Voices from Russia

Sunday, 13 September 2015

13 September 2015. Vote AGAINST the Republican Anti-Life Programme

00 Oppose the GOP Anti-Life programme 130915


I wrote this 2½ years ago… it’s still as true as ever…

The so-called “March for Life” is coming up. The usual cast of suspects is making the usual Sturm und Drang concerning it. At one time, before I wised up, I supported the Pro-Life Movement. Then, I looked beneath the surface, and what I saw appalled and repelled me. The same pols who supported so-called “Pro-Life” measures were also for:

  • perpetual warfare in foreign parts
  • the gutting of the social safety net to fund corruption-riddled defence contracts
  • opposition to single-payer healthcare to benefit their corporate paymasters
  • derisory tax rates upon their wealthy contributors
  • the promiscuous use of the death penalty
  • the increasing role of the “security state”
  • using prison as a “solution” to the so-called “drug problem”
  • shitcanning all labour and environmental regulations in favour of libertarian “economic freedom”
  • the extending of personal and human rights to corporations

Whew… and that’s NOT exhaustive! In short, they OPPOSED what the late John Cardinal O’Connor rightfully called “the seamless garment”. There’s a reason why Timothy Cardinal Dolan didn’t come out in favour of Wet Willy in the late presidential election… Willy was AGAINST the “seamless garment”, and Dolan couldn’t support him without ripping up Catholic social teaching.

We have loud sorts amongst us. Follow the money… Potapov is (or was) a mid-level US government flunky (a propagandist targeting the Orthosphere, no less!)… Freddie M-G is (or was) an apparatchik at NPR… Dreher and Mattingly are rightwing stink-tankers… Webster is a stink-tanker and a chaplain in the US Army Reserve. When you add in that Lyonyo’s a member of the CFR (Anne Schmemann works in a CFR office that issues mendacious and self-serving apologias for American aggression abroad) and that Serge Schmemann and Sophia Kishkovsky are part of the New York Times Pravda-machine (the jewel in the crown of the American Corporate Media), well, what does that tell you? They’ve all sold out to the godless powers-that-be for a comfortable life and above-average incomes. You can follow Christianity or you can follow Sergianism. It’s interesting… the ones who loudly accused the MP hierarchy of “Sergianism” during the Sov era now stand exposed as Sergianist cheerleaders for Free Market buccaneering and bloodsucking. Fancy that… what they criticised, they now espouse. God DOES have a sense of justice, doesn’t He? Do you want to honour Christ, or shall you worship Mammon (the Almighty Dollar)?

Choose well… your eternal destiny does rest upon it…


Monday, 7 September 2015

7 September 2015. IS OUTRAGE! Fr Vasily’s Cat Speaks! (A Riff on Alex Riggle’s “Onion Dome”)

00 is outrage fr vasily cat 070915


Our Russian folk wisdom has it, “A cat makes a house a home”… therefore, “Many cats make a village”. As Alex Riggle’s Fr Vasily character is the quintessential ur-Russian, it stands to reason that he not only has a cat, but several. Besides, as a priest, he must own a cat… that’s unwritten law and custom… do ask Igumen Tryphon up in Washington State about that. So, if there was Fat Freddy’s Cat in the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, there must be Fr Vasily’s Cat (or more than one, really)… you don’t think so?



Sunday, 26 July 2015

26 July 2015. A Demot: None DARE Care It Repression

00 kabul then and now 01. 220715


I saw some demots using the above comparison images on the web… they convinced me that I could do better. However, instead of criticising the original posters, I decided to buckle down and do the work to create something of higher quality… I’m of the Little RED Hen school, after all. Besides, some people have good ideas, but their computer skills suck (or, more likely, their PhotoShop skills suck)… that’s by no means a personal failing. As I say, you can buckle down and produce a “good work” or you can issue ad hominem criticisms like Dreher and Whiteford do. I prefer the former… it’s a positive contribution to the common dialogue. As far as the latter’s concerned… the less said of it, the better.

Look at the images… the Soviets protected women’s rights in Afghanistan… the Anglo Americans (and their Islamist pals) trampled all over them. Now… WHO is the “Evil Empire?” Not so simple, is it?


Monday, 16 February 2015

16 February 2015. “Christ was the First Communist”… Look at this Red Priest from Italy…

00 Art Young. Jesus wanted poster. He stirreth up the people. 1913

He Stirreth Up the People

Art Young




Recently, a rightwinger called me a blasphemer for putting up the famous Art Young poster, He Stirreth Up the People. A friend of mine nailed it when he said, “Thanks for your defence, and do like I do… wear their insults like a badge of honour”. Many of us have run across Far Right Extremists masquerading as “Christians”. Well, don’t let their shit bother you. They’ll dig up everything in your past that they think will discredit you. Don’t counter their specific accusations, for that gives them cred. They’ll be loud and “in-yer-face”… don’t let that disconcert you. Most of all, they’ll claim that the Left is anti-Christian, and that they’re “Christian” because they suck up to those they believe to be the powers-that-be in the secular world and in the Church apparat (they follow their pseudo-elders or “pastors” like obedient and grinning organ-grinder monkeys). They’ll do everything to claim that you’re not a Christian. When this happens to you, “rejoice and be glad”… keep in mind the image of the Italian priest waving his red scarf. Christ WAS the first communist… that spirit still lives amongst Christians…

By the way, there’s another breed WORSE than the righties… they’re “liberals”… they suck the humanity out of people; they “pity” them instead of approaching them as human beings. You’ve met them… they’re all “credentialised”… they all use the latest psychobabble… they’re TWICE as mendacious and feral as the righties are. Leftists should avoid their company… “liberals” make rightwingers look pallid in comparison. I’d rather be hated than pitied… I think that I have plenty of company in that! The righties are pains-in-the-arse… “liberals” want to “do good”… I’ll only say that I agree with George Bernard Shaw in regards to those who come up my walk with the fixed intention of doing me “good”. That is, one is a nuisance… the other is evil. Ponder that…

Keep the Itie priest in your mind as you reflect… the Left lives… the reports of its death are GREATLY exaggerated…


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