Voices from Russia

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Merger or Association?

Editor’s Foreword:

Be forewarned… the site posting this article is an often-crank, crudely bum-kissing zapadnik portal that gives a forum to schismatic nutters such as Rusantsov, Kochetkov, and Denisenko (generally, it’s a mouthpiece for the pseudo-intellectual Aleksandr Men crowd). The author of the article below is a long-time parishioner of the chapel at the OCA HQ in Syosset, which means that she’s “in deep” with Lyonyo and his faction (and probably to Gan’s set in the ROCOR, as well), at least. With that in mind, do read this, but I don’t rate its veracity as highly as I would an article by Milena Faustova at VOR or most of the Russian-language material on pravoslvie.ru. Caveat lector, kids… that’s the watchword!


Svetlana Vais is a squirrelly Renovationist in Church terms and an America-worshipping Neoliberal in political terms… her writing bears this out. There be dragons, kids…



The “effective manager” of the MP in the USA hasn’t lived up to expectations, and the First Hierarch of the OCA reels off mumbo-jumbo like a witch reciting an incomprehensible spell. This is Russian Orthodoxy in America?

Never, ever, believe that the USA isn’t within the gambit of any given religious organisation, ranging from multi-million dollar Protestant establishments to a small, but proud, set of Tierra del Fuego shamans, who opened a Citibank account as a “non- profit organisation”. The American state doesn’t promote Secularism as an ideology, its tax and immigration laws allows clergy to live, work, and preach, living on financial aid from other continents. “All flags (banners and drums) are welcome!”

The Orthodox presence in North America is based not so much on numbers as it’s based on skilful presentation… it’s most cohesive and influential segment is the Greek diaspora, which has many of the characteristics of a political lobby. If you meet a Greek American… not only is he Orthodox, but, no doubt, his entire family are Orthodox Christians, even his grandchildren don’t even think of leaving the ancestral religion (indeed, no one’s trying to change). Looking at this, some even have a vague assumption that there’s an “Orthodox” gene in Greek blood. Albanians, Bulgarians, Romanians, and Serbs, in particular, find it hard to explain to Americans the fact that there are Orthodox Christians of nationalities other than Greeks… what’s this all about? Then, there are Russians. Take Russian-speaking Brooklyn… its lax observance of the Jewish Kosher laws; its celebration of the Sabbath on Saturdays. The problem of differentiating between “Russian” and “Russian-speaking” was a glitch in last year’s US Census.

Only the cognoscenti know about the distinctions between the three main Russian Orthodox groups in America. Rather, they’re the only ones who care about the divisions. The bulk of American Russian-speaking Orthodox Christians don’t care, they partake of the Mysteries at the nearest “onion dome”. In a nutshell, this is the embodiment of the pure and good intentions of Patriarch Tikhon (formerly Archbishop of the Aleutians and North American) concerning Orthodoxy in America, but the realities are more complex… variance in canonical interpretation, ecclesiological differences, internecine personal rivalries amongst the clergy, and language barriers have split Russian Orthodox in America into three groups. Much was written about it… first, with a quill pen by candlelight on Kodiak Island, and, today, by computer keyboard in centrally air-conditioned homes. There are collected archives and stored films. Yet, coming together into a united body and joyful prayer as one seems very far off, to be frank.

Traditionally, for Orthodox clergy in America, the pastoral care of the flock isn’t the main thrust of their service. All of them, willy-nilly, get involved in political conflicts and interfaith games. If one serves in America, it provides a unique opportunity to see the evolving process of church politics… both at the top and internally. That’s how things are… because that’s how it is. This turn of affairs suggests that clergy must show absolute obedience, have good political instincts, and a mastery of several languages.

The OCA Chancellery is on a wooded plot, set off from other houses. Haughty and independent, “setting the rules”, it embodies the mistaken strategy towards dialogue that’s embedded in the higher clergy of all three groups. “I don’t like reporters who start a conversation with me with the question, ‘Tell me about Orthodoxy in America’”, Bishop Merkury Ivanov of Zaraisk, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes of the MP in the USA, said in 2008 to the website Pravoslavie.Ru, who then went on to bigger and better things in Moscow. The logic of things presupposes that the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church in America is a local thing. The experience of over a hundred years has borne this out, and the steps in the direction of a fuller unity led to a dead end every time… apparently, the legacy of Ivan Susanin still lives in many of us {Ivan Susanin, in Russian legend, in the 17th century, led a group of Polish raiders so deeply into the forest that neither he nor they were ever heard from again: Editor}. Only by uniting in some semblance of a Metropolitan District, with a well-defined chain-of-command, will it be possible, and, then, only gingerly, to begin talks with the Greek Church in America on… well, at least about something. One-off events involving top Russian Orthodox clergy as co-chairmen of some assembly committee for talks with American Greeks seem pathetic and unpersuasive. Yet, for some unknown and contradictory reason, those who’ve abandoned the Motherland feel a sense of pride, not embarrassment.

A year ago, the situation between the Russian Orthodox jurisdictions in America gave hope for inner rapprochement and consensus. However, events have shown that the goal isn’t the same for all the parties concerned. Then, the MP/USA parishes received a new administrator, Archbishop Yustinian Ovchinnikov of Naro-Fominsk. The view in Orthodox circles was that he was an “effective manager”. Everything was with him; although some were curious about how he received the Moldavian order Gloria Muncii (Glory of Labour), the bishop chose to remain silent on the matter. Yustinian’s task as the new leader was to unite all the parishes in his sprawling diocese all over the USA under the MP’s banner and set them on a proper and canonical course, under the wide omofor of the Mother Church. Yes, in general, everything was ready… but it didn’t work out. In addition to a confluence of unhappy circumstances, the human factor played not a small part in the drama. Vladyki Yustinian was a straightforward man who knew how to build up parishes and dioceses physically, but he was unable to negotiate the local church politics. He couldn’t carry out the plans of the Centre, he couldn’t begin to increase the number of the MP parishes in the US, and, subsequently, merge them with the OCA parishes into one body.

The OCA quickly learned a lesson from the MP, canonical communion {by this, the author apparently means “union”: editor} with the MP scared its people, they feared that the MP parishes could, at any time, become a charge upon the church finances. The OCA Chancellery in Syosset fell silent, making it clear that, after consulting their interests, they didn’t see any common ground, but only points of difference. The bishops of the OCA and the Chancellery were one thing! Metropolitan Jonas Paffhausen of all America and Canada (sic) was quite another. The worst thing that could have happened… happened… the complex and confusing disagreements between the metropolitan and the higher clergy of the OCA went public. With all of his misunderstood love for Russia, Paffhausen didn’t realise that he became part of a suspicious Russian programme, Русский мир (Russian World) {this statement proves that Ms Vais is a pro-American bum-kissing zapadnik pig. The Russian state and the MP at the highest levels, approve the Russian World Foundation. She’s an unpatriotic Neoliberal oligarch-loving bitch: Editor}. Our expatriate people, who recognised the slogans, immediately disowned him. Metropolitan Jonas, with a censer in his hand, succumbed to the charm of the old Russian tale of the cloth on the ground.

Twice during interviews, I reminded him, “I won’t ignore what’s recorded on the tape”, but he insisted. I saw with horror that he was absolutely sincere in his “Kremlin dreaming”, and that he truly likes Alfeyev’s Christmas Oratorio, a failed piece if there ever was one {here, I agree with Ms Vais… the Blunder isn’t a legit composer… as I say, the good word is that a ringer at the Gniessen did all the scut-work on his pieces: Editor}. Practically speaking, his dreams come down to the fact that the OCA is ready to immediately take the MP’s fraternal assistance in the form of priests, since the OCA doesn’t have enough men to deal with the growing number of Orthodox parishes in America. He had other dreams to pass on to me, but this was our last session before his “unfair holiday”. He promised the OCA Synod of Bishops that he’d be silent for sixty days, along with requiring the resignation of the OCA Chancellor, but, in the end, he didn’t keep his word. Shuttling between Washington DC and New York, he was caught giving a frank tell-all to a Washington journalist.


The URL for that interview:


I warn you… it’s an utter POS from stem to stern… only konvertsy could swallow it whole without gagging…


Well, actually, he didn’t say anything that was suspicious, either in Orthodox or Christian terms, but few in the OCA enjoyed seeing the metropolitan openly defy the will of the Synod of Bishops during Lent. The Orthodox blogosphere in America exploded in indignation, by the way, opinions were divided, but the official OCA was forced to come up with explanations for the actions of the Metropolitan. The MP/USA took a position sympathetic to Paffhausen. They reached out personally to him. Why? Here’s an unpleasant observation… it was due to inertia. In the absence of a new strategic plan, they, apparently, decided to stick with the old one, to let outside forces resolve the situation. Everything will suddenly work out, with God’s help!

All Russian Orthodox groups waited for Easter this year with impatience, although, as far as I know, there wasn’t that much monastic austerity or “foolishness” (заморочен). Somehow, soon after the holiday, church events would happen that would highlight the vector of the coming course. All sorts of Orthodox groups planned meetings, by the way, not only Russians. Everybody was set to meet to consider current affairs, financial reports, clergy meetings, parish life, and a million other domestic details of church life. Well, is this how the Creator envisaged His earthly kingdom? Maybe not, but as they say, that’s how it is. Bishop Yustinian’s sincere attempt to combine straightforward communal prayer and further co-operation was touching, “On 24 May, the feastday of Ss Kirill and Mefody, the Angel Day of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all the Russias,  at St Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in New York, Metropolitan Jonas, the First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America, and Metropolitan Hilarion, the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia celebrated the Divine Liturgy together. This was the first joint service of the Russian Orthodox bishops in America after a nearly seventy-year break in liturgical communion”. Such a “happening” appeared to be in the contemporary spirit of postmodernism, do forgive me Lord!

By the way, that very evening, Archbishop Yustinian left for Chicago to attend the Annual Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Central and North America. Apparently, not all our high hopes for a united triune Russian Orthodoxy in America collapsed, and the Assembly, although somewhat illusory, does point to the future. The bustle of parish events in Russian Orthodox America during the winter and spring collected into a stream, which almost completely dried up in the long hot summer. “The mountain gave birth to a mouse” {it’s a Russian saying about great hopes leading to small results… it’s used by Trediakovsky in one of his poems: Editor}. To be honest, in the absence of events, all breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone is preoccupied with their own internal problems… the OCA needs to find a new chancellor and choose a bishop for the Bulgarian Diocese, the negotiations are going on in private; the MP/USA is looking at its domestic financial health; the ROCOR needs external financing. All are patiently waiting for autumn… the traditional start of activity in all spheres of public life. However, never, ever believe that the USA will remain outside the sphere of interests of either Moscow or Constantinople, whether … just look at the year past.

25 July 2011

Svetlana Vais

Portal Credo.ru


26 July 2011. GOAA Camp Allows Ray Velencia to Hear Kid’s Confessions… WHAT GIVES?

On the left: Dimitrios Trakatellis… on the right: Ray Velencia (or, is it, on the left: Mel Pleska, on the right: Jonas Paffhausen?)… any questions?


The following information came from a reliable third-party source. Kristi Koumentakos did NOT contact me in any way, shape, or form. I did NOT contact her (knowing full well about the confidential settlement she made with the OCA… don’t forget what the OCA said, “We admit no guilt”… whenever you hear that, kids, you KNOW that utter BS is on the way).  A honest and reliable third-party source gave me the information, and I’d go to court with that, so, Fathausen… HANDS OFF!

Ray Velencia is on the clergy list for the GOAA CYC camp being held this week in Maryland. He’s being allowed to serve in the GOAA with his pals such as Fr Dean Moralis, how can he do this if he hasn’t been released by the OCA? I received information that the GOAA communicated to Velencia that even if the OCA released him, they wouldn’t take him. It’s “put up or shut up” time for Mel Pleska… at least, say something! Don’t just sit there with your finger shoved up your bum for the whole world to see. You can speak up, sir… indeed, you MUST. Ray Velencia broke the seal of pastoral confidentiality… a legal wrong as well as a spiritual sin. That’s why the OCA had to put it to bed with a “confidential settlement”. Is the GOAA smokin’ crack? I don’t think so… you usually have to get up VERY early to fool Dimitrios Trakatellis. Vladyki Dimitrios can put this right by banning Velencia from the camp. In any case, no Greek would want to have such a sort around their kids… where are the Mandropoulos brothers when you need them? “You want I keel you?” That’s the ticket for Velencia.


Christianity… not the Government. The MP Takes Paris: What do the Descendents of the Russian Émigrés Think about This? Olga Allenova Interviews Nikita Struve

Proposed spiritual/cultural centre in Paris for the MP…


Editor’s Foreword:

Nikita Struve is an unhinged Parisian fanatic… in his way, a religious Anders Breivik. He was a member of the Board of the rather questionable St Filaret Orthodox Christian Institute; along with such squirrelly Renovationist luminaries as Gerorgi Kochetkov, Seraphim Sigrist, and Dmitri Pospielovsky (it also included the disgraced Archimandrite Zinon). He’s upset because the Russian government takeover of St Nicholas in Nice removed the last steady income of the Parisian gang. He’s well thought of in the SVS cabal… especially by Behr and Breck. In short… caveat auditor, kids. This guy has a hell of an agenda… and it’s NOT the Church’s!



The debate that arose after the publication of an article by Vladislav Inozemtsev * received an unexpected vector when it became known that the Russian Federation, after winning the court case over the cathedral in Nice, transferred the property to the Moscow Patriarchate. The Russian community in France is also discussing this very topic. The Russian government transferred the building of St Nicholas Cathedral in Nice (France), which formerly belonged to an EP parish, to the MP, gratis, for its use in perpetuity. Vladimir Kozhin, a member of the RF Presidential Administration, informed the parish about this turn of affairs. Parishioners whispered… why does the state make such a fuss about a purely religious matter, rather than political affairs? Indeed, apart from the story concerning the cathedral in Nice, the Russian secular authorities are actively supporting a plan for the construction of a new Orthodox Centre in Paris. Philosopher Nikita Struve, whose parents were émigrés in early 20th century France, in an interview with Ogonyok, reflects on this.


Olga Allenova

Have the Russian émigrés in France managed to preserve their language and culture?

Nikita Struve

I believe that our spiritual culture is associated with the Church, the Church has helped us to preserve our language and traditions, and, in this, it’s different from living in Russia. Our experience tells us that we need to keep our independence as long as possible.

Olga Allenova

Independence from whom?

Nikita Struve

For now, they’ve taken a church away from us… in general, they want to place us under their control.

Olga Allenova

Maybe, on the contrary, do you think that they want to reunite you with contemporary Russia?

Nikita Struve

Yes, [a union] with contemporary Russia, but we don’t see why it’s necessary. We value our poverty, our freedom. We need our independence from the post-Soviet Russian state. Yes, we love post-Soviet Russia, but we don’t want it to impose upon on us. In exile, here, we have a mission, and this mission extends to our descendants.

Olga Allenova

What’s the mission?

Nikita Struve

An enlightened Christianity… Orthodox, but not closed-minded. In Russia, they’ve taken another direction…

Olga Allenova

We were told that Russian émigrés are sceptical about the projected Russian spiritual centre on the Seine, which is an MP initiative…

Nikita Struve

We’re very sceptical, and even negative about it. What does it do for Russia? It’ll cost you a great deal of money. We don’t need Russian culture here… we don’t need it; we have our own. Besides, we have a world-renowned theological institute. Today, I don‘t see anybody who can testify to the spiritual culture of post-Soviet Russia. If there is such a person, they’re needed more in Russia.

Olga Allenova

Perhaps, it’s not too late to somehow influence this project, to correct it?

Nikita Struve

No, it’s a joint state/Church project. Since the Church is now united with the state, that is, they act in unison when taking such actions; it’s very difficult to oppose such. Such a fight isn’t necessary. You have to have a reason for a fight. To fight for our independence… yes, we’ll fight for that. We won’t oppose their projected centre.

Olga Allenova

However, in Russia, the Church IS independent of the state…

Nikita Struve

No, it’s independent and dependent at the same time. Legally, yes, it’s independent, as in France. However, de facto, it’s tied to the state. The state uses the Church, due to its standing, and the Church uses the state. If so, then, it can’t be independent. In general, we’re against a close Church/state relationship. The state funded a new cathedral in Paris… and the state coveted the cathedral in Nice. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the Church could only dream of freeing the Synod from state control. However, in exile, particularly here in France, it was beyond the reach of any state control… look at St (sic) Maria Skobtsova. The Byzantine period is over; our church was overjoyed that it could go back to the ways of early Christian times, when we weren’t dependent on the state. We’re able to live and breathe. Our spiritual culture is related to this. Therefore, now, we’re defending our independence, apparently without much hope, because our opponents have much money and political influence…

Olga Allenova

Why does Russia need all of this?

Nikita Struve

I don’t understand the question.

Olga Allenova

It’s built a seminary and…

Nikita Struve

It’s not necessary at all, really! We already have a seminary. This is like saying, “Me, too” instead of cooperating. I’ve always been for good relations and cooperation. However, let us recognise our good points, not in the sense of superlatives, rather in the sense that we differ from the post-Soviet Russian Church, we have a special calling.

Olga Allenova

Are there many advocates of the idea of independence amongst present émigrés?

Nikita Struve

Yes, there are many, as the elections in our church congresses point up. However, a small group of ten people wants union with the MP. It consists almost entirely of descendants of former nobles, princes, counts, barons, but they aren’t well versed in ecclesiastical affairs…

Olga Allenova

Many of them are Russian citizens. Did you ask for Russian citizenship?

Nikita Struve

No, they offered it to me, but I refused. This allows me more freedom to love Russia. I was born in France; I only went to Russia in the 60th year of my life. I love it the way it is, I have no illusions, however, not after 70 years of Soviet rule.

Olga Allenova

Yet, the ROCOR unified with the MP.

Nikita Struve

The so-called ROCOR (Karlovtsy Synod) was very conservative. Its centre was in Serbia, in Belgrade, amongst the most right-wing émigré circles. They believed that the Church in Soviet Russia lacked grace. Moreover, they shunned anyone who had any connection with it. Therefore, no one recognised them {not true… the ROCOR always had canonical ties with Serbia and Jerusalem: Editor}. Therefore, they had to reunite with Moscow. We had a canonical tie in 1931 under the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. We’re a French Russian Western Church. The ROCOR didn’t recognise us.

Olga Allenova

Many Russian émigrés say that they distrust contemporary Russia. Why?

Nikita Struve

The Soviet mentality frightens them. The Soviet mentality shall persist for some time, yet.

Olga Allenova

In general, how can Russia overcome it?

Nikita Struve

Through culture… I don’t believe that we should develop a new ideology. Of course, poor Russia has gone through such ordeals that the present situation appalling. However, we must realise that Orthodox Christianity can’t be an ideology… especially a state ideology.

Olga Allenova


Nikita Struve

Because it isn’t authoritarian, everyone knows that Christianity is anti-authoritarian. The main thing in Christianity is one’s personal spiritual life.

Olga Allenova

What do you think of the attempt to introduce the teaching of the basics of Orthodox culture in schools?

Nikita Struve

Perhaps, as a cultural exercise, it’s useful, but as a prop for an ideology, it’s bad. Therefore, I’m ambivalent about it.

Olga Allenova

Would this endanger Orthodoxy?

Nikita Struve

No, but Orthodoxy would be perceived as a danger, either in a negative sense, or, conversely, in an active way. Rather, try to understand why Russia went to hell and killed a significant portion of its population. Such didn’t happen in any other European country…


* См. материал “Власть – от Бога, Бог – от власти” в “Огоньке” N 26 за 2011 год. (See the article, “The Authorities… from God, God… from the Authorities” in Ogonyok Nr 26 in 2011.

25 July 2011

Огонек (Ogonyok: Spirit)

As quoted in Interfax-Religion


Editor’s Afterword:

Here’s the most important thing to take from this windy (and palpably false) discourse:

The main thing in Christianity is one’s personal spiritual life.

This is pure, unadulterated, unalloyed, and 100 percent Honest-to-God Protestantism. Orthodoxy insists on the primacy of the Incarnation; it stipulates the embodiment of belief in one’s actions. Moreover, Orthodoxy demands the transfiguration of Society, which, of course, includes the State. The Church has never seen itself as a Power over the state, as the papists did, nor, has it seen itself as a Pietistic refuge from the world, as much of Protestantism sees it. Rather, we teach that there’s a symbiosis between the Church and the State, a divine/human symfonia.

The Parisian cabal is the source of the Schmemanndorf heresy now regnant in the OCA (interestingly enough, ADS’ extended family mostly rejected his notional lunacies). Therefore, what Struve has to say has resonance for us, especially as poseurs such as Breck and Behr echo it. Besides that, we’re now reaping the bitter fruit of another folly sown by ADS. He favoured converts over ethnics at SVS… so much so that too many converts were allowed into clerical ranks.

No group can permit more than a certain low percentage of its clergy to have “alien” formation. We see this all too plainly in the former Anglican clergy who’ve been ordained as “Orthodox” clergy… these clerical gentlemen had an Anglican, not an Orthodox, formation, and it shows. It’s NOT unimportant… our faith is being distorted and twisted by these fellows. They’re interpreting Orthodoxy in an Anglican fashion, which is draining away the Truth. That’s why they’re going leave us… Struve and the Parisians… Fathausen and the konvertsy… they’re one under the skin, after all. They’ve placed themselves up over the Church… everything in the 4th century was better. “Our church was overjoyed that it could go back to the ways of early Christian times”… that’s impossible! Just as we can’t relive our childhood, neither can the Church. That period’s gone… for good or for ill. We have to live in the sinful-ginful present, like it or not.

Oh, well… Struve represents a group that MAY have 10,000 total adherents… they make the OCA look humongous! Consider the source… and do pass me the jug. Interesting fellow, no? It’s a crook world…


RIA-Novosti Infographics. Man Shoots Participants at Youth Convention Organised by the Norwegian Labour Party

26 July 2011



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