Voices from Russia

Friday, 28 March 2014

2008 Ukrainian Olympic Medallist Artur Aivazyan Opts for Russian Citizenship

00 Artur Aivazyan. Russian athlete. 28.03.14


Today, our reporter spoke to formerly Ukrainian athlete Artur Aivazyan. He explained his action by saying, “I’m going to stay in the Crimea. That means that I’d have to take Russian citizenship. I’m sure that from now on, sport in the Crimea will prosper”. At present, shooting champion Aivazyan lives in Simferopol. Earlier, other Olympic champions took Russian citizenship, the American Vic Wild and Korean Viktor An.

28 March 2014




Where is The Nation? Where is Sophia Kishkovsky (her POS article slamming HH was on the National Catholic Reporter… which means that she not only attacks the Orthosphere herself, she’s a quisling actively collaborates with our enemies)? Note the SILENCE of the Western media whores on the REAL goings-on in the Ukraine and Russia.

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