Voices from Russia

Sunday, 2 March 2014

2 March 2014. THIS is What We Support When We Support the Timoshenko Junta… WHY, MR PRESIDENT?!

00 Ukrainian racist poster. 28.02.14

Demotivational popular amongst Svoboda sorts: “Moskali… Not only sinking into drunkenness and degradation. They also have niggerness”.


Bull Connor lives… and he prowls the Maidan with the Right Sector! The above is the sort of thing one finds on their websites.

Mr President Obama… withdraw your support from such racist filth… or, you give aid and comfort to American racists. It’s quite that simple. Cancel Kerry’s trip to Kiev… if he goes, you cover yourself with the racist muck that oozes out from the kleptocratic junta’s most fervid supporters. If you care about being anti-racist, you’ll end all support for the Timoshenko junta and let nature take its course. Otherwise, you, a black man, prove yourself an enemy to the cause of racial justice.

I doubt that they’ll listen… but I did have to say it. Pass it on, complain to your congressman, and don’t be silent. Otherwise, you side with the soulless bastards. ‘Nuff said…



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