year-old Yevgeni Botkin , 40-year-old Anna Demidova, the 62-year-old Aleksei Trupp, and 48-year-old Ivan Kharitonov. On 29 July 2007, during archaeological excavations 70 kilometres south of the first grave, at a depth of 60 centimetres, investigators found bone and tooth fragments. The identity of the victims and circumstances of their deaths wasn’t determined at the time of the excavation, but the location and nature of burial gave reason to believe that the remains were those of two children of Nikolai II, Tsarevich Aleksei, and his sister Maria. Vladimir Solovyov, an investigator with the SKP RF, who headed the team carrying out the official inquiry into the murder of the royal family, told Interfax in January that he had no doubt that the remains discovered near Yekaterinburg were the remains of the imperial family. “We’re fully confident that the identification of the remains of the royal family is 100 percent correct”, Solovyov said. Solovyov worked on the criminal case and investigation into the murder of Nikolai II and his family since 1993. On 14 January 2011, he signed an order terminating the criminal case.

9 March 2011



Editor’s Note:

Maria Vladimirovna (MVR) is a typical pretender… full of pretence and pride, lacking in power and resources. Why would she issue such a statement now? The only possible explanation is that the Church is ready to accept the Yekaterinburg remains as genuine, and that would upset MVR’s applecart completely. To begin with, she’s isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, and if the Church was to accept the remains as genuine, it would close this chapter of Russian history, it would lay the topic to rest. She’d have to find another hobbyhorse to ride! Patriarch Kirill’s shown himself to be an innovative leader who’s not afraid of making controversial decisions. If he accepts the remains, it’ll help the reconciliation process between the “Red” and “White” streams in Russian life. Reflect seriously on the fact that MVR wants to keep such tensions alive. I say that the Yekaterinburg remains are genuine, we must say so, and that if obscurantists don’t want to admit that, well, let them stew! Let the remains of the Royal Martyr Passionbearers lie in peace in St Petersburg… enshrine the new remains in the Spas na Krovi in Yekaterinburg… that would write a fitting end to this chapter in our history.


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