Voices from Russia

Saturday, 9 July 2011

9 July 2011. Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat, Batman! She’s Got a BOMB in Her Tits!

Filed under: politics,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00

Read this:


Also read this rightwing twaddle (you must… you have a NEED TO KNOW what these lunatic wingnuts are spouting):


Ponder this… this pinhead and the Neanderthals in her comboxes all have the right to vote… that’s why we can’t sit home in 2012…

Note this:

Now that the US government is sounding international alarms about implanted explosives, the next step in “Hide the Bomb” is obvious… airport scanners that can see not just through your clothes, but through your whole body.

Let’s see… first, it was explosives in the soles of trainers… then, it was explosives in a guy’s gotchies… now, it’s bombs in bellies, balls, tits, bumholes, and ladies’ privates. Are we going to have to do a striptease to board our flight? C’mon… use the good sense that God gave you. Doesn’t this sound “convenient”… now, the vigilant state security apparatus has to search you and your baggage ever more thoroughly. Don’t blame President Obama for this… the Department of Homeland Insecurity was thunk up by the Bushies… and people hired by the paranoid wingnut Tom Ridge still run the agency.

I think that this is utter bullshit and moonshine. If it “sounds too good to be true”, that’s probably the case. Most of the people in the TSA are ordinary sorts caught up in an Orwellian situation. They need to pay the bills, so, they took this government job. They’re not to blame for the lunacy… it’s the Bush-era senior civil servants who still run the agency who’re the culprits. The rank n’ file sods are forced to work off of “scripts”… I kid you not… I saw it personally. It’s obvious that the screening process for employment at the TSA is there to winnow out anybody with a brain and initiative… it’s not like the old KGB, which DID attract the “best and the brightest”.

We do need a security force for transportation facilities (all countries do), but it needs to be an agency with real police powers and adequate training. That would avoid many of the problems that now plague this misbegotten child of the Bush junta. Remember… when someone screams for racial profiling (that’s what the wingnuts want), don’t forget Timothy McVeigh, who looked like the “All-American Boy”.

If you had told Americans in 1975 that government functionaries would grope citizens in the fundamentals before allowing them to board an airliner, they’d say, “Hey, this is the USA, not the USSA”. Precisely… the USSA… brought to you by our Dear Leader GWB and his Benevolent GOP. Hmm… who founded the Department of Homeland Insecurity? Kaufft nicht bei Michelle Bachmann und die Republicanische Partei! I wonder what part of our anatomy they’re going to probe next… are you thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’? Let’s leave that one to the side, kids…

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Saturday 9 July 2011

Albany NY

9 July 2011. VOR Reports… South Sudan Celebrates Independence

Filed under: breaking news,politics — 01varvara @ 00.00

The Republic of Southern Sudan declared its independence on 9 July 2011. The Sudanese central government in Khartoum recognised the new state within the provincial borders of 1 January 1956. This is the formal termination of a conflict that lasted from the mid-50’s between the northern (mainly Muslim Arabs and mulattoes) and southern (mostly Christian and animist Negroes) parts of Sudan.


The capital of the new state is located in Juba, and its first president shall be the former commander-in-chief of the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army, Lieutenant General Salva Kiir Mayardit, a Roman Catholic from the Dinka people (like the late South Sudanese leader John Garang).


South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit (1951- ) holds aloft a copy of the constitution of the new state.


The new State of Southern Sudan will be the 193rd member of the United Nations.


Today, there was a military parade in honour of Independence in Juba, the capital of the new state. In addition, there were many other celebrations of independence throughout the country.


In January 2011, in accordance with the CPA, a referendum on self-determination in South Sudan saw 98.83 percent of the population voting for independence from the central authorities in Khartoum.


People reading newspapers on the streets of Juba, the headlines report the independence of South Sudan.


Sudan was the largest country in land area in Africa, it consisted of 25 states and several regions; Southern Sudan was almost a quarter of the total territory of the old state. After the secession of the southern area, Sudan will no longer be Africa’s largest country.


The Russian Federation recognises the sovereign statehood of South Sudan, but the exact arrangement of its diplomatic mission is yet to be determined.


9 July 2011

Voice of Russia World Service


9 July 2011. Lavender’s Gotten a “Bad Rap”… It’s a Pretty Flower with a Nice Scent… What DOES it Have in Common with Militant Homosexuals, After All?

Filed under: cultural,intellectual — 01varvara @ 00.00

I’m still shaking my head over the “lavender mafia” reference… lavender isn’t an ugly flower, indeed, it’s quite the opposite. It’s a pretty colour for a dress or scarf, and its scent is lovely. Most women would agree with me on that. It yields abundant nectar, from which bees make high-quality honey, produced primarily in the Mediterranean basin, marketed worldwide as a premium product. In addition, lavender flowers can be candied, and are sometimes used as cake decorations. Lavender flavouring is found in baked goods and desserts (it pairs especially well with chocolate), and cooks also use it to make “lavender sugar”. Lavender flowers are occasionally blended with black, green, or herbal tea, adding a fresh relaxing scent and flavour.

THIS is bad? I think not… the haters are really off base with this usage. This is as much an abomination as the misuse of “gay” for “homosexual”… you can’t say, “Our hearts were young and gay”, for the haters’ll take it the wrong way. Hands off “lavender”, idiots… it’s a pretty flower and a beautiful thing… don’t sully it with your ignorant phraseology.



9 July 2011. Pat Buchanan: Calls the Republican Party the Party of Low Taxes… Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Filed under: politics,USA — 01varvara @ 00.00

Read this:


Note this:

The GOP is the party of small government and low taxes.

Interesting assertion, wot? The tax rate on the top earners during the Eisenhower administration was 91 percent; during the Nixon administration, it was 70 percent… both were Republican administrations. During the Clinton administration, it was 39 percent; it’s 35 percent at present, the lowest tax rate on the wealthy in the developed world… poor babies! Am I being catty in pointing up that Mr Buchanan was a well-placed official in the Nixon administration, and that he had no problems with either the tax rate or Mr Nixon’s increase in government social programmes and agencies? I was alive then… I was in my teens and I remember reading the news… Mr Buchanan had NOTHING to say against such in those days.

In short, Mr Buchanan (and all the rest of the rightwing kookocracy) is lying to you, full stop. Reflect on this… last year, the five percenters gave themselves a 29 percent pay hike… ordinary working sods got 2 percent (if they got that… if they retained their jobs). Mr Buchanan (and all the other rightwingers) slobbers his approval of that… why, the rich are the only productive people in society, dontcha know! If we don’t coddle the idle rich, why, they might take their money elsewhere! A moment’s sober reflection tells you otherwise. The rich aren’t going to leave Fifth Avenue to live in the Cayman Islands… they aren’t going to relocate to Tijuana from Rodeo Drive. Therefore, we CAN tax their income… the present Republican/Democrat duopoly refuses to. That’s why America needs a viable third party with the social ideology of the old Canadian Scocreds mixed together with the Social Market ideology of the present NDP (they’re the government in Manitoba and Nova Scotia). We need an alliance of working people and lower-level salaried sorts on the lines of the old New Deal. Don’t forget… under the socialistic New Deal, America was part of the victorious coalition that won World War II. American prosperity persisted until the ‘80s. That was America’s apogee, kids. Then, Reagan foisted Neoliberal “trickle down” economics on the country. Well, thirty years of “trickle upon” economics have failed, and they’ve failed utterly and without measure.

Let’s oppose Bukkkanan’s comatose dribbling with what Theodore Roosevelt said:

The great corporations, which we’ve grown to speak of rather loosely as trusts, are the creatures of the State, and the State not only has the right to control them, but it’s duty bound to control them wherever the need of such control is shown. The immediate necessity in dealing with trusts is to place them under the real, not the nominal, control of some sovereign to which, as its creatures, the trusts owe allegiance, and in whose courts the sovereign’s orders may be enforced. In my opinion, this sovereign must be the National Government. …

Every man holds his property subject to the general right of the community to regulate its use to whatever degree the public welfare may require it. …

We wish to control big business so as to secure, among other things, good wages for the wage-workers and reasonable prices for the consumers. Wherever in any business the prosperity of the businessman is obtained by lowering the wages of his workmen and charging an excessive price to the consumers we wish to interfere and stop such practises. We will not submit to that kind of prosperity any more than we will submit to prosperity obtained by swindling investors or getting unfair advantages over business rivals. …

There’s absolutely nothing to be said for government by a plutocracy, for government by men very powerful in certain lines and gifted with “the money touch”, but with ideals which, in their essence, are merely those of so many glorified pawnbrokers. …

No man should receive a dollar unless that dollar’s been fairly earned. Every dollar received should represent a dollar’s worth of service rendered… not gambling in stocks, but service rendered. The really big fortune, the swollen fortune, by the mere fact of its size acquires qualities, which differentiate it in kind, as well as in degree, from what’s possessed by men of relatively small means. Therefore, I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and in another tax, which is far more easily collected, and far more effective… a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, properly safeguarded against evasion and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate.


Oh, one last thing before we cut to the conclusion… TR was a REPUBLICAN (it shows you how the far the current GOP has strayed from its actual roots). You can have TR, or, you can have Pat Bukkkanan… not a hard choice, is it?

It’s time to drive a stake through the heart of the tax cut vampire and shoot a silver bullet into the guts of the deficit hawks. Up to now, the five percenters have suffered not one bit in the current Great Recession (which is far from over)… it’s time to make them shoulder their fair share of the burden. They can afford a 10 percent tax increase… and we should impose it, without mitigation, with no concern for their loud outcries. They’ve ruined millions of lives with their self-interested “globalisation” and “outsourcing” scams… all that we’re asking of them is to pay a little more in taxation so that the government safety net can care for those they threw out of productive employment. It’s only fair…

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Saturday 9 July 2011

Albany NY 

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